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Production d’énergies renouvelables

Paris, Île-de-France 62 039 abonnés

Premier producteur indépendant français d'énergies exclusivement renouvelables.

À propos

Créé en 2008, Neoen est l’un des principaux producteurs indépendants d’énergie exclusivement renouvelable. Son savoir-faire dans les domaines du solaire, de l’éolien terrestre et du stockage lui permet d’accélérer la transition énergétique des pays dans lesquels Neoen produit une énergie verte, locale et compétitive. Société en forte croissance, Neoen a quadruplé ses capacités en opération ou en construction en six ans : celles-ci s’élèvent désormais à 8,9 GW, Neoen ayant pour ambition d’atteindre 10 GW courant 2025. Neoen opère près de 200 actifs répartis sur trois continents. Parmi ses réalisations les plus emblématiques, elle compte : Western Downs Green Power Hub en Australie, qui comprend la plus grande centrale solaire du pays (460 MWc) ainsi que Western Downs Battery (212 MW / 424 MWh) ; Collie Battery (219 MW / 877 MWh), l’une des plus grandes centrales de stockage au monde ; Cestas, le plus puissant parc solaire de France (300 MWc) ; et Mutkalampi, le plus grand parc éolien de Finlande (404 MW). Neoen est coté sur le compartiment A d’Euronext Paris (code ISIN : FR0011675362, mnémonique : NEOEN). Depuis le 27 décembre 2024, Neoen est majoritairement détenue par Brookfield Renewable Holdings SAS, qui a déposé en janvier 2025 une offre publique d'achat simplifiée en numéraire sur les actions et OCEANEs restantes de Neoen.

Production d’énergies renouvelables
Taille de l’entreprise
201-500 employés
Siège social
Paris, Île-de-France
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en


Employés chez Neoen


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    Celebrating 10 years in El Salvador! ☀️ We recently marked 10 incredible years in El Salvador! With over 250 MW of solar farms and battery storage in operation, we’re proud to deliver not only green, local energy but also the most competitive power in the country.    El Salvador has seen an incredible transformation over the past decade, and we’re honored to be part of this journey. With several projects in development, we’re more committed than ever to supporting the country’s energy transition.   Excited for what’s next! 💪🌍 #RenewableEnergy #SolarPower #ElSalvador #EnergyTransition ¡Celebrando 10 años en El Salvador! ☀️ ¡Hace poco celebramos 10 increíbles años en El Salvador! Con más de 250 MW de plantas solares y almacenamiento en operación, estamos orgullosos de ofrecer no solo energía verde y local, sino también la energía más competitiva del país.   El Salvador ha experimentado una transformación extraordinaria en la última década, y nos sentimos honrados de formar parte de este camino. Con varios proyectos en desarrollo, estamos más comprometidos que nunca a apoyar la transición energética del país.   ¡Emocionados por lo que viene! 💪🌍  #EnergíaRenovable #EnergíaSolar #ElSalvador #TransiciónEnergética

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    🎬 Retour en images sur la 61ème édition du Salon International de l'Agriculture : un rendez-vous annuel immanquable pour échanger avec nos partenaires agricoles ! Notre équipe développe, sur l'ensemble du territoire, des projets en synergie avec les pratiques agricoles locales. Nous sommes connus et reconnus dans le domaine de l'élevage ovin🐏 et mettons désormais notre savoir-faire au service d'autres filières d'élevage🐄 et de productions végétales.🌾   📌 Le saviez-vous ? En France, plus de la moitié de nos projets solaires en développement sont agrivoltaïques ! Contactez-nous pour parler de votre projet !

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    62 039  abonnés

    With 50% of our capacity installed there and much more to come, Australia continues to lead our growth and fight against climate change. 🌏⚡From large-scale solar and wind farms to big batteries like the one near the town of Blyth, South Australia, we are proud to contribute to the country’s energy transition alongside our partners, customers and contractors.   #RenewableEnergy #Sustainability #Australia #EnergyTransition

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    11 854  abonnés

    As we glide into the 13th year of our journey in Australia, we take a moment to recognise the vast opportunities that this country has and continues to offer us ☀️🔋🌬️! We are thankful to the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) for choosing Blyth Battery to showcase the collective story of three companies NHOA Energy Elecnor Australia, as they invest in and deliver more #storage capacity in South Australia. 🙌🎯 Sized at 238.5 MW / 477 MWh, this is our 2nd big #battery in the state and nearing operations thanks to the hard work of many people and the ongoing support from the #Blyth #communities. Watch the video to learn more and hear from our own George Schinckel. 👷♂️ #australia #renewables #investment

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    🚀 Applications Now Open! Neoen, in partnership with Community Foundation Ireland, has just launched the Community Benefit Fund for our three RESS 1 solar farms – Millvale, Hortland & Hilltown. ☀️ If you are located within 10km of one of our solar parks in County Wicklow, Kildare, or Meath, this could be the perfect opportunity to obtain a grant 💰 to promote community development, environmental sustainability 🌱, and social inclusion 🤝 in your local area.   🔗 Learn more here: 🔗 Apply here:   #Ireland #Community #Fund #SolarPower

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    🔋 Exciting progress on the largest battery in the Nordics!   We are delighted to see the construction of the Yllikkälä Power Reserve 2 (YPR2) battery in Finland moving forward. With a capacity of 56 MW / 113 MWh, YPR2 will soon become the largest battery in the Nordics, with commissioning scheduled in the first half of the year.   This state-of-the-art battery will provide Fingrid with fast-response ancillary services, helping to: ✅ Maintain balance between energy production and consumption, ✅ Improve the electric grid ‘s frequency and security, ✅ Facilitate the integration of renewable energy.   We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Lappeenrannan kaupunki - City of Lappeenranta and LUT University for their invaluable support throughout this project. 🙏 🎥 Watch the video to learn more about this exciting milestone!  #EnergyTransition #RenewableEnergy #storage     🔋 Pohjoismaiden suurimman akun rakentaminen etenee!   Olemme iloisia Yllikkälä Power Reserve 2 (YPR2) -akun rakentamisen etenemisestä Suomessa. Akun kapasiteetti on 56 MW / 113 MWh, valmistuessaan sen on Pohjoismaiden suurin akku. YPR2:n käyttöönotto on tämän vuoden ensimmäisen puoliskon aikana.   Tämä huippuluokan akku tarjoaa Fingridille nopeita reservipalveluita, jotka auttavat: ✅ Ylläpitämään tasapainoa sähkön tuotannon ja kulutuksen välillä, ✅ Tukemaan sähköjärjestelmän taajuutta ja turvallisuutta, ✅ Helpottamaan uusiutuvan energian integrointia.   Sydämelliset kiitoksemme Lappeenrannan kaupungille ja @LUT-yliopistolle heidän tuestaan tämän projektin aikana. 🙏 🎥 Katso videolta lisätietoja tämän jännittävän projektin etenemisestä!  #Vihreäsiirtymä #Uusiutuvaenergia #Akkuvarasto

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    🔍 Coup de projecteur sur la plus grande centrale solaire de la Sarthe ➡️ Autrefois dédié au stockage de munitions, le site fut contrôlé par l’armée allemande durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, bombardé par les Alliés en 1944, puis reconstruit et utilisé par l’armée française jusqu’en 2002. Neoen et la Communauté de Communes Sud Sarthe ont souhaité donner une seconde vie à ce site en le convertissant en centrale solaire : d’importantes opérations de dépollution pyrotechnique ont donc dû être menées avant la construction du parc. La centrale solaire produit désormais une énergie locale et décarbonée qui permet de couvrir la consommation de 20 000 habitants. 💡⚡️ Neoen est fier d’accompagner les territoires dans leur transition ! 🤝   🔍 Spotlight on the largest solar power plant in Sarthe   ➡️ The former ammunition depot fell under German control during World War 2 and was bombarded by the Allies in 1944, then rebuilt and used by the French army until 2002. Neoen and the community of communes of southern Sarthe have given the site a new lease of life as a solar power plant. Construction of the park was preceded by a major decontamination operation. The solar power plant now produces enough local, zero-carbon energy to cover the needs of 20,000 people. 💡⚡️ Neoen is proud to help communities in their energy transition! 🤝

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    🚀 Breaking new ground in Germany! After less than two years of presence in the country, we are thrilled to announce the launch of construction for our very first battery 🔋 in Germany, Arneburg Battery (45 MW / 90 MWh)! It will help to maintain real-time balance between production and consumption, making the power grid more stable and supporting the integration of more renewable energy. This marks a significant milestone for Neoen as we strengthen our expertise and leadership in battery storage across Europe. 🌍   A big shoutout to our amazing teams 👏 for their hard work, dedication, and collaboration in making this project a reality.   Stay tuned as we progress on this exciting journey – powering Germany’s energy future, one battery at a time! 💪✨ More details:   #Batteries #Storage #RenewableEnergy 🚀 Neuer Meilenstein in Deutschland! Nicht einmal 2 Jahre nach der Eröffnung unseres deutschen Büros, freuen wir uns, den Baubeginn unseres ersten Batteriespeichers 🔋 in Deutschland bekannt zu geben. Der Batteriespeicher Arneburg (45 MW / 90 MWh) wird dazu beitragen, das Gleichgewicht zwischen Stromerzeugung und -verbrauch in Echtzeit zu wahren, die Netzstabilität verbessern und die Integration erneuerbarer Energien unterstützen. ⚡ Dies stellt einen wichtigen Meilenstein für Neoen dar, während wir unsere Expertise und Führungsposition im Bereich der Batteriespeicher in Europa weiter ausbauen. 🌍 Ein großes Dankeschön an unsere großartigen Teams 👏 für ihre harte Arbeit, ihr Engagement und ihre Zusammenarbeit, die dieses Projekt Wirklichkeit werden ließen. Bleiben Sie dran, während wir diesen spannenden Weg weitergehen – für die Energiezukunft Deutschlands, Batterie für Batterie! 💪✨

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    🌟 Exciting news from Portugal! 🌟 We are thrilled to announce that our Rio Maior & Torre Bela solar farms (272 MWp together), the largest in Portugal to date, have been energized this week! ⚡ 🎉 A huge congratulations to our team in Portugal for their outstanding work, and a big thank you to the key energy stakeholders for their support in making this achievement possible. #solar #Sustainability #RenewableEnergy #Portugal     🌟 Excelentes notícias de Portugal! 🌟 É com grande entusiasmo que anunciamos que as nossas centrais solares de Rio Maior e Torre Bela, com um total de 272 MWp, as maiores em Portugal até à data, foram energizadas esta semana! ⚡ 🎉Gostaríamos de felicitar a nossa equipa em Portugal pelo seu trabalho excecional e de expressar o nosso profundo agradecimento a todas as entidades pelo apoio que tornou possível esta realização. #solar #Sustentabilidade #EnergiasRenováveis #Portugal

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     📣 Congratulations to the Neoen Australia team 📣 on completing an extension to their portfolio debt financing! This 2nd tranche secured AUD 1.4 billion of debt for an additional 1.3 GW of Australian wind, solar, and storage assets, building on the 1st tranche announced in February 2024. Taken together, this represents over AUD 2 billion in debt for 15 assets in operation or under construction with a combined capacity of 2.9 GW. ⚡ 🙏 A big thank you to the 11 Australian and international lenders for their trust : ANZ, Bank of China, Clean Energy Finance Corporation, HSBC, ING, KfW IPEX-Bank, Mizuho, MUFG, SMBC, Société Générale and Westpac. 🎊 It is testament to our maturing asset portfolio in Australia, and a great way to end the year ! Read more:

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    At Neoen, we are privileged to become long-term neighbors to the communities surrounding our sites. By working closely with local stakeholders, we contribute to regional economic development and aim to ensure that the benefits of the transition are shared with our communities. Projects like Western Downs Green Power Hub in Queensland, Australia, exemplify how we’re enabling a cleaner and more sustainable future. #Sustainability #EnergyTransition #CommunityEngagement #RenewableEnergy

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    Neoen’s Western Downs Green Power Hub in Queensland comprises Australia’s largest operating #solar farm at 460 MWp and 540 MW / 1,080 MWh of #battery #storage. In November 2023, as we started harnessing clean energy from the sun, we also began sharing benefits with the #communities living in and around Chinchilla, Dalby, Miles, Tara and surrounding areas. 😎🍉 Since then we have invested over $185,000 in a range of local, community initiatives. Key to this has been a talented, collaborative, and active group of community members who form part of our Local Advisory Committee. Thanks to their time and valuable insights, we can support the most meaningful initiatives in the region and fulfil our commitment to being a responsible, long-term neighbour.💸🤝 Watch this video to hear from one of our grant recipients - Momentum Mental Health, as well as committee member Louise Judge of the Chinchilla Community Centre and Neoen Australia's asset manager Paul Suter. Special thanks to Robyn Haig, Talia Parsons and the Community Entreprise Foundation for their ongoing support with our Community Benefit Fund. 🙏😊

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