

Services financiers

Consultancy in Sustainable Financial Services & Independent “Blue Economy” Research Provider

À propos

Adelwise is a consultancy in sustainable financial services and independent “Blue Economy” Research Provider focused on identifying the best investment solutions in support of a Sustainable Ocean. Its mission is to raise ESG awareness by connecting different stakeholders to collaborate in a holistic manner. Services include advisory, consulting on ESG investing, thematic and strategy investment research, ESG training & education to financial services and corporates. Expertise on the Ocean ecosystem

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1 employé
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    Dear Ocean Readers, This month, we identify attractive Seafood stocks in an industry that can bring solutions for the food security theme with a growing and ageing world population. 🌊 90% of aquatic food production is for human consumption 🌊 Annual consumption is expected to rise from 20.2kg/capita in 2020 to 21.4kg per capita in 2030. 🌊 The resulting growing demand for fish products has the potential for a 33% increase in prices. 🌊 It is also a lower carbon footprint source of animal protein compared to all other animal protein sources. 🌊 In the seafood listed equity asset class, we favour aquaculture - a solution that supports a sustainable ocean if given the right environment and fish feed - over large fisheries companies. 🌊 We have identified 25 stocks in the seafood industry with a market cap larger than US$500m. 🌊 We have screened them on their share of blue economy revenue exposure, their ESG metrics discosures, ESG scores from various sources and consensus analyst ratings. 🌊 We provide in this newsletter a summary of a 26-pages report out today. The publication is intended to provide investors with rare investment insights and useful tools in their investment decision process on the macro and micro levels in relation to the Blue Economy. Let me know if you would like to become a subscriber or discuss the report. #adelwise #blueeconomy #oceaninvesting #esginvesting #nicheinvesting

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    Dear Ocean Readers,     🌊 I hope you had a fantastic summer enjoying the ocean's wonders. September has kicked off with a busy start for me. First, I had the pleasure of discussing Ocean Investing with the CFA Society France. You can listen to the podcast (French Language)  through the following links: 🎥🔗 Youtube : 🎥🔗 Spotify : 🎙️🔗 Apple Podcast : 🎙️🔗 Amazon : 🌊  Secondly, I’ll be in New York on the 23rd and 24th of September for an ocean-related event during NY Climate Week. Feel free to reach out if you’d like to connect while I’m there.   🌊 With the UN Ocean Conference less than a year away, we believe this is an opportune moment to provide an update on Adelwise's proprietary country scorecard, which assesses global progress on the UN "Life Below Water" targets.  🌊 The ocean ecosystem, highlighted by SDG 14 – Life Below Water, continues to be largely ignored by investors. According to TrackInsight, investor attention remains highly concentrated, with four specific SDGs making up 85% of the total SDG ETFs by number: Climate Action (SDG 13), Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7), Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (SDG 9) and Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6).  🌊 Ocean resources are essential to human survival and well-being, and as such, they should inevitably attract greater attention from the investor community to ensure the sustainability of the oceans. 🌊  While our country scorecard may have limitations due to the quality and completeness of the self-assessed data, it provides valuable insights by assessing countries' progress in relation to the 10 UN SDG 14 targets. 🌊 By evaluating these countries on a relative basis, we aim to offer investors a useful macro-level tool for understanding the broader landscape of ocean sustainability. 🌊 This scorecard aims to serve as a starting point for making more informed investment decisions that contribute to the sustainable management of ocean resources. While there has been some progress, significant work is still required to protect marine ecosystems. 🌊 Countries such as Portugal, Australia, Greece, Germany, and Norway are most in line with the UN SDG 14 targets, whereas others like China, India, Turkey, South Korea, and Peru encounter substantial challenges. 🌊 To achieve these global targets, there is an urgent need for increased investment in ocean health, improved regulatory enforcement, and more extensive data collection. 🌊 We provide in this newsletter a summary of a 37-page report out today. The publication is intended to provide investors with rare investment insights and useful tools in their investment decision process on the macro and micro levels in relation to the Blue Economy. #adelwise #BlueEconomy #OceanInvesting #ESGInbesting #NicheInvesting

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    Dear Ocean Readers,   🌊 Seaweed can address the triple crisis that encompasses climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. However, to fully unlock its potential, the seaweed industry must overcome significant challenges, including the capacity to increase volume production, the industry's complexity and fragmentation, and regulation. In our previous publication, we identified 27 publicly listed companies worldwide with exposure to seaweed and with a market capitalisation greater than US$500 million. The sector remains predominantly a private equity asset class.    🌊 Given the complexity of the industry together with lower investor interest in sustainable solutions, it has shown signs of fatigue in the past couple of years… a transitory phase of a strong secular trend, in our view. Interest in the global seaweed startup sector has surged over the past 20 years with pure-play cultivation startups remaining the least popular but a trend for vertical integration is rising. A limited number of applications have secured most investments in a sector at a nascent stage but with a huge potential value of seaweed applications still largely untapped.   🌊 We provide in this newsletter a summary of a 20-page report out today. The publication is intended to provide investors with rare investment insights and useful tools in their investment decision process on the macro and micro levels in relation to the Blue Economy. 🌊 Let me know if you would like to become a subscriber or discuss the report. #adelwise #blueeconomy #oceaninvesting #ESGinvesting #niceinvesting  

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    🌊 The seaweed sector has significant growth potential and can offer innovative solutions and opportunities that benefit humanity, the environment, and the economy. 🌊 In the first publication on Seaweed on 7 June 2024, we looked at seaweed characteristics including the macroeconomics, the applications, the opportunities and the challenges. 🌊 In this second publication, we raise the question of how to play Seaweed Space as an Institutional Investor. 🌊 Currently, there are no public pure-play mid-cap or large-cap stocks in the seaweed industry. 🌊 However, we have identified 27 public companies with an above $ 500 million market capitalisation deriving a portion of their revenue from seaweed-related activities. 🌊 Sector-wise, these companies are predominantly in the food product, chemical, textile, personal care, and household product sectors, mostly based in Europe and the USA. 🌊 Asian players tend to rank lower due to lower ESG scores and less transparent reporting. 🌊 We would favour three sets of stocks: 1) Stocks that screen the most attractive on our proprietary scorecard; 2) Blue chip companies that are investing in the seaweed space as part of their shift towards sustainable practices and 3) Stocks that are in the sectors where the World Bank has the most favourable forecasts for 2030. 🌊 We provide in this newsletter a summary of a 19-page report out today. 🌊 Let me know if you would like to become a subscriber or discuss the report. #Adelwise #BlueEconomy #OceanInvesting #ESGInvesting #NicheInvesting

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    🌊 On the eve of World Ocean Day, taking place tomorrow, June 8th, we turn our attention to one of the ocean's wonders: seaweed!!! 🌊 Thanks to its growing status as a power ingredient, the global seaweed market has experienced remarkable growth over the last two decades, expanding from $5 billion in 2000 to $17 billion in 2021. 🌊 Indeed, there are many reasons to get excited about seaweed: the sector has significant growth potential and can offer innovative solutions that benefit humanity, the environment, and the economy: Seaweed has the potential to improve food and nutrition security with a growing global population. 🌊 Other key areas of application development include agriculture, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, biotechnology, environmental applications and the textile industry. 🌊 However the sector faces many challenges that will take considerable time to overcome. Addressing regulatory frameworks, food safety hazards, and environmental dependence issues due to climate change and pollution is essential. Additionally, unlocking finance in the right areas of business is crucial to removing economic barriers and supporting sustainable and regenerative opportunities. 🌊 We provide in this newsletter a summary of a 20-page report out today. The publication is intended to provide investors with rare investment insights and useful tools in their investment decision process on the macro and micro levels in relation to the Blue Economy. 🌊 Let me know if you would like to become a subscriber or discuss the report. #adelwise #blueeconomy #oceaninvesting #ESGinvesting #niceinvesting

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    🌊 Who says there are no Listed Stocks in the 7th Global Economy? 🌊 “We would love to invest in the Blue Economy, but we can’t find listed stocks”. How many times have I heard this? The argument goes on: Blue Economy is more of a venture capital or private equity asset class currently at the embryonic stage that offers huge potential and exciting innovation in nature-based solutions, aquaculture, renewable energy and maritime transport space to name a few. I would agree with this argument but to some extent. 🌊 The Blue Economy is an asset class that investors are wary to look at because it is so vast, granular and complex. It is all interlinked. 🌊 Investors should focus on the sectors that offer regenerative solutions for a sustainable ocean such as aquaculture, maritime transport, renewable energy, marine conservation including nature-based solutions and blue carbon, and coastal and maritime tourism. 🌊 It is crucial to identify the companies that offer either these regenerative solutions or are in the adaptation or mitigation process to do so. 🌊 We have identified over 1000 listed stocks with business exposure to the Blue Economy and that have a market capitalisation greater than US$ 500 million equating to a combined market of US$ 15.6 trillion. 🌊 In this note, we offer you granularity on this universe with details by region, and sectors; we also provide stock names we consider as the most attractive. #adelwise #blueeconomy #Oceaninvesting #ESGinvesting #Nicheinvesting

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    Dear Ocean Readers, 🌊 This is our third note of a series on the coastal and maritime tourism industry, a Blue Economy sector that is heavily dependent on Biodiversity and the quality of its ecosystems. 🌊 Domestic tourism has witnessed a significant upsurge, and the sustainability of tourism offerings is emerging as a critical factor in tourist decision-making. 🌊 The main segments of Coastal and Maritime Tourism are beach & coastal resorts and cruises. Both are driven by mass tourism dynamics, but they are implementing strategies for adaptation and mitigation towards more sustainable tourism. 🌊 In this publication, we dive into Coastal & Maritime Tourism dependencies, impacts and solutions. 🌊 In terms of stocks, we would highlight Accor, Minor International, and Genting Singapore as the most attractive based on our proprietary scorecard. #adelwise #blueeconomy #OceanInvesting #ESGInvesting #NicheInvesting

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    Dear Ocean Readers, 🌊 A cyclical play, the tourism industry is a consumer discretionary sector which performance is positively correlated to rising macroeconomic indicators. The low level of the VIX index also supports the tourism sector's performance, but this may change abruptly with travel restrictions or geopolitical tensions. 🌊 The current model of mass tourism has certainly been the most impactful and it is not likely to yield the regenerative results that are necessary for destinations and ecosystems to truly prosper. 🌊 We identify an extensive list of dependencies and impacts such as marine pollution for the Environment, economic leakage for the Economy and cultural degradation for the Social. 🌊 The transformation to a sustainable ocean economy comes with solutions and opportunities that can deliver the protection, production and prosperity required which we discuss in the 25-pages report. Here is a brief summary in our newsletter. Let me know if you would like to become a subscriber or discuss the report. #adelwise #blueeconomy #oceaninvesting #esginvesting #nicheinvesting

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    Dear Ocean Readers, 🌊 This month, we publish our first note of a series on the coastal and maritime tourism (CMT) industry, a Blue Economy sector that is heavily dependent on Biodiversity and the quality of its ecosystems   🌊 While coastal and maritime tourism (CMT) contributes to the expanding blue and green economy, the sector also poses threats to its long-term sustainability. The CMT industry heavily relies on the quality of natural ecosystems and biodiversity to attract visitors, but its practices often contribute to the depletion and vulnerability of these ecosystems. 🌊The current economic model for mass tourism unrestricted growth is not viable in many aspects. The pandemic has opened a window for structural changes in the whole sector to review and change its strategy for mitigation and adaptation towards a more sustainable industry. 🌊 We provide in this newsletter a summary of a 27-pages report out today. The publication is intended to provide investors with rare investment insights and useful tools in their investment decision process on the macro and micro levels in relation to the Blue Economy. Let me know if you would like to become a subscriber or discuss the report. #adelwise #blueeconomy #oceaninvesting #esginvesting #nichinvesting #tourism

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