Post de Archaïos

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La semaine dernière, Jessica Giraud et Mathilde Mura participaient à des ateliers de formation organisés par l'UNESCO, respectivement à Žabljak, Montenegro, et Mostar, Bosnie-Herzégovine. 🏛 Dans le cadre de ces séminaires consacrés à la lutte contre le trafic illicite de biens culturels dans les Balkans Occidentaux, J. Giraud et M. Mura ont partagé avec les différents participant.e.s leur expertise sur l'évaluation des risques dans des sites antiques et les solutions qui peuvent être apportées. __ Last week, Jessica Giraud and Mathilde Mura took part in training workshops organised by UNESCO in Žabljak, Montenegro, and Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina. 🏛 During these seminars, dedicated to the fight against the illicit trafficking of cultural goods in the Western Balkans, J. Giraud and M. Mura shared their expertise on the risk assessment of ancient sites and the possible solutions with the various participants.

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It's inspiring to see initiatives like the UNESCO training workshops in Žabljak and Mostar addressing the critical issue of antiquities smuggling. The expertise shared by Jessica Giraud and Mathilde Mura is invaluable in raising awareness and developing effective strategies to protect our cultural heritage. By focusing on risk assessment for ancient sites, we're taking proactive steps to safeguard these treasures for future generations. Collaboration and knowledge-sharing are key in the fight against illicit trafficking, and it's encouraging to witness such commitment from professionals in the field. Thank you for your important work in preserving our cultural history! 🏛️✨

Philippe Bonjour de Montfleury

Directeur Général chez Invictus Management

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