AXA Climate

AXA Climate


Paris, Île-de-France 19 815 abonnés

Climate and environmental adaptation

À propos

AXA Climate's guiding principle, "Make regenerative business universal," drives the company to lead a significant shift in business mindset—moving beyond merely reducing harm to fundamentally transforming how businesses interact with the natural world. With its range of services, including digital training programmes, science-based SaaS products, specialized consulting services, and climate insurance, AXA Climate empowers sectors such as agri-food, industrial, financial, and public with the tools they need to address the challenges of climate change and take meaningful actions. With a global presence, AXA Climate is a leading force in the movement towards regenerative business practices. For more information, visit

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Taille de l’entreprise
51-200 employés
Siège social
Paris, Île-de-France
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
education, consulting, insurance et SaaS



Employés chez AXA Climate


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    19 815  abonnés

    How can we improve knowledge of natural hazards in a territory as vast as Madagascar (587,000 km²)? This is the important mission entrusted to AXA Climate, in collaboration with Artelia Madagascar and the BRGM. The project is led by Madagascar's Cellule de Prévention et d'Appui à la Gestion des Urgences (CPGU) with support from the Global Risk Modelling Alliance (GRMA), which is funded by KfW on behalf of the German Government through the InsuResilience Solutions Fund (ISF) at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. Together, we are working to model 8 #naturalhazards across the island, with projections for the present, 2050 and 2085. These hazards include the most critical for Madagascar (cyclones, floods, droughts), as well as lesser-known but equally threatening ones (locust invasions, forest fires, coastal erosion, red sandstorms, landslides). To launch this mission with national experts, we organized 2 days of workshops in Antananarivo, aimed at transforming hazard modelling into actionable action. To achieve this, we are focusing on 3 essential pillars: 1️⃣ The “so what? approach: For each modeled hazard, we work with experts in each sector to define practical applications such as early warning systems, land-use planning rules, financial protection mechanisms, etc. 2️⃣ Co-construction: Methodologies, applications and training programs are developed in close collaboration with local organizations to ensure they address on-the-ground realities. 3️⃣ Open source: All generated knowledge will be freely accessible online via a government database (GeoNode). Many thanks to the national experts for their warm welcome, and to all the teams and scientists whose contributions were key to the success of this mission! Arun Rana Renuka Srinivasan Annette Dr. Detken Karina Whalley Eliot PERNET Alix Torossian Ana Pachón Alma Djelic Christelle Castet Álvaro Prida Luiz Galizia Ali Nasrallah Gregory Seiller Ialy Andriamparanony Eric GOMEZ Eric DAVID GeoSolutions Simone Giannecchini

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    19 815  abonnés

    🤯 What about discussing CSRD (again)? It's been a while… In 2022, natural disasters caused an estimated $275 billion in global economic losses. To integrate this new financial stake, businesses need reliable #data to: 1️⃣ inform investment decisions 2️⃣ improve climate adaptation strategies 3️⃣ meet reporting requirements - especially the #CSRD 📊 CSRD is a major step toward transparent corporate sustainability reporting. It aims to integrate sustainability into business strategies, and align reporting with global standards. And even though it's on everyone's lips and conference headlines, CSRD remains a complex subject that companies sometimes find hard to grasp. So, to help you through this long and tedious (but indispensable) process, Altitude developed a new platform, and created a guide to help you: “Essential Guide to CSRD: Comprehensive Insights on Climate and Biodiversity Risk Assessment”. Discover the guide here 👉 Discover the new Altitude platform, to help companies and industrial players adapt to climate change 👉 Marie-Anne Vincent Theophile Bellouard Ronan Heuzel

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    🌿 Biodiversity is rapidly declining, especially in agricultural areas, but understanding the specific impacts of farming practices remains a challenge. 🌾 In collaboration with AXA Climate, researchers from ETH Zürich have developed an innovative method to monitor biodiversity using drones to capture environmental DNA (eDNA). 🚁🔬 This cutting-edge technology enables scientists to assess the presence of various species in an ecosystem by collecting tiny genetic traces from the environment, without disturbing the habitat. 🌱 Why does this matter? Agriculture plays a significant role in shaping biodiversity, but quantifying its effects has always been difficult. This new approach offers a powerful tool to better understand how different farming practices—such as pesticide use or crop rotation—affect local ecosystems and the species that inhabit them. With this knowledge, we can promote more sustainable farming methods that help protect and restore biodiversity. 🐝🦋 🌍 This method is a game changer for biodiversity conservation in agricultural landscapes and beyond. It paves the way for data-driven decision-making that supports both farmers and conservation efforts. 👉 Want to learn more about how this breakthrough technology could transform biodiversity monitoring? Stay tuned for updates! Louise Humbert, Chautems Marc, Loïc Pellissier, Ali Nasrallah, Geoffroy DUFAY, ETH Zurich Industry Relations

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    Et si nos récits pouvaient vraiment changer le monde ? Les récits jouent un rôle fondamental dans la construction d'une société qui respecte les limites planétaires. Ils influencent nos comportements et révèlent les verrous socio-cognitifs qui nous maintiennent dans le statu quo. Qu'en pensent les dirigeants, universitaires, chercheurs et artistes ? Quels nouveaux récits peuvent transformer notre modèle de société ? Dans le cadre de la 5ème Semaine de l'Entreprise Responsable et Inclusive organisée par le MEDEF et L'Association Française des Managers de la Diversité (AFMD), nous explorerons ensemble lors d'un webinar comment les récits peuvent façonner un futur désirable. 📅 RDV le mardi 15 octobre 2024 à 17H30 avec: - Bénédicte Faivre-Tavignot, Professeur associée en stratégie à HEC Paris - Emmanuel Delannoy, spécialiste en Permaéconomie, Permaculture, Biomimétisme et Biodiversité - Antoine Denoix, PDG d'AXA Climate - Guenolée de Carmoy 🎨, Artiste peintre, Autrice, et Conseillère RSE #SERI2024 Inscription nécessaire pour obtenir le lien de connexion :

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    🔍 SFDR : Trois ans plus tard, et toujours autant d’incertitudes?   Le règlement #SFDR, conçu pour harmoniser la communication sur la durabilité des investissements, a atteint en grande partie cet objectif. Pourtant, trois ans après son entrée en vigueur, il demeure à la fois trop complexe et pas assez structurant.   Concrètement, quelles sont les principales faiblesses du règlement SFDR ? 1️⃣ Un calendrier réglementaire décalé : Le SFDR repose sur des textes publiés après son entrée en vigueur, comme la Taxonomie ou la #CSRD, créant des confusions et poussant certains investisseurs à abandonner cette référence. 2️⃣ Trop de liberté d'interprétation : La flexibilité laissée aux investisseurs a généré des incompréhensions, certains demandant des directives plus claires pour mieux encadrer leurs pratiques. 3️⃣ Un angle mort entre le règlement SFDR et la désignation des fonds : L’absence de normes communes a conduit des fonds à utiliser des termes de durabilité sans que leur stratégie ne corresponde réellement à ces termes. 4️⃣ Mauvais usage : Le marché a détourné le SFDR en l’utilisant comme un proxy de label, contrairement à l’intention initiale du législateur, rendant la classification actuelle moins pertinente.   La Commission Européenne envisage actuellement de réviser le SFDR, beaucoup d’incertitudes demeurent. Mais alors comment agir ?   Pour faire face à ces incertitudes, AXA Climate vous propose une note d’analyse pour mieux naviguer les eaux troubles de SFDR et de la finance durable, en s’appuyant sur 3 piliers : 👉 Crédibilité, transparence et agilité. 👇

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    ⛵️ Mardi dernier, lors de notre événement, nous avons mis le cap sur la finance durable en compagnie de Benjamin Ferre, Marie Luchet et Béatrice Causse. Ce fut l'occasion d’écouter Benjamin, navigateur en route pour le Vendée Globe, établir un parallèle inspirant entre la prise de décision en pleine mer et les stratégies d’investissement en période d'incertitude. Puis notre panel d'expertes nous a offert des perspectives éclairées sur la finance durable et les défis à venir. Que retenir de ces échanges ? 🌿 Le Règlement #SFDR, en place depuis trois ans, est un outil essentiel pour guider les investisseurs vers des pratiques durables. 🧭 Ce règlement apparaît comme une boussole pour certains investisseurs qui permet de fixer des points de repère, mais semble parfois décalé du besoin de marché d’une clarification sur certains enjeux clés liés à la durabilité. 🔍 Face à l’incertitude réglementaire, la robustesse de la stratégie et la crédibilité de la démarche sont des piliers qui apporteront de l’aisance pour aborder sereinement un avenir mouvant Pour aller plus loin, téléchargez notre note d’analyse, qui vous fournira des clés pratiques pour mieux appréhender les évolutions réglementaires de SFDR à venir 👇

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    🗻 Altitude continue son ascension avec une 3ème plateforme, au service de l’adaptation au changement climatique des entreprises et acteurs industriels « Devant l'urgence climatique et ses effets croissants, Altitude est un outil incontournable pour la prise de décision, fondée sur des données scientifiques rigoureuses », affirme Theophile Bellouard, Directeur Altitude by AXA Climate. « Altitude permet aux entreprises d’évaluer de manière précise l’exposition de leurs sites aux risques climatiques et de modéliser diverses mesures d’adaptation afin de déterminer la stratégie la plus optimale… » En s'appuyant sur un ensemble de données propriétaires et les dernières analyses du GIEC, Altitude quantifie le risque climatique sur les sites et activités des entreprises à l'horizon 2030 et 2050. En tenant compte des spécificités locales, des secteurs d'activité et de la biodiversité, la plateforme aide les entreprises à piloter leur stratégie climat, de l'anticipation des impacts à la mise en place de mesures d'adaptation. ✅ Déjà testée et approuvée par des acteurs majeurs comme Bouygues Group, Michelin, Groupe Sandaya ou Imerys, Altitude s'avère essentiel dans un monde où les entreprises doivent commencer leur adaptation dès aujourd’hui Pour en savoir plus sur l’outil : Ronan Heuzel, Marie-Anne Vincent Et👇

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    🌱 Nature is the backbone of our global economy, as more than 50% of economic activity (US$ 44 trillion) depends directly on the natural world. Yet, ecosystems are under pressure, leading to record species extinction rates, exhaustion of natural capital, and increasing sanitary risks. For businesses, ignoring nature loss is no longer an option. Supply chain disruptions, reduced crop yields due to declining pollinators, and increased vulnerability to natural disasters are just some of the risks they face. By 2050, a business-as-usual approach could cause a 0.67% annual GDP drop globally. Nature degradation and biodiversity loss could then impact the valuation of sovereign bonds through changes in current account balances, exchange rates, or tax revenues. In contrast, countries that actively work to stop or reverse the loss of nature could see their creditworthiness improved as natural assets become scarcer and more valuable. Surprisingly, these risks and opportunities are often underappreciated. Therefore, to help investors start their journey towards nature analyses at the country-level, AXA Climate and LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group) wrote together a report to: 1️⃣ provide clarity on the main nature-related concepts; 2️⃣ explain why nature is of major interest for sovereign investment; 3️⃣ survey different datasets; 4️⃣ highlight the challenges that investors face regarding country-level nature analyses. You can download it for free on our website 👇

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    We’ve partnered with Agreena to explore how to quantify farmers’ risks as they transition to #regenerative methods. As part of Europe's largest soil #carbon programme, Agreena engages with farmers daily who recognise the long-term benefits of sustainable farming but are worried about short-term challenges. For example, farmers can face up to $40 per acre in losses during the first few years due to lower yields and investment in new equipment. 🚜💡 However, studies show that the long-term payoff is substantial. Farmers who make the transition can expect a 15-25% return on investment within 3 to 5 years, and profits can ultimately grow 120% higher compared to conventional practices. 📈 📊 At AXA Climate, alongside Agreena, we will use data to better understand and quantify the risks farmers face during this transition. Our goal is to address concerns like initial yield drops and develop risk management tools to make switching to regenerative practices as close to 100% risk-free as possible. 🌾 Together, we can reduce barriers and create a more sustainable future for farming! Gilles Cornec, Chautems Marc, Nischal HP, Bo Tolstrup Christensen, Rasmus Bjerre-Edberg, Amalie Kafling Nørrelund

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    📷 Last week, we had the honour of hosting photographer and filmmaker Franck Vogel, who shared his journey documenting the Bishnois—a community in India, often regarded as the world’s first environmentalists. Since the 15th century, the Bishnois have followed 29 principles, many of which remain profoundly relevant today. 🐐 For instance, hunting animals on their land is strictly prohibited, they reserve 10% of their crops for wildlife, and they refuse to cut down green trees—practices that have sustained them in the harsh Thar Desert. 🌳 One of their key principles requires each person to plant at least one tree per year, and during the first few years, they must share their own water with these trees to ensure their survival. This act of nurturing new life with scarce resources reflects their deep connection with the land they inhabit. 🌱 One story that resonated deeply was of Rana Ram Bishnoi, a man who has personally planted over 30,000 trees to reforest the desert. 🚺 Another principle highlights their progressive approach to well-being, including maternity leave and rest during menstrual periods for women, showcasing an advanced stance on women’s health centuries ahead of its time! 💬 Franck Vogel’s reflections remind us that #adaptation is about finding harmony with the #places we inhabit and the #communities we are part of. His journey encourages us all to "awaken the Bishnoi within"!

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