Do you Challenge yourself while playing Subnautica

RainstormRainstorm Montreal (Quebec) Join Date: 2015-12-15 Member: 210003Members
Giving the fact that the game has no established goals so far than plain survival i found that challenging myself sometimes keeps me pumped up to play the game :) Examples of challenges i previously set onto myself in the past. It can be any or a combination of several

Last as long as possible:

-Without making water from Airsacks
-Without making food out of any kind of fish (that one is hard, gotta last only on nutrient blocks then creepvine at beginning before reaching the island for fruits/vegetables/plants
-Without killing any fish whatsoever (that one is hard too specially after getting the seamoth, its hard to not speedbumps any of those lil buggers)
-Without getting damaged at all
-Without dying (obviously when not in a hardcore game)
-Without using airtanks and not die

or other challenges such as:

-Not get noticed at all by a Reaper
-Speedruns (i.e Get every poss blueprints + create/find/own every possible things + make a base in every biomes, the sky is the limits on possible speedruns)
-Create the most humongous base you can without using the Nocost/Item console cheat (yes, very time-consuming)

Im sure there are tons of other challenges i havent thought of too. Ill surely continue to challenge myself again in the future until the devs design concrete purposes story-wise for the game.

So tell me what are YOUR challenges peoples, im dead curious to know! :smiley:


  • zetachronzetachron Germany Join Date: 2014-11-14 Member: 199655Members
    I don't like challenges that are too artificial and serve no purpose, rather finding easter eggs or difficult to do things. Of course that would mean we are talking about hardcore mode. Some suggestions (hardcore only, no cheats):

    - try to scan the big predators without the stasis rifle (once you can scan them)
    - find all the hidden inaccessable places (how many are there?)
    - create a base at the great lava sea (yes, possible)
    - drive the cyclops to the castle (yes, possible)

  • deseizdeseiz belgium Join Date: 2016-02-01 Member: 212437Members
    edited February 2016
    had an idea to connect every biome with corridors, without using console on survival mode :smiley:
    Doubt i will ever finish that though hehe, wonder even if theres enough mats around to do that monster task.

    Would play harcore but cant, crashes sometimes, no save unless exiting
  • SidchickenSidchicken Plumbing the subnautican depths Join Date: 2016-02-16 Member: 213125Members
    zetachron wrote: »
    I don't like challenges that are too artificial and serve no purpose, rather finding easter eggs or difficult to do things. Of course that would mean we are talking about hardcore mode. Some suggestions (hardcore only, no cheats):

    - create a base at the great lava sea (yes, possible)

    I did this one in survival, but no cheats and no deaths, so it's kinda the same. Built a vertical connector 900m long from the sea floor above the jellyshrooms all the way down to the ILZ, projecting my main base into the lavazone. Ton of work, had to build a couple extra airtanks and keep extra batteries on me at all times to make sure the seaglide didn't run out of juice as the tunnel started to get really deep. Not to mention collecting all the raw materials and reinforcing the bejeezus out of the base so it didn't leak.
  • werner339werner339 Warsaw Join Date: 2016-02-24 Member: 213389Members
    edited June 2016
    I used to additionally emphasize the fact of the nuclear explosion on Aurora and resulting radiation. At the moment of explosion I *must* be (a) in a newly created shelter base (b) at least 50m underwater. Furthermore I am not allowed to go shallow during the first several days, and I have to build my HQ base (where I sleep, produce, host my seamoth) deepeer than 100m. From the moment of explosion, I am not allowed to use the rescue pod in any way, since it is contaminated.


    PS. as the recipes changed, I did some update to my radiation challenge, several posts below.
  • RainstormRainstorm Montreal (Quebec) Join Date: 2015-12-15 Member: 210003Members
    werner339 wrote: »
    I used to additionally emphasize the fact of the nuclear explosion on Aurora and resulting radiation. At the moment of explosion I *must* be (a) in a newly created shelter base (b) at least 50m underwater. Furthermore I am not allowed to go shallow during the first several days, and I have to build my HQ base (where I sleep, produce, host my seamoth) deepeer than 100m. From the moment of explosion, I am not allowed to use the rescue pod in any way, since it is contaminated.


    thats an interesting one i like it! The one about connecting all the biomes with corridors is great as well :) Keep them ideas coming :smiley:
  • SidchickenSidchicken Plumbing the subnautican depths Join Date: 2016-02-16 Member: 213125Members
    deseiz wrote: »
    had an idea to connect every biome with corridors, without using console on survival mode :smiley:
    Doubt i will ever finish that though hehe, wonder even if theres enough mats around to do that monster task.

    I got the impression (not confirmed) that chunks of scrap periodically fall from the Aurora... I've turned around and seen scrap falling toward the seabed and no stalkers around.
  • RainstormRainstorm Montreal (Quebec) Join Date: 2015-12-15 Member: 210003Members
    Sidchicken wrote: »
    I got the impression (not confirmed) that chunks of scrap periodically fall from the Aurora... I've turned around and seen scrap falling toward the seabed and no stalkers around.

    I am under this impression as well. Whenever i start a new game i always clean up the area around the lifepod to create stuff and build my starter seabase. Now whenever i return to the area around the Lifepod i can see Metal Chunks that clearly werent there before since i wiped the area clear of mostly all ressources there. Im under the impression that copper nodes as well as some quartz appeared too. Might just be my imagination, dunno

  • tommywaitsytommywaitsy Australia Join Date: 2016-02-29 Member: 213641Members
    No killing fish! ARGH. Frustrating, but I admire your resilience. How about... five large aquariums, full of fish, in every base in every biome in hardcore mode. That's as ambitious as I'm willing to get... (ps. starting my first hardcore game... really hope I don't crash)
  • IcewaveIcewave Canada Join Date: 2015-11-02 Member: 208906Members
    only use non renewable power sources
  • zetachronzetachron Germany Join Date: 2014-11-14 Member: 199655Members
    There is thread about a possible non-eating fish survival : Fish are friends, not food!

    Maybe we can get more such achievements:
    • Mad Scientist - injected all alien DNA into yourself before analyzing it
    • Lord of the Eggs - found and hatched all eggs
    • Where no man has gone before - found the the chamber of the Sea Emperor
    • Daredevil - scanned all untamed and stasisless creatures
    • Underwater Tycoon - create bases in each biome and connect them
    • Aquaman - visit the deep reef bottom without replenishing air
  • RainstormRainstorm Montreal (Quebec) Join Date: 2015-12-15 Member: 210003Members
    zetachron wrote: »
    There is thread about a possible non-eating fish survival : Fish are friends, not food!

    Maybe we can get more such achievements:
    • Mad Scientist - injected all alien DNA into yourself before analyzing it
    • Lord of the Eggs - found and hatched all eggs
    • Where no man has gone before - found the the chamber of the Sea Emperor
    • Daredevil - scanned all untamed and stasisless creatures
    • Underwater Tycoon - create bases in each biome and connect them
    • Aquaman - visit the deep reef bottom without replenishing air

    Such achievements would be awesome i agree :smile: D
  • DumaDuma Oklahoma Join Date: 2016-02-02 Member: 212475Members

    I do now. The challenge is to have zero impact, or as close to zero impact as I can achieve. I have made a serious effort to build in a location that is almost clear of "ground" spawn. The area around my home has unharvested spawn. Flora fauna, and mats. No point in a home if your yard is bare, and ugly. So within 30 meters the spawns start.

    Aside from over harvesting basic mats, and fish from the immediate area around pod I roam picking up mats. I harvest wreckage, and the over abundant fragments for titanium. I have my "food beds" going now so, my harvest of fish is about to decline.

    As per several other posters I have opted to use creep vine to light up my "yard". Am giving thought to the eye plant. It gives off a nice glow that might offset the yellow of the creep vine.

    So the challenge. To effect the solo colonization of this world without absolutely raping it of resources. As I gather I spend more time looking at things now ran 1 month ago. With the update there are a significant number of "new" things to be scanned. The challenge. To keep the scanner going, and gather information.
  • Phoenix223Phoenix223 Chicago Join Date: 2016-02-18 Member: 213174Members
    zetachron wrote: »
    • Aquaman - visit the deep reef bottom without replenishing air

    That would require an inventory full of High-capacity Tanks and a rebreather.
  • zetachronzetachron Germany Join Date: 2014-11-14 Member: 199655Members
    Phoenix223 wrote: »
    zetachron wrote: »
    • Aquaman - visit the deep reef bottom without replenishing air

    That would require an inventory full of High-capacity Tanks and a rebreather.
    No only 2 HC tanks, superglide fins, the airbladder and the rebreather. And that's with returning to the surface and not even using the seaglide. I think the equipment is quite valid. If the game would support correct physics it might even work with going down with full of lead, dropping that and getting back up with using some helium or air bladder. Might even be possible without tanks? I'll see how far I can come ...
  • werner339werner339 Warsaw Join Date: 2016-02-24 Member: 213389Members
    edited June 2016
    As the recipe for fabricator became much more demanding (chip + wiring kit instead of just two titaniums) I had to alter my additional roleplay restrictions, as it is very difficult to build a fully self-sustainable shelter before explosion. Now I play so that:

    Werner's Radiation Challenge
    1) At the moment of explosion I have to be in a built shelter >50m underwater, otherwise I die from the shockwave.
    2) Since the explosion I cannot fabricate any food or drinks in the rescue pod (it is contaminated), nevertheless I can fabricate another components for completing my shelter (e.g. computer parts for the new fabricator)
    3) after explosion I cannot directly breath the fresh air from above the surface, as it is contaimnated. I can use pipes or powered shelters.
    4) after explosion I cannot go higher than 30m below surface, because of the radiation. I can do this after I have built a radiation suit.
    5) the unlocked recipes for power generators I use only once - and then forget. So if I want to use more solar panels, I have to find and scan its parts once again. The same for the other power generators. It forces me to carefully manage my power resources and to distribute them between different bases.
    6) I can go above the surface, breath the fresh air and collect the plant seeds only after I have fixed the aurora power core. I cannot directly eat the fruits that I find on the island (they are contaminated), I have to grow my own ones.

    These are restrictions mainly for the early game. Now that I have some decent powered midgame outpost (seamoth + moonpool) and the food reproduction, I look for some other roleplay challenges/restrictions. If you have any interresting ideas, please suggest.

  • scubamattscubamatt Georgia, USA Join Date: 2016-05-22 Member: 217295Members
    For the folks who want to play Hardcore mode, but are worried about crashing, just play Survival mode and delete your saved game if you die. The only difference between the two modes (beyond no 2nd lives) is the computer warns you when you have 30 seconds/10 seconds of air remaining.
  • ErgossErgoss KY Join Date: 2016-03-02 Member: 213722Members
    edited June 2016
    I did the "fish are friends" for a while and still aim for minimal impact in my recent games (breed/replace any fish I eat early on and use fruit for food/water needs).

    I haven't played as much lately to notice if the spontaneous die-off of fish is corrected, but I did my massive base in survival as a research ark designed to preserve and study all farmable flora and fauna; double-aquarium for each fish sort of thing. (Unfortunately it was so big that it completely killed my game after I had finished the structure of it so I wasn't able to window or furnish it.) A sub-challenge that went with preparing it was to find practically every quartz outcrop in the game. :)

    I like the radiation-avoidance challenge - sounds like fun!

    One I toy with giving myself is something of a 'make the ocean a safer place' or 'bite back' - kill any predator you come across. Sure, it would throw an ecosystem out of balance, but who says we're still sane after this much time in the depths. The number of predators seems to have increased lately so this isn't the same as when I'd clear the underwater islands of bonesharks.
  • scubamattscubamatt Georgia, USA Join Date: 2016-05-22 Member: 217295Members
    edited June 2016
    I make smaller objectives for myself, mostly as 'pre-release' ideas that I may revisit once the final game comes out. Like building a completely hidden base, because of the odd messages that seem to suggest someone is hunting the Aurora survivors down and killing them (mine is inside a thermal vent, btw). Or trying to get a base on the upper hull surface of the Aurora (I figured out how to do it, then had to dump the save game when the last big update came out). I'm toying with an idea of a 'one room only' base or a 'no base nomad survival run'.
  • ErgossErgoss KY Join Date: 2016-03-02 Member: 213722Members
    edited June 2016
    scubamatt wrote: »
    ... Like building a completely hidden base, because of the odd messages that seem to suggest someone is hunting the Aurora survivors down and killing them (mine is inside a thermal vent, btw). ...

    There at least used to be a really pretty cave in the mountains biome that had a thermal vent / smoker in the middle of it. Don't remember if the cave has a back-door, though. I like the scenario.

    I think I'll try the nomad run. I've already minimized my base building after my research ark experience. I'll have to decide what to do about seamoth upgrades, though. Currently I do one room for an aquarium and a moonpool.
  • scubamattscubamatt Georgia, USA Join Date: 2016-05-22 Member: 217295Members
    Ergoss wrote: »
    There at least used to be a really pretty cave in the mountains biome that had a thermal vent / smoker in the middle of it. Don't remember if the cave has a back-door, though. I like the scenario.

    I think I'll try the nomad run. I've already minimized my base building after my research ark experience. I'll have to decide what to do about seamoth upgrades, though. Currently I do one room for an aquarium and a moonpool.

    The thermal vent SW of the Aurora has a few small/shallow caves in the flue, and at the bottom there is one that has a split level tunnel in it. I hollow out the upper/back level and put everything underground and completely out of view unless you swim down into the vent (with good timing) and then into the tunnel. I figure with the heat/noise/boiling exhaust of the vent, and the metallic mass of the crashed lifepod, minor wreck and Aurora nearby - its as 'impossible to find' as I can make it with the tech I have at my disposal. Once I have the last couple items stashed inside, I'm going to release some extra predators around the vent to discourage visitors.

    For the One Room Run, I'm planning to make a Moonpool only, which really won't be terribly challenging I think, since I already do small/micro bases now. The nomad run is a lot tougher to plan for (depending on whether or not you want to use a vehicle).
  • ErgossErgoss KY Join Date: 2016-03-02 Member: 213722Members
    edited June 2016
    Using vehicles would make it quite feasible; without that you'd be leashed to a base / escape pod for processing fresh water and non-dehydrating food. Can you build a Seamoth Upgrade Console in the Cyclops? If not, it would be reasonable for them to change that (might just pretend it's possible and load things when I vaporize the ingredients). Then you could use the Seamoth as the Cyclops' 'solar panel' to recharge the fuel cells (assuming you don't want to exploit the infinite energy bug). Yeah, I'm looking forward to this.

    Other useful info I don't know is if you can breed fish in the small aquarium (since fresh fruit doesn't go on walkabouts well). You wouldn't have a means of hatching predator eggs so that avenue would be out.
  • scubamattscubamatt Georgia, USA Join Date: 2016-05-22 Member: 217295Members
    AFAIK you cannot breed fish in the small aquarium, only in the Alien Containment.

    For cooked/prepared food, there are multiple options. You could rely on a Thermoblade/Stillsuit for food & water while swimming, and then establish planters full of edibles on any above-sea-level spot that you could reach. Underwater, you could set up grow beds for Koosh Plants and Spore Sacks. You could also just decide to set up a permanent land-base on one of the two islands (or even against the hull of the Aurora), but that isn't really 'nomadic', because you're not wandering around. The big problem is there's no way to craft things without a Fabricator, which means you must build a minimal base or a Cyclops, or you must return to the lifepod from time to time - even the Thermoblade wears out and must be replaced. (On a side note, it appears that fish that swim too close to the eruption in a thermal vent do in fact get killed/cooked and settle to the bottom - I found a half dozen Garryfish at the bottom that were cooked and spoiling. Perhaps I can 'cook over a campfire' underwater, with some care...) you have me thinking.

    OK, consider this scenario. You can use the lifepod for a limited amount of time (call it seven in game day/night cycles), to create whatever gear you want, short of a base (and Cyclops is considered a mobile base). On the morning of the 8th day on planet, you have to leave the Lifepod because you have utterly drained all of its systems of power, even life support. You cannot go back inside of it (not even to rest) until 30 days have passed. For as long as you survive, you can return to use it, but only day/night cycle every 30 game days, because the systems are so badly damaged it takes a month to get a single full charge on the fabricator/med dispenser (this will require some book keeping on your part, since our PDA can't even tell time). Yes, I think that's more playable, limiting your visits to the life pod and first aid dispenser to just once per 30 days, but you still have a chance to craft replacement parts or whatever, within a very short span of time that it has power for you to use.

    For food, you could simply eat fish raw. The loss of H2O is offset by the water from the Still Suit, which of course has a small loss of food, so you'll never be 100% full on both bars at the same time. You can build planters above/below sea level as stated above, but you can't just camp somewhere and live off the veggies. Without a fabricator, when your knife wears out, its gone (unless you get the zero durability bug). Batteries would be conserved as long as possible, if you have battery powered tools you want to carry. If you build a Seamoth, you'll have to abandon it once the Powercell fails, unless you carry a spare powercell around all the time (even then you're going to need to conserve the power as long as possible). I think I might try this.
  • Gunneri23Gunneri23 Join Date: 2017-11-09 Member: 233916Members
    perhaps you could make a base right next to escape pod 5 and then power it using thermal plants all the way down in the inactive lava zone
    connected through power transmitters.
  • AkuMasterofMastersAkuMasterofMasters Join Date: 2017-09-10 Member: 232934Members
    I came up with a challenge, that I wouldn't DARE attempt.
    The Instagib Challenge. If you don't know what Instagib is, it basically makes everything in the game take only one hit to die, however this may sound like a cakewalk, but the Instagib also applies to you, one nibble from anything, and you're dead.
    Try going through the game with THAT on...
  • Xenodrone98Xenodrone98 U.S Join Date: 2016-08-26 Member: 221726Members
    I came up with a challenge, that I wouldn't DARE attempt.
    The Instagib Challenge. If you don't know what Instagib is, it basically makes everything in the game take only one hit to die, however this may sound like a cakewalk, but the Instagib also applies to you, one nibble from anything, and you're dead.
    Try going through the game with THAT on...

    Getting through the alz would be a nightmare, watch as you burn to death
  • Gunneri23Gunneri23 Join Date: 2017-11-09 Member: 233916Members
    Tag the aurora without a radiation suit and run back alive
  • EnglishInfidelEnglishInfidel Canada Join Date: 2016-07-04 Member: 219533Members
  • william1134william1134 Join Date: 2017-01-09 Member: 226439Members
    Nope, I don't put artificial challenges into the game. I have other games to play and a life to live without putting pointless challenges into the game, which are not needed.

    Sure if I was a kid with a very limited game library then perhaps... but the only reward comes from yourself and it seems like too much hard-work.
  • AC_AwesomeCraftAC_AwesomeCraft USA Join Date: 2018-12-12 Member: 245501Members
    I have bin thinking of attempting this challenge:

    Building a base and then extending the base to go into the 'contaminated' zone to get in/on to the Aurora without dying.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Challenge yourself? I believe you can find items in that category (take a gander at the Oxygen Tank mod, for example, and Lifepod Unleashed, as well as the more realistic shaders):
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