Timothée Parrique

Anglet, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France Coordonnées
53 k abonnés + de 500 relations

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  • Lund University School of Economics and Management


  • Stockholm University


  • Anthropology and Environmental Sociology


  • Business Strategy and Societal Responsibility


  • Business and Sustainable Development


  • Contemporary Economic Issues


  • Critical Perspective in the Development of Capitalism


  • Critical Perspectives on Sustainable Development in Sweden


  • Currencies and Markets


  • Decision Support System


  • Development Economics


  • Ecological Economics


  • Ecology


  • Ecology and Industrial Economics


  • Econometrics - Level 1


  • Economic Policies


  • Economic Sociology


  • Economic, Social, and Environmental Ethics


  • Economics of Innovation


  • Energy Competition and the Environment


  • Energy Markets


  • Environmental Management


  • Environmental Policy


  • Environmental Project Management


  • Ethics


  • Evaluation and Decision-making for Sustainable Development


  • Fundamental Elements of Law


  • Fundamentals of Energy: Uses, Production, Storage, and Distribution


  • Global Challenges and Sustainable Futures


  • History of Economic Thought


  • Industrial Economics - Level 2


  • Information Systems


  • International Financial Relations


  • International Markets, Agriculture, and Energy Policy


  • Introduction to Business Accounting


  • Introduction to Environmental Law


  • Introduction to Interdisciplinary Science


  • Macroeconomics - Level 1 to 6


  • Man, Society and the Environment


  • Marketing - Level 1 & 2


  • Mathematics and Statistics - Level 1 to 6


  • Microeconomics - Level 1 to 6


  • National Accounting and Risk Evaluation


  • Our Natural Resources


  • Practical English: Oral and Written Production for International Students


  • Risk Observation, Analysis, and Governance


  • Society and Environmental Science


  • Sustainable Development: Project Management


  • Sustainable Development: Worldviews & Visions


  • System Analysis and Integrated Modeling


  • The Economics of Growth



  • English

    Bilingue ou langue natale

  • French

    Bilingue ou langue natale

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