Photo de couverture de Aeromart Toulouse
Aeromart Toulouse

Aeromart Toulouse


Aussonne, Occitanie 3 761 abonnés

International Business Convention for the Aerospace Industry • 15th Edition •3-5 December 2024

À propos

The 15th edition of AEROMART Toulouse promises an exciting platform for the international aerospace community to delve into the industry’s latest trends and challenges. With a keen focus on innovation and decarbonization, this event will offer unparalleled opportunities to learn about cutting-edge advancements and explore emerging topics shaping the future of aerospace. From keynote speeches to interactive workshops, attendees can expect a comprehensive insight into the industry’s changing landscape. Moreover, Aeromart Toulouse will serve as an exceptional networking arena, facilitating meaningful one-to-one connections among professionals, fostering collaborations, and igniting discussions that drive progress within the global aerospace sector. The only qualified aerospace supply chain event in Europe! Expected Key figures: • 1,200+ companies • 4,000 participants • 17,000 B-to-B meetings • 40 countries • 70+ speakers

Taille de l’entreprise
11-50 employés
Siège social
Aussonne, Occitanie
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Aerospace, Aeronautics, B-to-B meetings, Networking et Conferences



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