Votre partage d’écran échoue lors d’une présentation cruciale. Comment pouvez-vous continuer à interagir efficacement avec les participants ?
Avez-vous déjà rencontré des problèmes techniques lors d’une grande discussion ? Partagez vos stratégies pour garder le public accroché sans écran.
Votre partage d’écran échoue lors d’une présentation cruciale. Comment pouvez-vous continuer à interagir efficacement avec les participants ?
Avez-vous déjà rencontré des problèmes techniques lors d’une grande discussion ? Partagez vos stratégies pour garder le public accroché sans écran.
If your screen sharing fails during a crucial presentation, remain calm and address the issue promptly. Start by apologizing for the inconvenience and inform the attendees of the technical difficulties. Offer to continue with the presentation verbally and provide a clear outline of your key points. Use alternative methods like sending a backup document or slideshow via email or chat. Engage the audience by asking questions or starting a discussion to keep them involved. Reassure them that you will share the presentation materials later and focus on delivering your message effectively.
It happens. Be a good storyteller, I once taught a how to session with no internet and described the software in detail along with print handouts to follow along. Don’t be flustered. Have a sense of humor and always have a back-up plan.
I've always prepared for the unexpected. Sometimes, I carry printed handouts or notes as a backup, and I have a few tech-free activities in my back pocket, just in case. But more importantly, I've learned to embrace the human element of presentations. When technology fails, it's an opportunity to connect with your audience on a deeper level, to engage them in a shared experience that transcends the digital realm. Let’s remember, technology is a tool, not the main event. Your passion, expertise, and ability to connect with your audience are what truly matter. So, the next time the tech gremlins strike, don't panic. Make sure you embrace the moment, and let your authentic self shine through.
Preparation is key. Knowing that technology isn’t always perfect, one of the things that works well for me is to anticipate, not just the possible questions that my audience will raise but also the technical glitches along the way and how I can continue the talk after acknowledging what happened, engaging the audience about the topic prior to the challenge encountered. It can be an avenue to facilitate a temp check, get to know the audience better by telling an anecdote that may contain a summary of previous discussion or a takeoff point to introduce the new one once the problem has been fixed. Be sure to have a backup of the material and check the resources, including the PC/laptop to anticipate this.
When screen sharing fails, pivot by turning the challenge into an opportunity. Use storytelling to guide attendees through key points, engage with thought-provoking questions, and leverage chat or polls for interaction. In a business setting, it's about adapting quickly and maintaining the flow, keeping focus on value over visuals, ensuring the message remains clear.
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