World Policy Conference

World Policy Conference


For a reasonably open world

À propos

Founded in 2008, the World Policy Conference (WPC) is an independent organization which aims to contribute to improving all aspects of governance, with a view to promoting a world that is more open, more prosperous, fairer and more respectful of the diversity of States and nations. Its annual meeting, which is on a human scale, brings together leading figures from all five continents – political and business leaders, representatives of civil society, academics and journalists – in a climate of trust and a spirit of tolerance to examine, discuss and suggest constructive solutions to major regional and international challenges. Follow us also on: - Twitter: - Facebook: - Instagram: - YouTube: - Flickr: - Our website:

Taille de l’entreprise
2-10 employés
Non lucratif
Fondée en
international relations, global governance et international conference


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    📌📅SAVE THE DATE! The 17th edition of the World Policy Conference will be held on December 13-14-15, 2024. This year again, it will take place in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. 🇦🇪 La 17e édition de la World Policy Conference se tiendra les 13-14-15 décembre 2024. Cette année encore, elle aura lieu à Abou Dabi, aux Émirats arabes unis. 🇦🇪 #SaveTheDate #AbouDabi #AbuDhabi #EAU #UAE #WPC2024 #WorldPolicyConf Ifri - Institut français des relations internationales

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    [ARTICLE] "Away From the War in Gaza, Another Palestinian Economy Is Wrecked", Steven Erlanger, chief diplomatic correspondent for The New York Times : "Less than three years ago, Wassif Frahat spent $3 million to open a lavish, two-story restaurant, the Ali Baba. With an impressive, pillared entryway, polished stone floors, glittering chandeliers and colorful frescoes on the high ceilings, the restaurant was his commitment to a better future. The Ali Baba, in Jenin, is just a few minutes’ drive from the Jalameh checkpoint, which in normal times allows Israeli Arab citizens entry to the West Bank. The atmosphere is Palestinian, and the shops, restaurants and services are significantly cheaper than in Israel. The crossing also allows Palestinians with valid entry permits to go to jobs in Israel." Read the article on the WPC website, first published on The New York Times ➡️

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    [ARTICLE] "Will the Democrats Win After Biden’s Withdrawal?", Richard Haas President Emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations : "US President Joe Biden’s decision to step aside as the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate this fall has transformed American politics. It caps a historic July in the United States, one defined by far-reaching Supreme Court decisions and the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump on the eve of the Republican Convention. Biden’s decision, urged by many Democratic Party officials and donors and favored by many voters, was the right choice. In the wake of a debate widely viewed as a debacle for Biden, his age had made it all but impossible for him to make the case to the American people that he deserved another four years – and was making it impossible for him to make the case that Trump did not." Read the article on the WPC website, first published on Project Syndicate ➡️

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    [ARTICLE] « Présidentielle au #Rwanda : Paul Kagame obtient 99,15% des voix, selon des résultats partiels » : « Nouveau plébiscite pour le président rwandais Paul Kagame avec des résultats provisoires qui le créditent de plus 99% des suffrages lors de la présidentielle de lundi 15 juillet. Élections dont ont été écartés les opposants les plus critiques. Selon ces résultats lus à la télévision nationale par la présidente de la commission électorale Oda Gasinzigwa, « le candidat du Front patriotique rwandais, Paul Kagame, a obtenu 99,15% des voix à l’élection présidentielle, le candidat du Parti Démocratique Vert du Rwanda, Frank Habineza, a obtenu 0,53%, le candidat indépendant Philippe Mpayimana a obtenu 0,32% ». » Retrouvez l'intégralité de l'article sur le site de la WPC, publié à l'origine par RFI - Radio France Internationale ➡️

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    [ARTICLE] Michael of Liechtenstein, “Macron’s pact with the devil”: "Emmanuel Macron’s deal with the far left may end up being far worse for France than if the National Rally had won the parliamentary elections. Emmanuel Macron is self-confident and ambitious. His focus is not limited to leading France; he also aims to establish himself as the leader of Europe and a major global player. Ideologically, he is very adaptable – like a snake, he does not hesitate to change his skin. He has cunningly succeeded in gaining the label of “liberal,” even though his actions and beliefs do not match that moniker." Read the article on the website of the WPC, originally published by Geopolitical Intelligence Services ➡️

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    [OPINION] « Finding a new French majority » writes Jean Pisani-Ferry. French President Emmanuel Macron was first elected in 2017 on a promise to end the often-artificial divisions between left and right. France had become tired of theatrical posturing between adversaries who overplayed their differences during electoral campaigns, only to end up, once in power, governing in fairly similar ways. Macron’s brand of radical centrism was meant to end the grandstanding, draw on good ideas from both sides of the political spectrum, and govern accordingly. It intended to turn the opposition between left and right into a historical relic. Seven years later, the outcome of the general election this month indicates that, if anything, France is even more polarised than it was in 2017. The right has moved further to the right, and the formerly dominant Gaullist camp is reduced to fewer than 50 MPs squeezed between the extreme right and Macron’s centrist Ensemble (Together) coalition. Part of what remains of Saturday’s right is divided between Macron supporters and opponents. Retrouvez l'intégralité de l'article sur le site de la WPC, publié à l'origine par Gulf Times ➡️

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    [ARTICLE] Zaki Laidi, "The Most Incredible Election in French History": "With many losers and very few winners, the French election has only added to the confusion, fragmentation, and paralysis that was already afflicting the country and clouding its economic prospects. The situation is unlike anything France has experienced in recent memory. PARIS – By calling a snap parliamentary election in the wake of his party’s defeat in the June European Parliament election, French President Emmanuel Macron hoped to “clarify” the political situation for his own benefit. Clearly, he failed. The election produced no parliamentary majority, only a great deal more confusion. With many losers and very few winners, it is the most astonishing election in the country’s modern history. […]" Read the entire article on the WPC website, originally published by Project Syndicate ➡️

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    [ARTICLE] Dania Koleilat Khatib, "Netanyahu’s Congress speech may determine Biden’s fate": "US President Joe Biden is facing unprecedented challenges. After a disastrous debate night, many are calling for him to end his reelection bid. His wife and son, however, are urging him to stay in the game and to fire his staff. Biden was cowed by Donald Trump in last month’s presidential debate. Despite the numerous calls for him to drop out of the race, he has decided to stay on, saying he will not squander three and a half years of good work because of one bad night. However, to win the race, he needs to prove he is capable. Hence, he cannot afford to be cowed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who will address Congress on July 24." Read the entire article on the WPC website, originally published by Arab News ➡️

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    [ARTICLE] Mina Al-Oraibi, "A British foreign policy moment in the making": "The UK stands to regain its role as a leading foreign policy player. Eight years since the Brexit vote and the internal politics that has consumed the UK since, the country has entered a new era. Beginnings often provide a sense of optimism, except for those who lose elections, but that optimism holds for only a short window of time. That limited time must be seized upon, and quickly." Read the entire article on the WPC website, originally published by The National News ➡️

    A British foreign policy moment in the making

    A British foreign policy moment in the making

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