Gérer un participant perturbateur dans votre session d’entraînement. Comment reprendre le contrôle et rester concentré ?
Vous êtes curieux de savoir comment gérer un stagiaire turbulent ? Partagez vos stratégies pour remettre une séance sur les rails sans transpirer.
Gérer un participant perturbateur dans votre session d’entraînement. Comment reprendre le contrôle et rester concentré ?
Vous êtes curieux de savoir comment gérer un stagiaire turbulent ? Partagez vos stratégies pour remettre une séance sur les rails sans transpirer.
First - In the beginning announce that questions will be taken at the end. Then if disrupted, understand the need. Why is someone disrupting? Is it to gain attention? Is it to prove his/her knowledge depth? Is it to share a genuine thought or concern? Acknowledge the person - if attention seeking give a chance to speak, stating he or she has a minute. This calms him or her down. If you think the person is sharing knowledge appreciatethe input thanking for making your life easy as you had similar points to cover and continue - however strict timing guideleine should be for everyone. If someone is concerned and wants to know more or has a doubt - offer to connect later or during the Q and A section depending on the time frame. Be calm.
Find out the root cause of their behaviour and attempt to help. It could be a conflicting schedule or unpleasant past experience - we like to believe nobody attends a training to make life difficult for the trainers 😆 They appreciate the genuine concern even if we may not always be able to help. Putting them into groups and having team members accountable for their behaviour works for some, if they know one another. Another strategy worth trying is to give them responsibility of a segment or a role. Some really enjoy that!
Dealing with a disruptive participant requires a calm and strategic approach to maintain the flow of the session. First, address the disruption without singling anyone out or creating tension. Acknowledge the behavior subtly by shifting focus back to the group with a question or an engaging activity that redirects attention. If the behavior continues, calmly approach the individual privately during a break, expressing concern for their engagement and offering a chance to discuss any issues. By setting clear expectations, maintaining authority, and fostering an inclusive environment, you can regain control and keep the session focused while ensuring the disruptive participant feels heard.
Handling a rowdy trainee can be managed smoothly by setting clear expectations at the start, maintaining a calm demeanor to de-escalate the situation, and addressing disruptions privately to avoid drawing attention. Engaging the group with interactive activities can help redirect their focus, while gently steering the discussion back to the topic at hand ensures that learning objectives remain on track. Additionally, recognizing and praising positive behavior encourages a more constructive environment and helps maintain overall session productivity.
Lidar com um participante perturbador pode realmente comprometer o fluxo e a dinâmica de um treinamento. Acho que, em algumas situações, quando o comportamento da pessoa impede o progresso do grupo ou causa desconforto geral, retirar o participante do treinamento pode ser uma medida necessária. No entanto, antes de chegar a esse ponto, é sempre bom tentar abordagens mais sutis, como: - Falar com a pessoa em particular durante uma pausa. - Reforçar as regras do treinamento de maneira educada. - Redirecionar a energia do participante para uma atividade mais produtiva. Mas, se essas tentativas falharem e o comportamento continuar prejudicando o grupo, pode ser necessário tomar uma ação mais firme para proteger o aprendizado dos demais.
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