10/23 Update Info (Ver. 03.091)

Following server maintenance on October 24, 2018, Street Fighter V has been updated to version


■Fighting Chance
-- Get Nash's Canon Spike Additional Costume through "Soldier of Misfortune" now underway in

Fighting Chance.

-- There have been changes made to the acquisition conditions and values for Dojo Points.

Dojo Points can be obtained through playing the Arcade, Survival, Extra Battle, Ranked Match, Casual

Match, and Battle Lounge game modes. However, point acquisition will be limited to 10 times per 1 day

for losses in Ranked and Casual Match.(including draws )

Dojo Points can only be obtained a maximum of 10 times per 1 day for matches within the Battle

Lounge, and per each difficulty in the Arcade and Survival Modes.

Please note that there may be further changes to Dojo Point acquisition depending on the circumstances.

-- In order to improve the CFN response times, timeline data up to the past 3 months has been deleted.

-- We have restored any LP that was lost during disconnects due to login issues that occurred on October 23th.

-- The speed at which inputs are registered has been improved.

We will continue to explore ways to optimize the gameplay experience. Please be sure to check the latest news, updates, and improvements!

Update: October 24, 10AM

The recent update included some adjustments made to the battle system, which were not listed in the original update information. We apologize for any inconvenience caused, and will list them here in this additional update notice.

• System Adjustment 1 - Overall
After certain lock-on type moves that cause the characters to switch sides hit, the recovering character could not perform a reversal if the move needed a charge to perform. This issue has been addressed.

-- Confirmed Lock-On Moves
Nash: Tragedy Assault (all versions)
Cammy: Gyro Clipper (forward throw)
Dhalsim: Yoga Hoop (backwards throw)
Akuma: Hyakki Gosai (all versions)
Falke: Wirbel Wind (forward throw)
Cody: Trash Out (forward throw)

• System Adjustment 2 - Ed's V-Skill
If the Psycho Cannon hit the opponent while they were being hit by Ed's V-Skill Psycho Snatcher - Air, they would be able to recover from the Psycho Snatcher. This also caused a bug that would make the opponent invincible. This phenomenon has been fixed.

【 音量を調整してお楽しみください 】





  • 道場はカジュアル勢からガチ勢だけでなく、どんな人達で集まりたいかを細かく設定することができるので、自分に合った仲間を見つけることができるぞ!同キャラ使いや同リーグの仲間を見つけ、互いに腕を磨こう!

  • Fighter's IDとTwitterアカウントの連携に対応!

  • 道場に入門するだけで、新ステージ「Dojo」が使用できるぞ! ※ゲーム中の「Dojo」ステージにはプレイヤー自身がカスタマイズした道場の情報が反映されます。(師範を含め、他の道場メンバーの設定内容が反映されることはありません)

  • 「Dojo」ステージはゲーム内コンテンツ、メナトの「気まぐれ占い」でプレイヤーが獲得した道場オブジェクトを使用してカスタマイズが可能!個性的なステージで対戦相手を驚かせれば、心理面で有利になること間違いなし!

  • SFVをいつも通りプレイしていると自然と「道場ポイント」が溜まるぞ! ※道場ポイント(DP)はアーケード・サバイバル・エクストラバトル・ランクマッチ・カジュアルマッチ・バトルラウンジをプレイすることで獲得できます。

  • 道場ランキングは道場メンバー全員の合計ポイントで決まるので、仲間と一緒に上位を目指してみよう!

  • 道場ランキングの上位になると特別な道場オブジェクトをプレゼント!道場に飾って対戦相手に自慢してやろう!




