Vous faites face à la résistance des employés aux changements d’espace de travail. Comment pouvez-vous gérer efficacement leurs objections ?
Vous êtes confronté à des réticences sur les changements de bureaux ? Partagez vos stratégies pour transformer la résistance en coopération.
Vous faites face à la résistance des employés aux changements d’espace de travail. Comment pouvez-vous gérer efficacement leurs objections ?
Vous êtes confronté à des réticences sur les changements de bureaux ? Partagez vos stratégies pour transformer la résistance en coopération.
Lo principal: Un proceso robusto de Gestión del cambio. Empieza por identificar el impacto del cambio (puede ser una reubicación, pasar a un espacio más abierto, etc.) para entender los problemas. No intentar "convencer" a las personas que algo que les incomoda o sienten como negativo es mejor para ellos... eso es imposible. Por el contrario, celebrar los factores que puedan ser positivos como más y mejores amenidades, espacios de colaboración, tecnología, mejores opciones de alimentación, etc. En una situación de cambio, el "trade-off" es clave. Genera confianza mediante actividades de experiencia y testimoniales de personas que pasaron procesos similares exitosos. Celebra los éxitos del proceso y haz que las personas participen.
Navigating employee resistance to workspace changes can be tricky. Start by having open conversations about why the changes are happening and how they’ll benefit the team. Involve employees in the decision-making process whenever possible to make them feel heard and valued. Address any concerns directly and provide clear, practical examples of how the new workspace will improve their work environment. Creating a supportive and transparent approach often helps ease the transition and builds trust.
Get to the root of why they are resisting. Do these changes change the way they work? Does it remind them of a past work experience they purposely moved away from? Typically understanding the root of the feeling can help navigate how to accept it.
Inverta o sentido das mudanças... em reuniões proponha troca de idéias sobre melhorias, exponha as suas e as aprofunde. Permite trazer ao grupo o entendimento de que foram consultados, o que é verdade, e ainda se mapeia e resolvem as eventuais objeções e insatisfações. Após revisar as mudanças, as implemente com os eventuais aprimoramentos trazidos por seus membros.
Start by really listening to their concerns, sometimes resistance comes from fear of the unknown. Open up a dialogue and involve employees in the decision-making process where possible. When they feel heard and included, they’re more likely to embrace the change. Focus on how the new workspace benefits them personally, whether it’s improving collaboration, flexibility, or comfort. Building trust through transparency and empathy can transform pushback into enthusiasm.
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