À propos

Design & Reuse (D&R) was founded in 1997, the same year it launched its IP web portal, www.design-reuse.com. Today Design-Reuse.com is the industry's premier online IP/SoC marketplace, viewed by 70,000 absolute unique visitors per month (source: Google Analytics). As part of its continuing commitment to support the needs of the electronic design industry, D&R has extended its scope to cover new higher level design approaches with its new site, www.dr-embedded.com. The new site provides a venue for connecting system designers with vendors of subsystems, platforms, and middleware. D&R also continues to maintain its focus on streamlining IP-based design with its Enterprise IP Management System (IPMS) offering, a Java/XML multi-application, configurable enterprise platform offering the most innovative and straightforward solution for internal and external IP management.

Taille de l’entreprise
2-10 employés
Siège social
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en


Employés chez Design And Reuse


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