

Services de recherche

Montpellier, occitanie 770 abonnés

BionomeeX provides innovative analysis tools to support your biological, medical and environmental R&D projects.

À propos

BionomeeX is a CNRS, and Univ. Montpellier spin off company. Our solutions include, at the same time, crafted algorithms and/or adapted computational solutions in a single package following your needs and demands. We also deploy our own software initially brewed in the academic world to provide solutions in biology, genetics, genomics...

Services de recherche
Taille de l’entreprise
2-10 employés
Siège social
Montpellier, occitanie
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
Biology, AI et DeepLearning


Employés chez BionomeeX


  • Voir la page d’organisation pour BionomeeX, visuel

    770  abonnés

    🍃 Ethical AI for the Environment: Bionomeex and the NGS-OLICIT Project! We are proud to be a partner in this innovative project focused on the natural regulation of pest insects 🦗🪰 (phytophages and vectors) through beneficial arthropods like predators and parasitoids 🕷️. Our mission is to use AI ethically and responsibly to observe and track insects in Citrus 🍊 and Olea 🫒 crops across the Mediterranean and Corsica 🌍. With our advanced algorithms, we gather precise data 📊 to monitor key pest populations (flies, leaf miners, moths, and scale insects). Toward sustainable agriculture 🌱: By collaborating on this project, we help enhance decision-support tools 🛠️, aiming to reduce the use of phytosanitary products 🚫. Our work combines technology and environmental stewardship to promote more sustainable agriculture 🌾. We are excited to share the progress of this inspiring project 🚀. #SustainableAgriculture #AI #EnvironmentalStewardship #InnovativeFarming #PestControl #Citrus #Olea #Mediterranean #Corsica #TechForGood

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour BionomeeX, visuel

    770  abonnés

    Sometimes #BioGeeks need to wear a shirt 😇and the best breakthroughs in science happen outside the lab! Last Friday, Bionomeex had the privilege of participating in a remarkable event at the French Senate🏛️, co-organized by Senator Vanina PAOLI-GAGIN and Lionel Navarro from CNRS. The theme of the day: "Unleashing Europe’s Next Scientific Revolution." We kicked off the event with fascinating insights into the science of #exRNA, followed by an impressive roster of industry leaders, including VCs, CEOs, and CSOs from CNRS, INRAE, Institut Pasteur, and many other institutions. Networking was the highlight, sparking innovative ideas 💡and collaborations. Our CSO Gabriel Krouk had the chance to connect with numerous founders and share our vision at BionomeeX. What an inspiring experience to discuss the future of science in such a historic setting!! #Bionomeex #Innovation #Science #Networking #AI #HealthTech #Biotech

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  • BionomeeX a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Gabriel Krouk, visuel

    Research Director at CNRS, Co-founder and CSO at BionomeeX

    Sometimes #BioGeeks need to wear a shirt 😇. Friday it was for a very interresting event hosted at the French Sénat that was co-organized by Vanina PAOLI-GAGIN (Senator) and Lionel Navarro (CNRS). The subject: "Unleashing Europe’s Next Scientific Revolution". The day began with a dive into the science of #exRNA followed by an impressive line up of VCs, CEOs, VPs, and CSO of CNRS, INRAE, Institut Pasteur and many other institutions. On the networking side, many ideas and new projects emerged, and I had the opportunity to meet numerous other founders. It was an amazing experience to discuss science in such a historic setting! Sofinnova Partners, Sofinnova Investments , Jolt Capital, AdBio partners, Carole Caranta, Jean-Philippe combier, Luc Mathis, Niamh Donnelly, BionomeeX...

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  • BionomeeX a republié ceci

    Voir la page d’organisation pour Numalis, visuel

    1 866  abonnés

    🚀 C’est avec joie que nous vous invitons à vous joindre au lancement de l’#AFNOR Spec #AICET (Artificial Intelligence Competence Evaluation Test) le 04 Octobre à 12:00 à l'Afnor ! Ce projet, issu de la collaboration et du travail d’experts #IA, représente une première dans la standardisation de l'évaluation des #compétences sur le sujet. L’objectif principal de l’AICET est de répondre à l’Article 4 de l’#EUAIACT concernant le besoin d’#acculturation à l’IA, pour la reconnaissance de la maîtrise des candidats. Il sera une ressource précieuse pour les entreprises, les institutions publiques, les CV des candidats, et il servira de référentiel pour la comparabilité des diplômes. 💡 Trois niveaux d'expertise, cinq axes de compétences. L'AICET évalue les connaissances dans 3 niveaux de connaissance : • Acculturation: Compréhension générale de l'IA et de ses applications courantes. • Utilisateur averti: Maîtrise des principes et des méthodes de conception et de validation de l'IA. • Expert en IA: Expertise pointue et capacité à expliquer des concepts et innover en intelligence artificielle.   Pour chacun de ces niveaux les personnes sont évaluées sur 5 axes de compétences IA : • Théorique : Fondements mathématiques et algorithmiques. • Applicatif : Domaines d'application concrets dans la vie quotidienne et l’industrie. • Opérationnel : Mise en œuvre pratique, programmation et déploiement de systèmes. • Juridique et éthique : Lois, normes et questions éthiques liées à l'IA. • Connaissances générales : Personnalités et entités clés du domaine.   Venez nombreux assister à ce lancement et soutenir le projet en lui donnant de la voix ! 🔗 Suivez le lien suivant pour vous inscrire au lancement 👉   AFNOR Certification AFNUM Aerospace Valley AI-FORWARD Agence de services et de paiement (ASP)) BionomeeX CentraleSupélec, CGE GRENOBLE INP, Datactivist Digitalent Entropisme France Travail Hub FranceIA Institut du Numérique Responsable, Institut Montaigne, La Mêlée Macaron Software SAS Microsoft Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole Onepoint Orange Retail Renault Group ThinkDeep AI Université de Montpellier VONA Consulting

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    770  abonnés

    🌟 A new approach to understanding and combating rare and orphan diseases using GWAS 2D 🧬🔍 Rare diseases present a significant challenge in medicine, often complex and difficult to diagnose. Enter Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) 2D, a recent technological advancement enabling exploration of over 80 billion epistatic interactions. 1️⃣ Discovery of rare genetic variants: GWAS 2D identifies complex interactions among different genetic variants, even those present at very low frequencies in the population. This is crucial for elucidating the genetic bases of rare diseases, often linked to specific and uncommon mutations. 2️⃣ Understanding underlying mechanisms: By analyzing these epistatic interactions, researchers can map biological pathways involved in rare diseases. This approach enhances understanding of pathological mechanisms, paving the way for potential therapeutic targets. 3️⃣ Precise and personalized diagnosis: By identifying specific genetic variants associated with a rare disease, GWAS 2D facilitates faster and more accurate diagnosis. This helps guide treatments and medical interventions appropriately, thereby improving patients' quality of life. 4️⃣ Development of targeted therapies: Enhanced understanding of the genetic bases of rare diseases through GWAS 2D fosters development of more targeted and effective therapies. This includes identifying new pharmacological molecules and adapting existing therapies to meet patients' specific needs. GWAS 2D represents a significant advancement in research on rare diseases, offering new perspectives for early diagnosis, personalized treatments, and optimized medical interventions. This approach holds promise to fundamentally transform how we approach and understand rare diseases in the future. Are you a researcher working on rare diseases? Discover how GWAS 2D can transform your research and improve the lives of many patients. #GWAS #RareDiseases #MedicalResearch #Genetics #PreciseDiagnosis

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour BionomeeX, visuel

    770  abonnés

    Are you a research laboratory in the fields of biology, medicine, or ecology? Looking to submit a project for ANR funding and need expertise in AI? 🤔 We're here to support you every step of the way and boost your chances of validation with a POC project. 💼 What is a POC project? Bionomeex has developed a method to create POC projects to determine the feasibility of your hypothesis and increase the likelihood of ANR acceptance. With a POC, you receive robust preliminary results to strengthen your ANR application. Our process typically spans from 2 weeks to 1 month and requires only a small dataset. 🔍 Our Offer: Personalized Support 🎓: Benefit from dedicated experts who provide tailored guidance to maximize your chances of success. Expertise in AI and Genomics 🤖: Leverage our innovative solutions in AI and genomics to achieve your research goals efficiently. Whether it's data analysis, algorithm development, or predictive modeling, we have the expertise to support your project. BionomeeX High-Priority Servers (1 Month): Take advantage of our high-priority servers for one month to handle data-intensive computations, ensuring your project meets its milestones on time. 📞 Contact us as soon as possible to discuss your projects! 💡 #ResearchLab #Biology #Medicine #Ecology #ANRFunding #POCProject #AI #Genomics #DataAnalysis #AlgorithmDevelopment #PredictiveModeling #HighPriorityServers #BionomeeX #FinancementANR

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