Post de Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario | Agence fédérale de ...

Today, at Ottawa Valley Grain Products, FedDev Ontario recognized eight food manufacturers across southern Ontario that are adopting modern equipment and expanding their operations with federal support. By expanding production capabilities and adopting new cutting-edge equipment, these companies are meeting growing demand for quality food products and laying the foundation for future success. News Release: *************************************************************** Aujourd’hui, à Ottawa Valley Grain Products, FedDev Ontario a souligné les efforts de huit fabricants de produits alimentaires du Sud de l’Ontario qui adoptent des équipements modernes et développent leurs activités avec l’aide du gouvernement fédéral. En augmentant leurs capacités de production et en adoptant de nouveaux équipements de pointe, ces entreprises répondent à la demande croissante de produits alimentaires de qualité et jettent les bases de leur réussite future. Communiqué de presse :

  • FedDev Ontario recognizes eight food manufacturers across southern Ontario that are adopting modern equipment and expanding operations with federal support.


FedDev Ontario souligne les efforts de huit fabricants de produits alimentaires du Sud de l’Ontario qui adoptent des équipements modernes et intensifient leurs activités avec l’aide du gouvernement fédéral.
Lucas Díaz Molaro

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FedDev’s poor spending track record is inspiring a new book on the need to cut funding or fully close down wasteful economic development agencies. They just spent $18 million on giving Canadians diabetes and making them more vulnerable to another pandemic like COVID. Canadians need affordable food, not more cookies, ice cream and waffles. This is the kind of bad government spending that creates food inflation. They didn’t even mention job creation on the press release because it’s probably so low that they want to avoid another news scandal like the $2 million for 10 Italpasta jobs.

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