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Organisations à but non lucratif

French NGO | Our mission is to fight against poverty and climate change. Our lever for action is the energy transition.

À propos

GERES -- Group for the Environment, Renewable Energy and Solidarity - is a French non-profit NGO created in 1976. We work on innovative and sustainable development projects across four main regions: Europe-Mediterranean, West Africa, South-East Asia and Central Asia. GERES has chosen to commit to preserving the environment and reducing social inequalities. To this end, it works to limit the impact of global warming and protect natural resources for the common good and especially for future generations. To reduce insecurity, GERES seeks to improve the living conditions of vulnerable communities by helping to create income-generating activities, including the introduction of renewable energies. With energy specialists, environmentalists, agricultural economists and architects, GERES has a multidisciplinary team. Every day, it devotes its know-how and experience to building sustainable solutions, integrating the human, social, economic and territorial dimensions. The headquarters and country offices around the world work to meeting the following challenges: - Access to and efficient use of energy for as many people as possible - Preservation and enhancement of local resources on each territory - Environmentally friendly waste management - Boosting income-generating activities - Combating climate change We're recruiting here!

Organisations à but non lucratif
Taille de l’entreprise
51-200 employés
Siège social
Non lucratif
Fondée en
environment, development, renewable energy, clean energy, energy efficiency, climate change, solidarity, agriculture, mitigation, adaptation et advocacy


Employés chez Geres


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