Post de TECNALIA France

Voir la page d’organisation pour TECNALIA France, visuel

893  abonnés

Nous continuons à faire évoluer notre suite d’outils XR #ExtendedReality, #VirtualReality pour la formation et l’assistance aux opérations #industrielles. Par exemple, nous sommes fiers de collaborer dans le projet MOTIVATE XR avec plusieurs partenaires, parmi eux, certains français comme AEROCAMPUS Aquitaine, Aerospace Valley, CS GROUP ou Sopra Steria

Voir la page d’organisation pour MOTIVATE XR, visuel

224  abonnés

✨Excited to introduce TECNALIA Research & Innovation!✨ As Spain’s largest applied research and tech development center, TECNALIA sets the standard in Europe and proudly belongs to the Basque Research and Technology Alliance. They collaborate with businesses and institutions to boost competitiveness, enhance quality of life, and drive #sustainable growth – all powered by a team of dedicated tech enthusiasts committed to building a better future. 🗝TECNALIA is the leading force behind the Experiencing Tool Phase, and is joining #MOTIVATEXR, bringing a wealth of experience in European R&D projects and AR/VR technology. Their KAYROX tool exemplifies this expertise, offering a dynamic solution for creating and experiencing #XR content, which will continue to evolve and improve. So thrilled to have such a fantastic partner on board! 🤝 #collaboration #ExtendedReality #VirtualReality #HorizonEurope #researchandinnovation #XRExperience

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