Red Dead Redemption 2 To Possibly Have Rideable Canoes And Dual Wielding

Dual wielding in the wild west!

Red Dead Redemption 2 had very short reveal trailer– but if you paid attention to more than just how pretty it looked, you would have noticed that it seemingly hinted at quite a few details about the gameplay. That is exactly what we did for you, however. We have noticed some details that seem to hint at an altogether unprecedented level of interactivity with the game world.

For instance, canoes were noticed in the trailer, instantly prompting speculation that they may be rideable in the game. If so, then that will definitely be something that is appreciated. Equally awesomely, however, if not more so, it looks like dual wielding has been confirmed (just take a look at one of the characters on the right in the first screenshot) – I personally have always wanted to be a dual wielding badass in the American wild west.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is going to release in Fall 2017 on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. No PC or Nintendo Switch versions have been discussed yet, though the former, at least, is very likely.

ps4Red Dead Redemption 2RockstarRockstar Northrockstar san diegoXbox One