Photo de couverture de Shinken Solutions
Shinken Solutions

Shinken Solutions

Développement de logiciels

À propos

Shinken Solutions is the publisher behind Shinken the widely adopted open source monitoring tool, and Shinken Enterprise version with advanced features. Winner of the French national competition “Creation / Development” of innovative companies in 2014 (i-LAB 2014), it provides unmatched flexibility and scalability in the area. Shinken Enterprise is a distributed, highly available monitoring solution offering a unified view of IT. In addition to being multi-datacenter, its capacities of auto-configuration (proprietary rules engine), correlation (root problems analysis) and aberrations detection, dramatically improve productivity. Shinken Enterprise’s intelligence improves SLA, guaranteeing efficiency of IT monitoring while reducing teams’ low value tasks. Its flexibility inherited from the open-source ensures the agility needed for a good IT governance, so CIOs guarantee the business continuity and the performances of their IT.

Développement de logiciels
Taille de l’entreprise
11-50 employés
Siège social
Artigues Près Bordeaux
Fondée en
IT Monitoring, Supervision, IT Governance et Gouvernance SI


Employés chez Shinken Solutions


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