Votre démonstration de robotique est sur le point de commencer, mais des revers sont survenus. Comment allez-vous gérer les contraintes de temps ?
Backup videos save the day:Always have pre-recorded demo videos ready in case of unexpected technical issues. This ensures you can still showcase the functionality and features without relying on live performance.### *Highlight core features:Focus on demonstrating the most critical aspects of your robotics system if troubleshooting fails. Clear communication about the system's potential can keep your audience engaged and informed despite setbacks.
Votre démonstration de robotique est sur le point de commencer, mais des revers sont survenus. Comment allez-vous gérer les contraintes de temps ?
Backup videos save the day:Always have pre-recorded demo videos ready in case of unexpected technical issues. This ensures you can still showcase the functionality and features without relying on live performance.### *Highlight core features:Focus on demonstrating the most critical aspects of your robotics system if troubleshooting fails. Clear communication about the system's potential can keep your audience engaged and informed despite setbacks.
The Demo Gods are powerful and fickle. Never count on your demo working at the moment when it matters most. One thing that has worked well for me is to always have backup videos of the demo working ready to go. What to do if the demo has never worked? Reschedule and learn your lesson! :) You shouldn’t have scheduled until you were ready. I often tell my engineers that “if it hasn’t worked, then it doesn’t work.” And while this may sound glib, optimism is your enemy in these situations.
In the face of unexpected setbacks, I would prioritize quick troubleshooting to identify and resolve the issue efficiently. If time is tight, I would adapt by focusing on demonstrating the core functionality of the robotics system, highlighting key features and capabilities that showcase its innovation and performance. Clear communication with the audience is crucial—acknowledging the challenge while emphasizing the system's potential. I would also ensure that any unresolved issues are addressed later through follow-up demonstrations or detailed reports to ensure full transparency and understanding.
I have come to the conclusion the chance of failure for any demonstration is based on the percentage of how important it is. Ask Google when their AI Gemini demo failed not once but twice. My take: have a backup low tech presentation in your back pocket to use to give time to fix the problem with the demo. And remember, measure twice, cut once.
Find ways to keep the project moving forward by creating a digital twin or simulation, which will allow you to continue to work on projects, installations, and designs without starting physical assets, which can make time to market and deploy easier in the future.
To overcome demo hurdles, the first step one should take after drafting out the project proposal is to simulate the whole concept. After driving your working simulation, you swing into the actual design having the time frame in mind. In case you couldn't meet up with the exact date, the simulation model can be used as a proof of concept.
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