三陸復興国立公園 Sanriku Fukko National Park 浄土ヶ浜 Jodogahama
三陸復興国立公園を代表する景勝地である浄土ヶ浜は、国指定名勝並びに日本の快水浴場百選に選ばれています。 浄土ヶ浜の名称は、約300年前に宮古山常安寺七世の霊鏡和尚が「さながら極楽浄土のごとし」と感嘆したことから名づけられたと言われています。
Jodogahama Beach, a scenic gem of Sanriku Fukko National Park, is a nationally designated Place of Scenic Beauty and one of the top 100 swimming beaches in Japan. It is believed that Jodogahama, means "the Pure Land Beach," was named by a Buddhist priest of Joanji Temple about 300 years ago. Mt. Usukiyama, where is a famous spot for cherry blossoms in the spring, and five viewing platforms are located around Jodogahama. The area also offers outstanding opportunities: nature walk, boating and sightseeing cruise.