🎬 Missed our live webinar? The on-demand replay is now available! 💡Our experts discussed how Gen AI can accelerate the test design process while boosting efficiency and quality. 🌟Discover how our Gen AI Amplifier is unlocking the potential of AI to revolutionize traditional testing. https://lnkd.in/gauRb2RQ #QualityReimagined #GenAIAmplifier #GenAI #ElevateYourPossible
Services et conseil en informatique
Paris, Paris - Issy-les-Moulineaux 491 040 abonnés
Discover your full potential with Sogeti. #BecomeYourBest
À propos
Sogeti est l’un des leaders des services de technologie et d’ingénierie. Sogeti propose des solutions permettant d’accélérer la transformation digitale et offre des expertises pointues dans les domaines du Cloud, de la Cybersécurité, du Digital Manufacturing, de l’Assurance Qualité et du Testing, et des nouvelles technologies. Sogeti allie agilité et rapidité de mise œuvre, et s’appuie sur des partenariats technologiques forts, des méthodologies innovantes, et son modèle global de prestations de services Rightshore®. Présente dans 15 pays avec plus de 100 implantations en Europe, aux Etats-Unis et en Inde, la société réunit plus de 25 000 collaborateurs. Sogeti est une filiale à 100% de Cap Gemini S.A., coté à la Bourse de Paris. Plus d’informations sur www.sogeti.com. Rightshore® est une marque du groupe Capgemini.
- Site web
Lien externe pour Sogeti
- Secteur
- Services et conseil en informatique
- Taille de l’entreprise
- + de 10 000 employés
- Siège social
- Paris, Paris - Issy-les-Moulineaux
- Type
- Société cotée en bourse
- Fondée en
- 1967
- Domaines
- Application Services, Testing, Business Intelligence, Design and Engineering, Web Content Management, Security, Mobile, Cloud, Digital Manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence, DevOps, Cognitive QA, IoT, Cybersecurity, Analytics, Business Assurance, Automation, Generative AI, Gen AI et Artificial Intelligence
Employés chez Sogeti
🌍 Het is Digital Clean-up Day. Voor ons de aftrap van een hele Clean-Up maand. Een maand waarin we met elkaar onze digitale voetafdruk gaan verkleinen. Door oude bestanden op te ruimen dragen we niet alleen bij aan een duurzamere toekomst maar verbeteren we tegelijk de efficiëntie van apparaten. 📱💻 Doe jij ook mee? Deel je tips en inspireer anderen om ook mee te doen! Samen maken we een verschil. #sogetinederland #digitalcleanupday #duurzaamheid #dataopslag #MVO https://lnkd.in/enVSZmV6
We’re proud to share that Sogeti and Capgemini have been honored as the AMS Innovative Partner at the Tricentis Partner Kickoff 2025. This recognition reflects our deep expertise in leveraging Tricentis' AI-driven continuous testing solutions to accelerate Digital Core transformation and deliver top-notch quality for our clients. With a partnership of more than12 years, our collaboration with Tricentis is rooted in a shared pursuit of excellence. We’re also proud to have earned the Nordics Partner of the Year title, with special recognition Juha Vaitilo, Global Head of SAP Business Assurance, who was recognized as the Tricentis Nordics Partner Champion. This achievement is a testament to the hard work and innovation of our global and country teams, further strengthening our leadership in creating customer value, through high-quality engineering and testing services. Learn more about our partnership with Tricentis: https://lnkd.in/e6gTkYH8 #TricentisPKO #Digitalcore #GenAIAmplifier #SAPBusinessAssurance
🌟Our #WomenAtSogeti, Sailaja Pavuluri, an Engagement Manager and QA Leader in the UK, and Winnie Wong, a Managing Consultant in Norway, discuss empowerment, inclusion, and the power of women supporting other women. 💡In this video, they share their stories and reflect on their journey at Sogeti. Discover what it’s like to be part of an inclusive team: https://lnkd.in/g8eWCusq #BecomeYourBest #IWD2025 #AccelerateAction #WomenInTech
🎉 Join us on March 13th, 2025 at 2:00 pm CET for an exclusive webinar that will transform your approach to software testing. 🛠️ What’s in store? Explore Gen AI-based test design with 4 key test design techniques: · Boundary value analysis · Data combination testing · Modified condition decision coverage · Process cycle testing (with path coverage) 🚀 Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your projects with cutting-edge innovation! Register today! https://lnkd.in/dTsxzJHZ #QualityReimagined #GenAIAmplifier #QualityEngineering #ElevateYourPossible
Revolutionizing Testing: Amplify Test Design with Gen AI
🌟 We are just few hours away! Join us for an exclusive webinar that will transform your approach to software testing on March 13th, 2025 at 2:00 pm CET. 🌐Explore Gen AI-based test design with 4 key test design techniques: 📍Boundary value analysis 📌Data combination testing 🚀Modified condition decision coverage 🎯Process cycle testing (with path coverage) Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your projects with cutting-edge innovation! Register today! ➡️https://lnkd.in/dTsxzJHZ Speakers: Antoine A. Rik Marselis Wouter Ruigrok #QualityReimagined #GenAIAmplifier #QualityEngineering #ElevateYourPossible #TMAP
👨🏻💻Handling €400 billion in public funds and processing taxes for 13 million citizens annually requires flawless software at Belastingdienst. 🤝We partnered with them to improve their DevOps testing processes and automation implementing a uniform test approach and continuous knowledge sharing, so they can respond quickly and flexibly to new laws and regulations. With a robust knowledge-sharing framework in place, Belastingdienst is set for sustainable growth. 📱Read the full story: https://bit.ly/3DB0SYH #SogetiClientSpotlight #Testing #QualityEngineering
Tampereen kaupunki - City of Tampere tekoälyn edelläkävijänä 🚀 Tampere on ottanut merkittävän askeleen kohti älykkäämpiä ja tehokkaampia julkisia palveluja aloittamalla tekoälymatkansa strategisella otteella. Yhdessä Capgeminin, mukaan lukien Sogeti-liiketoimintayksikön generatiivisen tekoälyn asiantuntijoiden kanssa, kaupunki on tunnistanut generatiivisen tekoälyn potentiaalin ja keskittynyt konkreettisten käyttökohteiden kartoittamiseen sekä organisaation osaamisen kehittämiseen oppimispiirien avulla. 💡 Muutosjohtaja Aleksi Kopponen kiteyttää yhteistyön näin: "Capgeminin lähestymistapa on ollut hyvin mukautuva ja yhteistyökykyinen. Capgemini on toiminut samaan aikaan matkaoppaana, oivalluttajana ja ongelmanratkaisijana." Capgeminin Sogeti-liiketoimintayksikön asiantuntijat ovat yhteistyössä tukeneet Tampereen kaupunkia hyödyntämällä uusimpia generatiivisen tekoälyn malleja ja kansainvälisiä käytäntöjä, jotka on räätälöity juuri julkishallinnon tarpeisiin. “Tampereen systemaattinen lähestymistapa tekoälyyn osoittaa, että kyse ei ole vain teknologiasta vaan myös ihmisistä ja prosesseista sen takana. Yhteinen tavoitteemme on löytää oikeat ratkaisut, jotka voidaan skaalata ja viedä tuotantoon niin, että kaupungilla ja sen asukkailla on niistä konkreettista hyötyä", tiivistää Sogetin automaatio- ja teknologiajohtaja Jaakko Lehtinen. 🔎Lue lisää Tampereen ja Capgeminin yhteistyöstä sekä tekoälyn vaikutuksesta julkisiin palveluihin: https://lnkd.in/dG9MW-gP #ValueInTheMaking #GenAI
Just 1 Day Left! ⏰ The wait is almost over—tomorrow’s the day! Join our webinar to discover how to amplify your test design with Gen AI . Gain insights into the latest industry trends and practical client feedback, offering a fresh perspective on the future of testing. ✔️ Register now: https://lnkd.in/dTsxzJHZ #QualityReimagined #GenAIAmplifier #GenAI #QualityEngineering #ElevateYourPossible #TMAP
🚀 Is Gen AI the Future of App Modernization? 💡 Part 1 of our 3-part series explores how Gen AI is revolutionizing development—automating tasks, bridging skill gaps, and accelerating innovation to keep businesses ahead. ✅ Faster feature development ✅ Reduced inefficiencies ✅ AI-driven automation for smarter workflows Part 1: How Gen AI helps teams build new features with speed and precision. 🔗 Read more: https://bit.ly/3Dl1uln 🔜 Stay tuned for Part 2 and Part 3, where we’ll dive into how Gen AI tackles bug fixes, vulnerabilities, and performance bottlenecks—ensuring smoother, more resilient applications. #QualityReimagined #GenAIAmplifier #GenAI #QualityEngineering #AppModernization