Vous participez à des événements de réseautage pour faire avancer votre carrière. Comment pouvez-vous forger des liens précieux pour la croissance ?
Plongez dans l’art du réseautage ! Partagez vos stratégies pour entretenir des liens qui propulsent votre carrière vers l’avant.
Vous participez à des événements de réseautage pour faire avancer votre carrière. Comment pouvez-vous forger des liens précieux pour la croissance ?
Plongez dans l’art du réseautage ! Partagez vos stratégies pour entretenir des liens qui propulsent votre carrière vers l’avant.
Attending networking events is a powerful way to advance your career. To forge valuable connections, it’s essential to approach interactions with a mindset of mutual benefit. Start by actively listening and showing genuine interest in others' experiences and insights. Share your own knowledge and expertise but focus on building relationships rather than seeking immediate gains. Following up after the event is crucial—connect on platforms, such as LinkedIn, and continue the conversation. By fostering relationships built on trust, collaboration, and shared value, you can create lasting connections that support both personal growth and professional success. Thus, it becomes a win-win relationship.
Start by approaching people with curiosity—ask about their work and challenges, and listen actively. Share your own experiences authentically, highlighting common ground. It’s important to offer value, whether through advice, introductions, or collaboration opportunities. Follow up promptly with a thoughtful message to keep the conversation going. Lastly, stay consistent—attend multiple events and nurture connections over time. Strong relationships built on trust and mutual benefit can significantly advance your career.
Para a construção de relacionamentos valiosos em eventos de networking, é essencial adotar uma abordagem estratégica e profissional, como, por exemplo, fazer um preparo prévio por meio de uma pesquisa sobre os participantes, identificando pessoas alinhadas aos seus objetivos. Usar a comunicação assertiva por meio de uma linguagem clara, concisa e objetiva, destacando seus pontos fortes e experiências relevantes. Ter escuta ativa, demonstrando interesse genuíno nas perspectivas e necessidades dos outros, formulando perguntas abertas para estimular a conversa.
Show up to networking events with clear research on the companies that are attending and if possible, a quick background check on the attendees. This will help you to show up to networking events well prepared. Be strategic about who you connect with while at the same time be open to new connections. Focus on building meaningful connections. While networking, the most important question to ask yourself is 'How can I add value here?'
A Career Karma practitioner understands that meeting a new person at a networking event is only stage 1 of a multi-stage process. - As soon as possible, always follow up with a LinkedIn connection request, always using a personalised message, not the generic one; - Once connected, send them a proper LinkedIn message thanking them for connecting and inviting them to continue the conversation with a one-on-one so that you can get to know each other better; - After that meeting, set a diary reminder on how frequently you will proactively make contact in the future. The more helpful you may be to each other, the more regular the contact. Successful networking is a numbers game, influenced by your consistency, good etiquette and proactivity.
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