Ombrosa International School

Elementary English Teacher

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Melanie Bornier

Melanie Bornier

Elementary School Teacher / Head of English

School Description

Ombrosa International School is a private multilingual school that offers education from nursery to upper secondary levels. Our educational goals combine the pursuit of excellence with a human approach to ensure success in the long term. We offer a bilingual education, alternating French and English weeks in the Elementary. The school is located in Caluire-et-Cuire, a suburb of Lyon.


Role Description

This is a part-time position for a CP (Grade 1) English Teacher at Ombrosa International School in Caluire-et-Cuire. This position is for a 26-hour week, every other week, from August 28th 2024 to July 4th 2025. The teacher will be responsible for creating lesson plans, teaching all subjects in English, attending meetings, and communicating with parents and staff.



  • Fluent English Speaker
  • Minimum of 1-year teaching experience with elementary students
  • Excellent communication skills
  • A Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Education or related field
  • Experience working in an international school and fluency in French are preferred
  • Type d’emploi

    Temps partiel

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Recevez des alertes en cas de nouvelles offres d’emploi : Professeur d’anglais, Caluire-et-Cuire.

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