Vous accueillez à nouveau un nouveau parent sur le marché du travail. Comment pouvez-vous assurer leur transition en douceur ?
Le retour au travail après un congé parental nécessite une approche réfléchie. Voici ce qui peut vous aider :
- **Flexibilité:** Offrez des horaires flexibles ou des options de travail à distance pour s’adapter à leur nouvelle routine.
- **Réorientation :** Fournir des mises à jour sur tout changement survenu pendant leur absence.
- **Réseaux de soutien :** Mettez-les en contact avec un mentor ou un groupe de parents au sein de l’entreprise.
Quelles stratégies avez-vous trouvées efficaces pour accueillir de nouveaux parents ? Partagez vos idées.
Vous accueillez à nouveau un nouveau parent sur le marché du travail. Comment pouvez-vous assurer leur transition en douceur ?
Le retour au travail après un congé parental nécessite une approche réfléchie. Voici ce qui peut vous aider :
- **Flexibilité:** Offrez des horaires flexibles ou des options de travail à distance pour s’adapter à leur nouvelle routine.
- **Réorientation :** Fournir des mises à jour sur tout changement survenu pendant leur absence.
- **Réseaux de soutien :** Mettez-les en contact avec un mentor ou un groupe de parents au sein de l’entreprise.
Quelles stratégies avez-vous trouvées efficaces pour accueillir de nouveaux parents ? Partagez vos idées.
Akshay Sharma
Lead HR Business Partner | LinkedIn Top Voice | PWC | Honeywell | Olam | XLRI Alumni
(modifié)Coming back from parental leave is a significant milestone. One must not choose between work and life; they must have both. In the weeks ahead, getting in touch with the Employee for orientation regarding process and system changes will make sure a smooth return. With the right support and flexibility, such as offering part-time work options and accommodating work from home, we can help our returning employees manage their responsibilities more effectively. Establishing a strong support network and providing an Employee Assistance Plan will contribute to a seamless transition and create a Great place-to work environment. #GPTW #ReturnToWork #EmployeeSupport #FlexibleWork #GreatPlaceToWork #Empathy #HR #DEI
Offering flexibility and orientation about the changes in the processes and systems can help them alot. Preventing these employees from getting overwhelmed is a manager's and team responsibility that should be catered to with support and flexibility.
Welcoming a new parent back to the workforce requires empathy and thoughtful planning. In my experience, flexibility is key—whether through adjusted hours or remote work options, this helps them balance their new responsibilities. I also recommend a re-orientation session to update them on any changes during their leave and ensure they feel up-to-speed. Finally, connecting them with a support network, like a parent group or mentor, fosters a sense of community. Focusing on support and understanding ensures a smooth transition and long-term success.
To ensure a seamless transition for new parents returning to the workforce, start by fostering open communication and understanding their needs. Offer a flexible work schedule or hybrid options to ease their return. Provide a clear re-onboarding plan, including updates on projects, systems, and changes. Assign a mentor or peer for support, and create a welcoming, inclusive environment that acknowledges their new responsibilities. Access to childcare resources or employee assistance programs can also help. Regular check-ins are essential to ensure they feel supported and empowered in balancing work and personal life.
For a seamless transition of a new parent , start by understanding needs of the employee. Offer flexibility of work/ schedule that allows the employee to strike a balance of work & life. Assign a buddy who can guide employee through the workplace changes that happened while they were absent from work . Offer support networks within the company where employee can learn how to navigate the new parenting phase .
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