🍃 Ethical AI for the Environment: Bionomeex and the NGS-OLICIT Project! We are proud to be a partner in this innovative project focused on the natural regulation of pest insects 🦗🪰 (phytophages and vectors) through beneficial arthropods like predators and parasitoids 🕷️. Our mission is to use AI ethically and responsibly to observe and track insects in Citrus 🍊 and Olea 🫒 crops across the Mediterranean and Corsica 🌍. With our advanced algorithms, we gather precise data 📊 to monitor key pest populations (flies, leaf miners, moths, and scale insects). Toward sustainable agriculture 🌱: By collaborating on this project, we help enhance decision-support tools 🛠️, aiming to reduce the use of phytosanitary products 🚫. Our work combines technology and environmental stewardship to promote more sustainable agriculture 🌾. We are excited to share the progress of this inspiring project 🚀. #SustainableAgriculture #AI #EnvironmentalStewardship #InnovativeFarming #PestControl #Citrus #Olea #Mediterranean #Corsica #TechForGood