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Gremster 5 years ago#1
As far as length and weight etc? Didn't know if TES provided the data on that.
0UT0FTH3G4M3R 5 years ago#2
There is no official information for their size, but they are approximately 45 feet long, 45 foot wingspan and probably weigh 5,000 pounds... assuming they have hollow bones.
The petty squabbles of lesser men and the common rabble are of no greater concern to my grand design.
GzzzBzzz 5 years ago#3
Basically a city bus with wings!
MertensCW 5 years ago#4
All the answers before this are lies, all lies.

The Dovah him/herself says as big as an inn. 😏
Few Favorites- Ninja gaiden 1-2, Colony Wars 1-3,Xenogears,MarioKart,Lunar 2 GTA:SA,S&K,FF6-7,Zanac,S.Metroid,SMB2,NFL2K5,Halo 2, NG2,Vanquish,Witcher 2.
agentspoon 5 years ago#5
'bout tree fiddy
What is this? Forged in Gods very flames! Do mine eyes tell me lies? A new Elder Scrolls game?
Time is nigh, I must fly, Venture forth on my quest!
Gremster 5 years ago#6
Speaking of how big they are, has anyone ever used this mod?

Supa Size Ma Dragons

About to start the Civil War quest and I never do it this series without Odahviing, so I'm trying to find some mods for him. Personally if it were possible I'd have my comrades stay out of it and let just me and my dragon handle the battles
Red_Baron07 5 years ago#7
agentspoon posted...
'bout tree fiddy

Now don't go startin at no tree fiddy. Start low at a buck two five
Complacency kills. Get off your ass, get the job done and quit complaining. Do PT. Nuff said.
SkoomaDealer 5 years ago#8
Doesn't the lady in Riverwood say Alduin is as big as a inn??? I'm usually to busy killing the chicken in the street to listen.
Olld-Onne 5 years ago#9
SkoomaDealer posted...
Doesn't the lady in Riverwood say Alduin is as big as a inn??? I'm usually to busy killing the chicken in the street to listen.

She is also Sven's mother so not exactly the expert on Dragontology in Skyrim lol.
you haven't set a signature for the message boards yet!
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