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Des développements excitants dans l'industrie du transport ! Rejoignez l'événement en ligne de CUTRIC-CRITUC sur les modes de transport non traditionnels à 12h00 pour entendre Camille Boulier, VPP Stratégie, Développement et Communications de Transdev Canada, discuter du potentiel encore inexploité du transport par navettes autonomes. --------------- Exciting developments in the transportation industry! Join the CUTRIC-CRITUC’s online event on Non-traditional Modes of Transportation at 12:00 p.m. to hear Camille Boulier, SVP Strategy, Business Development and Communications of Transdev Canada, discuss the untapped potential of autonomous shuttles.

Make sure you register for our virtual event this month with Canada Infrastructure Bank/ Banque de l'infrastructure du Canada! We'll explore the untapped potential of non-traditional modes of transportation for moving Canadians and connecting communities. The first of a two-part series, this edition will focus on autonomous shuttles and aerial transit systems as viable urban transport options based on the findings of our recently released report on the topic. Meet our panelists: Camille Boulier - Transdev Canada Frédéric Démoulin - Leitner-Poma Of America Andrew Posluns - #CIB Desmond Jaricha - #CUTRIC This event is open to all! Join the discussion: Check out our report: #AlternativeTransportation #SustainableMobility #AutonomousShuttles #AerialTransit #PublicTransit

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Olivier Le Friec

Head of External Relations & Reputation chez Transdev

3 mois

Wat to go Camille Boulier

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