Post de Santé Ontario

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Major depression is one of the most common mental health conditions and has a substantial impact on those who live with this condition. We’ve updated our Major Depression quality standard to align with the most up-to-date clinical evidence and current practice in Ontario. We have also developed a patient guide with key tools and resources to help people and their care partners better manage major depression. Click to learn more: . La dépression clinique est l’un des problèmes de santé mental les plus courants et a un impact considérable sur les personnes qui vivent avec cette maladie. Nous avons mis à jour notre énoncé de qualité sur la dépression clinique pour qu’il s’harmonise avec les plus récentes preuves cliniques et la pratique actuelle en Ontario. Nous avons également élaboré un guide du patient avec des outils et des ressources clés pour aider les personnes et leurs partenaires de soins à mieux gérer la dépression clinique. Cliquez pour en savoir plus :

  • Four senior adults enjoying coffee together.  Quatre adultes dégustent un café ensemble.
Douglas Bartholomew-Saunders 🏳️🌈

Strategic Directions, Operational Planning, Public Policy

2 mois

The last thing someone with major depression needs is to hear from Ontario Health and the Province of Ontario that their illness is "imposing a substantial human and economic burden on people and society". People suffering major depression don't need that weight on their shoulders in addition to all the other things that result in their depression. I think Ontario Health could spend a little more money on a communications team that is more sensitive to the issues being communicated.

Ted Ball

Reflecting on Lessons Learned

2 mois

Yes, but despite the 2018 Election promise by the PC Party to “match” the federal government’s special transfer payment for mental health and addictions, the matching $1.9:billion over 2017-2027 to deliver the $3.8 billion promised by Premier Ford for mental health and addictions services, never materialized. Indeed, while hundreds of millions in federal money has arrived, as per their promise (kept), the fact is that Ontario Health, and the Ministry, has diverted the federal money to create even more healthcrats jobs at the so-called CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE FOR MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTIONS, rather than spending the money on patients suffering from depression. Interesting how, since the Centre of Excellence was created, there haven’t been any mental health “value-added” knowledge. So, what’s up with diverting money from mental health services (paid for by Mr. Trudeau, by not delivered by Queens Park) to bloat up Ontario Health’s staff to produce “Patient Guides”, rather than supply the programs the federal government intended. Given your track record, this type of lame strategic communications POST to pretend you give a crap is most annoying. Stop it and enjoy your perks, without seeking credit for doing very little.🤷♂️

Thank you for updating the Major Depression quality standard to reflect the latest clinical evidence and current practices in Ontario. This is crucial for providing the best care possible. 

Jennie St-Martin, M.A.

Administrative Professional

2 mois

Do you mean Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)?

I'll keep this in mind

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