InBrain Pharma

InBrain Pharma

Recherche en biotechnologie

Loos, Hauts-de-France 1 305 abonnés

À propos

InBrain Pharma, a CNS disorders focused biotech, founded in 2018, exploiting through an exclusive worldwide patent license signed with the Northern France TTO, a groundbreaking therapeutic approach of advanced Parkinson’s Disease based on the research work of Pr David DEVOS and Pr Caroline MOREAU developed within their academic research Team from the Université́ de Lille, Lille Neuroscience & cognition UMR-S 1172 INSERM and the Lille University Hospital. To date, the company has raised €4.4 million in dilutive and non-dilutive financing, these funds having enabled to carry out a first phase I/IIb DIVE-I clinical trial on 12 patients, for which results have just been obtained.

Recherche en biotechnologie
Taille de l’entreprise
2-10 employés
Siège social
Loos, Hauts-de-France
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en


Employés chez InBrain Pharma


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