blob: e47d81776b545ea46df1ec648ca81de56405ed3a [file] [log] [blame]
This file provides documentation for CirrusSearch configuration variables.
It should be updated each time a new configuration parameter is added or changed.
== Configuration ==
; $wgCirrusSearchServers
$wgCirrusSearchServers provides a straight forward method for
configuring a typical use case, a single elasticsearch cluster for
all circumstances. The value is a list of hostnames in the cluster
to connect to.
When set the following configuration is ignored:
; $wgCirrusSearchDefaultCluster
$wgCirrusSearchDefaultCluster = 'default';
Default cluster for read operations. This refers to the cluster group
from $wgCirrusSearchClusters. When running multiple clusters this
should be pointed to the closest cluster, and can be pointed at an
alternate cluster during downtime.
; $wgCirrusSearchClusters
$wgCirrusSearchClusters = [
'default' => [ 'localhost' ],
Each key is the name of an elasticsearch cluster. The value is
a list of addresses to connect to. If no port is specified it
defaults to 9200.
All writes will be processed in all configured cluster groups by the
ElasticaWrite job, unless $wgCirrusSearchWriteClusters is configured
(see below).
This list of addresses can additionally contain 'replica' and
'group' keys for controlling multi-cluster operations. By default
'replica' takes the value of the array key and 'group' is set
to 'default'. For more information see docs/multi_cluster.txt.
$wgCirrusSearchClusters = [
'dc-foo' => [ '', '' ]
'dc-bar' => [ '', '' ]
A non-standard elasticsearch port can also be defined.
$wgCirrusSearchClusters = [
'default' => [
[ 'host' => '', 'port' => 1234 ],
; $wgCirrusSearchWriteClusters
$wgCirrusSearchWriteClusters = null;
List of clusters that can be used for writing. Must be a subset of
cluster groups from $wgCirrusSearchClusters. By default or when set
to null, all configured cluster groups are available for writing.
; $wgCirrusSearchWriteIsolateClusters
List of clusters, by name, that will have their writes isolated from the other
clusters. If not set all clusters will be isolated from each other. Limiting
isolation to only clusters that may have issues will result in reduced job
queue load.
Write Isolation also requires configuration of the chosen job queue to
partition the created ElasticaWrite jobs by their `jobqueue_partition` job
parameter. If the job queue is not configured for this purpose no write
isolation will occur. Each unique value of `jobqueue_partition` should go
into it's own partition. See CirrusSearchElasticaWritePartitionCounts for
more information on expected values of `jobqueue_partition`.
$wgCirrusSearchWriteIsolateClusters = null;
; CirrusSearchElasticaWritePartitionCounts
Defines the number of partitions to use when generating a partitioning key for
the ElasticaWrite jobs that implement write isolation. This allows for
increased throughput in cases where a single partition is not able to process
all the jobs that are inserted into it.
The array key must be set to the cluster name with the value as an integer
specifying the number of partitions. If a cluster is not named it receives a
value of 1. The resulting `jobqueue_partition` value will be formatted as
`<cluster_name>-<partition_number>`. For example in a cluster named `aslan`
configured with a partition count of 2 the possible values will be `aslan-0`
and `aslan-1`. If the `aslan` cluster is not configured here it receives the
default value of 1 which results in a `jobqueue_partition` of `aslan-0`.
$wgCirrusSearchElasticaWritePartitionCounts = [];
; $wgCirrusSearchPrivateClusters
$wgCirrusSearchPrivateClusters = null
List of cluster names that are allowed to contain private indices. This
provides an additional list on top of $wgCirrusSearchWriteClusters for the
archive index which should not be written to clusters that will be publicly
readable. When set to the default value of null all clusters are allowed to
contain private data.
; $wgCirrusSearchReplicaGroup
$wgCirrusSearchReplicaGroup = 'default'
Replica group the current wiki belongs to. This can be either a
string for a constant assignment, or a configuration array specifying
a strategy for choosing the replica group. This should not be changed
except in advanced multi-wiki configurations. For more information
see docs/multi_cluster.txt.
; $wgCirrusSearchCrossClusterSearch
$wgCirrusSearchCrossClusterSearch = false
When true search queries will have their index name prepended with an
elasticsearch cross-cluster-search identifier if the indices reside on a
cluster group separate from the host wiki. This only applies to full text
search queries, as they are the only ones that support cross-wiki search.
; $wgCirrusSearchConnectionAttempts
$wgCirrusSearchConnectionAttempts = 1;
How many times to attempt connecting to a given server.
If you're behind LVS and everything looks like one server,
you may want to reattempt 2 or 3 times.
; $wgCirrusSearchShardCount
$wgCirrusSearchShardCount = [ 'content' => 1, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1 ];
Number of shards for each index.
You can also set this setting for each cluster:
$wgCirrusSearchShardCount = array(
'cluster1' => array( 'content' => 2, 'general' => 2 ),
'cluster2' => array( 'content' => 3, 'general' => 3 ),
; $wgCirrusSearchReplicas
$wgCirrusSearchReplicas = '0-2';
Number of replicas Elasticsearch can expand or contract to. This allows for
easy development and deployment to a single node (0 replicas) to scale up to
higher levels of replication. If you need more redundancy you could
adjust this to '0-10' or '0-all' or even 'false' (string, not boolean) to
disable the behavior entirely. The default should be fine for most people.
You can also specify this as an array of index type to replica count. If you
do then you must specify all index types. For example:
$wgCirrusSearchReplicas = array( 'content' => '0-3', 'general' => '0-2' );
You can also set this setting for each cluster:
$wgCirrusSearchReplicas = array(
'cluster1' => array( 'content' => '0-1', 'general' => '0-2' ),
'cluster2' => array( 'content' => '0-2', 'general' => '0-3' ),
; $wgCirrusSearchMaxShardsPerNode
$wgCirrusSearchMaxShardsPerNode = [];
Number of shards allowed on the same elasticsearch node, per index type.
Set this to 1 to prevent two shards from the same high traffic index from being allocated
onto the same node.
You can also set this setting for each cluster:
$wgCirrusSearchMaxShardsPerNode = [
'cluster1' => [ 'content' => 1 ],
'cluster2' => [ 'content' => 'unlimited' ],
$wgCirrusSearchMaxShardsPerNode[ 'content' ] = 1;
; $wgCirrusSearchSlowSearch
$wgCirrusSearchSlowSearch = 10.0;
How many seconds must a search of Elasticsearch take before we consider it
slow? Default value is 10 seconds which should be fine for catching the rare
truly abusive queries. Use Elasticsearch query more granular logs that
don't contain user information.
; $wgCirrusSearchUseExperimentalHighlighter
$wgCirrusSearchUseExperimentalHighlighter = false;
Should CirrusSearch attempt to use the "experimental" highlighter. It is an
Elasticsearch plugin that should produce better snippets for search results.
Installation instructions are here:
If you have the highlighter installed you can switch this on and off so long
as you don't rebuild the index while $wgCirrusSearchOptimizeIndexForExperimentalHighlighter is true.
Setting it to true without the highlighter installed will break search.
; $wgCirrusSearchOptimizeIndexForExperimentalHighlighter
$wgCirrusSearchOptimizeIndexForExperimentalHighlighter = false;
Should CirrusSearch optimize the index for the experimental highlighter.
This will speed up indexing, save a ton of space, and speed up highlighting
slightly. This only takes effect if you rebuild the index. The downside is
that you can no longer switch $wgCirrusSearchUseExperimentalHighlighter on
and off - it has to stay on.
; $wgCirrusSearchWikimediaExtraPlugin
$wgCirrusSearchWikimediaExtraPlugin = [];
Should CirrusSearch try to use the wikimedia/extra plugin? An empty array
means don't use it at all.
Here is an example to enable faster regex matching:
$wgCirrusSearchWikimediaExtraPlugin[ 'regex' ] =
array( 'build', 'use', 'max_inspect' => 10000 );
The 'build' value instructs Cirrus to build the index required to speed up
regex queries. The 'use' value instructs Cirrus to use it to power regular
expression queries. If 'use' is added before the index is rebuilt with
'build' in the array then regex will fail to find anything. The value of
the 'max_inspect' key is the maximum number of pages to recheck the regex
against. Its optional and defaults to 10000 which seems like a reasonable
compromise to keep regexes fast while still producing good results.
This turns on noop-detection for updates and is compatible with
wikimedia-extra versions 1.3.1, 1.4.2, 1.5.0, and greater:
$wgCirrusSearchWikimediaExtraPlugin[ 'super_detect_noop' ] = true;
Configure field specific handlers for the noop script.
$wgCirrusSearchWikimediaExtraPlugin[ 'super_detect_noop_handlers' ] = [
'labels' => 'equals',
This turns on document level noop-detection for updates based on revision
ids and is compatible with wikimedia-extra versions and greater:
$wgCirrusSearchWikimediaExtraPlugin[ 'documentVersion' ] = true
Allows to use lucene tokenizers to activate phrase rescore.
This allows not to rely on the presence of spaces (which obviously does not
work on spaceless languages). Available since version 5.1.2
$wgCirrusSearchWikimediaExtraPlugin['token_count_router'] = true;
Allows the use of term_freq token filter and query. Available since
version of the plugin.
$wgCirrusSearchWikimediaExtraPlugin['term_freq'] = true;
; $wgCirrusSearchEnableRegex
$wgCirrusSearchEnableRegex = true;
Should CirrusSearch try to support regular expressions with insource:?
These can be really expensive, but mostly ok, especially if you have the
extra plugin installed. Sometimes they still cause issues though.
; $wgCirrusSearchRegexMaxDeterminizedStates
$wgCirrusSearchRegexMaxDeterminizedStates = 20000;
Maximum complexity of regexes. Raising this will allow more complex
regexes use the memory that they need to compile in Elasticsearch. The
default allows reasonably complex regexes and doesn't use too much memory.
; $wgCirrusSearchQueryStringMaxDeterminizedStates
$wgCirrusSearchQueryStringMaxDeterminizedStates = null;
Maximum complexity of wildcard queries. Raising this value will allow
more wildcards in search terms. 500 will allow about 20 wildcards.
Setting a high value here can cause the cluster to consume a lot of memory
when compiling complex wildcards queries.
This setting requires elasticsearch 1.4+.
With elasticsearch 1.4+ if this setting is disabled the default value is
With elasticsearch 1.3 this setting must be disabled.
$wgCirrusSearchQueryStringMaxDeterminizedStates = 500;
; $wgCirrusSearchNamespaceMappings
$wgCirrusSearchNamespaceMappings = [];
By default, Cirrus will organize pages into one of two indexes (general or
content) based on whether a page is in a content namespace. This should
suffice for most wikis. This setting allows individual namespaces to be
mapped to specific index suffixes. The keys are the namespace number, and
the value is a string name of what index suffix to use. Changing this setting
requires a full reindex (not in-place) of the wiki. If this setting contains
any values then the index names must also exist in $wgCirrusSearchShardCount.
; $wgCirrusSearchExtraIndexes
$wgCirrusSearchExtraIndexes = [];
Extra indexes (if any) you want to search, and for what namespaces?
The key should be the local namespace, with the value being an array of one
or more indexes that should be searched as well for that namespace.
NOTE: This setting makes no attempts to ensure compatibility across
multiple indexes, and basically assumes everyone's using a CirrusSearch
index that's more or less the same. Most notably, we can't guarantee
that namespaces match up; so you should only use this for core namespaces
or other times you can be sure that namespace IDs match 1-to-1.
NOTE Part Two: Adding an index here is cause cirrus to update spawn jobs to
update that other index, trying to set the local_sites_with_dupe field. This
is used to filter duplicates that appear on the remote index. This is always
done by a job, even when run from forceSearchIndex.php. If you add an image
to your wiki but after it is in the extra search index you'll see duplicate
results until the job is done.
NOTE Part Three: Removing an index from here will stop generating update
jobs, but jobs already enqueued will run to completion.
NOTE Part Four: When using a multi cluster (wgCirrusSearchReplicaGroup) setup
you can prefix with the remote cross cluster name.
$wgCirrusSearchExtraIndexes = [
NS_FILE => [ 'other_index' ]
; $wgCirrusSearchExtraIndexBoostTemplates
$wgCirrusSearchExtraIndexBoostTemplates = [];
Template boosts to apply to extra index queries. This is pretty much a complete
hack, but gets the job done. Top level is a map from the extra index addedby
$wgCirrusSearchExtraIndexes to a configuration map. That configuration map must
contain a 'wiki' entry with the same value as the 'wiki' field in the documents,
and a 'boosts' entry containing a map from template name to boost weight.
$wgCirrusSearchExtraIndexBoostTemplates = [
'commonswiki_file' => [
'wiki' => 'commonswiki',
'boosts' => [
'Template:Valued image' => 1.75
'Template:Assessments' => 1.75,
; $wgCirrusSearchUpdateShardTimeout
$wgCirrusSearchUpdateShardTimeout = '1ms';
Shard timeout for index operations. This is the amount of time
Elasticsearch will wait around for an offline primary shard. Currently this
is just used in page updates and not deletes. It is defined in
Elasticsearch's time format which is a string containing a number and then a
unit which is one of d (days), m (minutes), h (hours), ms (milliseconds) or
w (weeks). Cirrus defaults to a very tiny value to prevent job executors
from waiting around a long time for Elasticsearch. Instead, the job will
fail and be retried later.
; $wgCirrusSearchClientSideUpdateTimeout
$wgCirrusSearchClientSideUpdateTimeout = 120;
Client side timeout for non-maintenance index and delete operations and
in seconds. Set it long enough to account for operations that may be
delayed on the Elasticsearch node.
; $wgCirrusSearchClientSideConnectTimeout
$wgCirrusSearchClientSideConnectTimeout = 5;
Client side timeout when initializing connections.
Useful to fail fast if elasticsearch is unreachable.
Set to 0 to use Elastica defaults (300 sec).
You can also set this setting for each cluster:
$wgCirrusSearchClientSideConnectTimeout = array(
'cluster1' => 10,
'cluster2' => 5,
; $wgCirrusSearchSearchShardTimeout
$wgCirrusSearchSearchShardTimeout = [
'default' => '20s',
'regex' => '120s',
The amount of time Elasticsearch will wait for search shard actions before
giving up on them and returning the results from the other shards. Defaults
to 20s for regular searches which is about twice the slowest queries we see.
Some shard actions are capable of returning partial results and others are
just ignored. Regexes default to 120 seconds because they are known to be
slow at this point.
; $wgCirrusSearchClientSideSearchTimeout
$wgCirrusSearchClientSideSearchTimeout = [
'default' => 40,
'regex' => 240,
Client side timeout for searches in seconds. Best to keep this double the
shard timeout to give Elasticsearch a chance to timeout the shards and return
partial results.
; $wgCirrusSearchMaintenanceTimeout
$wgCirrusSearchMaintenanceTimeout = 3600;
Client side timeout for maintenance operations. We can't disable the timeout
all together so we set it to one hour for really long running operations
like optimize.
; $wgCirrusSearchPrefixSearchStartsWithAnyWord
$wgCirrusSearchPrefixSearchStartsWithAnyWord = false;
Is it ok if the prefix starts on any word in the title or just the first word?
Defaults to false (first word only) because that is the Wikipedia behavior and so
what we expect users to expect. Does not effect the prefix: search filter or
url parameter - that always starts with the first word. false -> true will break
prefix searching until an in place reindex is complete. true -> false is fine
any time and you can then go false -> true if you haven't run an in place reindex
since the change.
; $wgCirrusSearchPhraseSlop
$wgCirrusSearchPhraseSlop = [ 'precise' => 0, 'default' => 0, 'boost' => 1 ];
Phrase slop is how many words not searched for can be in the phrase and it'll still
match. If I search for "like yellow candy" then phraseSlop of 0 won't match "like
brownish yellow candy" but phraseSlop of 1 will. The 'precise' key is for matching
quoted text. The 'default' key is for matching quoted text that ends in a ~.
The 'boost' key is used for the phrase rescore that boosts phrase matches on queries
that don't already contain phrases.
; $wgCirrusSearchPhraseRescoreBoost
$wgCirrusSearchPhraseRescoreBoost = 10.0;
If the search doesn't include any phrases (delimited by quotes) then we try wrapping
the whole thing in quotes because sometimes that can turn up better results. This is
the boost that we give such matches. Set this less than or equal to 1.0 to turn off
this feature.
; $wgCirrusSearchPhraseRescoreWindowSize
$wgCirrusSearchPhraseRescoreWindowSize = 512;
Number of documents per shard for which automatic phrase matches are performed if it
is enabled.
; $wgCirrusSearchFunctionRescoreWindowSize
$wgCirrusSearchFunctionRescoreWindowSize = 8192;
Number of documents per shard for which function scoring is applied. This is stuff
like incoming links boost, prefer-recent decay, and boost-templates.
; $wgCirrusSearchMoreAccurateScoringMode
$wgCirrusSearchMoreAccurateScoringMode = true;
If true CirrusSearch asks Elasticsearch to perform searches using a mode that should
produce more accurate results at the cost of performance. See this for more info:
; $wgCirrusSearchFallbackProfile
$wgCirrusSearchFallbackProfile = 'phrase_suggest_and_language_detection';
Configure fallback methods.
Responsible from displaying the "Did you mean" suggestion and/or
rewriting the query to increase the chances to display some results.
; $wgCirrusSearchFallbackProfiles
$wgCirrusSearchFallbackProfiles = []
Additional fallback profiles
(see profiles/FallbackProfiles.config.php)
; $wgCirrusSearchEnablePhraseSuggest
$wgCirrusSearchEnablePhraseSuggest = true;
Should the phrase suggester (did you mean) be enabled?
; $wgCirrusSearchPhraseSuggestProfiles
$wgCirrusSearchPhraseSuggestProfiles = []
Set additional phrase suggester profiles
(see profiles/PhraseSuggesterProfiles.config.php)
; $wgCirrusSearchInterwikiHTTPTimeout
Read timeout (in seconds) for HTTP requests done to another wiki API.
$wgCirrusSearchInterwikiHTTPTimeout = 10
; $wgCirrusSearchInterwikiHTTPConnectTimeout
Connection timeout (in seconds) for HTTP requests done to another wiki API.
$wgCirrusSearchInterwikiHTTPConnectTimeout = 5
; $wgCirrusSearchPhraseSuggestReverseField
$wgCirrusSearchPhraseSuggestReverseField = [
'build' => false,
'use' => false,
Use a reverse field to build the did you mean suggestions.
This is usefull to workaround the prefix length limitation, by working with a reverse
field we can suggest typos correction that appears in the first 2 characters of the word.
i.e. Suggesting "search" if the user types "saerch" is possible with the reverse field.
Set build to true and reindex before set use to true
; $wgCirrusSearchPhraseSuggestUseText
$wgCirrusSearchPhraseSuggestUseText = false;
Look for suggestions in the article text?
An inplace reindex is needed after any changes to this value.
; $wgCirrusSearchPhraseSuggestUseOpeningText
$wgCirrusSearchPhraseSuggestUseOpeningText = false;
Look for suggestions in the article opening text?
An inplace reindex is needed after any changes to this value.
; $wgCirrusSearchAllowLeadingWildcard
$wgCirrusSearchAllowLeadingWildcard = true;
Allow leading wildcard queries.
Searching for terms that have a leading ? or * can be very slow. Turn this off to
disable it. Terms with leading wildcards will have the wildcard escaped.
; $wgCirrusSearchIndexedRedirects
$wgCirrusSearchIndexedRedirects = 1024;
Maximum number of redirects per target page to index.
; $wgCirrusSearchIndexFieldsToCleanup
$wgCirrusSearchIndexFieldsToCleanup = []
List of strings identifying the fields to remove from the index when the next in-place re-index is run.
; $wgCirrusSearchLinkedArticlesToUpdate
$wgCirrusSearchLinkedArticlesToUpdate = 25;
Maximum number of newly linked articles to update when an article changes.
; $wgCirrusSearchUnlinkedArticlesToUpdate
$wgCirrusSearchUnlinkedArticlesToUpdate = 25;
Maximum number of newly unlinked articles to update when an article changes.
; $wgCirrusSearchSimilarityProfile
$wgCirrusSearchSimilarityProfile = 'classic';
Configure the similarity module.
See profile/SimilarityProfiles.php for more details.
; $wgCirrusSearchWeights
$wgCirrusSearchWeights = [
'title' => 20,
'redirect' => 15,
'category' => 8,
'heading' => 5,
'opening_text' => 3,
'text' => 1,
'auxiliary_text' => 0.5,
'file_text' => 0.5,
Weight of fields. Changes to this require an in place reindex to take effect.
; $wgCirrusSearchPrefixWeights
$wgCirrusSearchPrefixWeights = [
'title' => 10,
'redirect' => 1,
'title_asciifolding' => 7,
'redirect_asciifolding' => 0.7,
Weight of fields in prefix search. It is safe to change these at any time.
; $wgCirrusSearchBoostOpening
$wgCirrusSearchBoostOpening = 'first_heading';
The method Cirrus will use to extract the opening section of the text. Valid values are:
* first_heading - Wikipedia style. Grab the text before the first heading (h1-h6) tag.
* none - Do not extract opening text and do not search it.
; $wgCirrusSearchNearMatchWeight
$wgCirrusSearchNearMatchWeight = 2;
Weight of fields that match via "near_match" which is ordered.
; $wgCirrusSearchStemmedWeight
$wgCirrusSearchStemmedWeight = 0.5;
Weight of stemmed fields relative to unstemmed. Meaning if searching for <used>, <use> is only
worth this much while <used> is worth 1. Searching for <"used"> will still only find exact
; $wgCirrusSearchNamespaceWeights
$wgCirrusSearchNamespaceWeights = [
NS_USER => 0.05,
NS_PROJECT => 0.1,
NS_TEMPLATE => 0.005,
NS_HELP => 0.1,
Weight of each namespace relative to NS_MAIN. If not specified non-talk namespaces default to
$wgCirrusSearchDefaultNamespaceWeight. If not specified talk namespaces default to:
$wgCirrusSearchTalkNamespaceWeight * weightOfCorrespondingNonTalkNamespace
The default values below inspired by the configuration used for lsearchd. Note that technically
NS_MAIN can be overridden with this then 1 just represents what NS_MAIN would have been...
If you override NS_MAIN here then NS_TALK will still default to:
$wgCirrusSearchNamespaceWeights[ NS_MAIN ] * $wgCirrusSearchTalkNamespaceWeight
You can specify namespace by number or string. Strings are converted to numbers using the
content language including aliases.
; $wgCirrusSearchDefaultNamespaceWeight
$wgCirrusSearchDefaultNamespaceWeight = 0.2;
Default weight of non-talks namespaces.
; $wgCirrusSearchTalkNamespaceWeight
$wgCirrusSearchTalkNamespaceWeight = 0.25;
Default weight of a talk namespace relative to its corresponding non-talk namespace.
; $wgCirrusSearchLanguageWeight
$wgCirrusSearchLanguageWeight = [
'user' => 0.0,
'wiki' => 0.0,
Default weight of language field for multilingual wikis.
* 'user' is the weight given to the user's language
* 'wiki' is the weight given to the wiki's content language
If your wiki is only one language you can leave these at 0, otherwise try setting it
to something like 5.0 for 'user' and 2.5 for 'wiki'.
; $wgCirrusSearchPreferRecentDefaultDecayPortion
$wgCirrusSearchPreferRecentDefaultDecayPortion = 0;
Portion of an article's score that decays with time since it's last update. Defaults to 0
meaning don't decay the score at all unless prefer-recent: prefixes the query.
; $wgCirrusSearchPreferRecentUnspecifiedDecayPortion
$wgCirrusSearchPreferRecentUnspecifiedDecayPortion = .6;
Portion of an article's score that decays with time if prefer-recent: prefixes the query but
doesn't specify a portion. Defaults to .6 because that approximates the behavior that
wikinews has been using for years. An article 160 days old is worth about 70% of its new score.
; $wgCirrusSearchPreferRecentDefaultHalfLife
$wgCirrusSearchPreferRecentDefaultHalfLife = 160;
Default number of days it takes the portion of an article's score that decays with time since
last update to half way decay to use if prefer-recent: prefixes query and doesn't specify a
half life or $wgCirrusSearchPreferRecentDefaultDecayPortion is non 0. Default to 160 because
that approximates the behavior that wikinews has been using for years.
; $wgCirrusSearchMoreLikeThisConfig
Default: See below.
Configuration parameters passed to more_like_this queries.
Note: these values can be configured at runtime by editing the System
message cirrussearch-morelikethis-settings.
'min_doc_freq': 2
Minimum number of documents (per shard) that need a term for it to be considered.
'max_doc_freq' => null
Maximum number of documents (per shard) that have a term for it to be considered.
Setting a sufficient high value can be useful to exclude stop words but it depends on the wiki size.
'max_query_terms' => 25
This is the max number it will collect from input data to build the query.
This value cannot exceed $wgCirrusSearchMoreLikeThisMaxQueryTermsLimit .
'min_term_freq' => 2
Minimum TF (number of times the term appears in the input text) for a term to be considered
for small fields (title) tf is usually 1 so setting it to 2 will exclude all terms.
for large fields (text) this value can help to exclude words that are not related to the subject.
'min_word_len' => 0
Minimum length for a word to be considered
small words tend to be stop words.
'max_word_len' => 0
Maximum length for a word to be considered.
Very long "words" tend to be uncommon, excluding them can help recall but it
is highly dependent on the language.
'minimum_should_match' => '30%'
Percent of terms to match.
High value will increase precision but can prevent small docs to match against large ones.
; $wgCirrusSearchMoreLikeThisMaxQueryTermsLimit
$wgCirrusSearchMoreLikeThisMaxQueryTermsLimit = 100;
Hard limit to the max_query_terms parameter of more like this queries.
This prevent running too large queries.
; $wgCirrusSearchMoreLikeThisFields
$wgCirrusSearchMoreLikeThisFields = [ 'text' ];
Set the default field used by the More Like This algorithm.
; $wgCirrusSearchMoreLikeThisAllowedFields
$wgCirrusSearchMoreLikeThisAllowedFields = [
List of fields allowed for the more like this queries.
; $wgCirrusSearchMoreLikeThisUseFields
$wgCirrusSearchMoreLikeThisUseFields = false;
When set to false cirrus will use the text content to build the query
and search on the field listed in $wgCirrusSearchMoreLikeThisFields.
Set to true if you want to use field data as input text to build the initial
Note that if the all field is used then this setting will be forced to true.
This is because the all field is not part of the _source and its content cannot
be retrieved by elasticsearch.
; $wgCirrusSearchClusterOverrides
$wgCirrusSearchClusterOverrides = [];
This allows redirecting queries to a separate cluster configured
in $wgCirrusSearchClusters. Note that queries can use multiple features, in
the case multiple features have overrides the first match wins.
Example sending more_like queries to dc-foo and completion to dc-bar:
$wgCirrusSearchClusterOverrides = [
'more_like' => 'dc-foo',
'completion' => 'dc-bar',
; $wgCirrusSearchMoreLikeThisTTL
$wgCirrusSearchMoreLikeThisTTL = 0;
More like this queries can be quite expensive. Set this to > 0 to cache the
results for the specified # of seconds into ObjectCache (memcache, redis, or
whatever is configured).
; $wgCirrusSearchShowNowUsing
$wgCirrusSearchShowNowUsing = false;
Show the notification about this wiki using CirrusSearch on the search page.
; $wgCirrusSearchFetchConfigFromApi
Default: $wgCirrusSearchFetchConfigFromApi = false;
Fetch external wiki config from the cirrus dump api.
Used by cross language and cross project searches.
When set to false (default), crossproject configs are approximated
crosslanguage configs are fetched from SiteConfiguration
; $wgCirrusSearchInterwikiSources
$wgCirrusSearchInterwikiSources = [];
CirrusSearch interwiki searching.
Keys are the interwiki prefix, values are the index to search
Results are cached.
; $wgCirrusSearchCrossProjectOrder
$wgCirrusSearchCrossProjectOrder = 'static';
Set the order of crossproject side boxes. Possible values:
- static: output crossproject results in the order provided by the interwiki
resolver (order set in wgCirrusSearchInterwikiSources or SiteMatrix)
- recall: based on total hits
; $wgCirrusSearchInterwikiLoadTest
$wgCirrusSearchInterwikiLoadTest = null;
Temporary special configuration for load testing the addition of interwiki
search results to a wiki. If this value is null then nothing special
happens, and wgCirrusSearchInterwikiSources is treated as usual. If this is
set to a value between 0 and 1 that is treated as the % of requests to
Special:Search that should use wgCirrusSearchInterwikiSources to make a
query. The results of this query will not be attached to the
SearchResultSet, and will not be displayed to the user. This is to estimate
the effect of adding this additional load onto a search cluster.
; $wgCirrusSearchRefreshInterval
$wgCirrusSearchRefreshInterval = 1;
The seconds Elasticsearch will wait to batch index changes before making
them available for search. Lower values make search more real time but put
more load on Elasticsearch. Defaults to 1 second because that is the default
in Elasticsearch. Changing this will immediately effect wait time on
secondary (links) update if those allow waiting (basically if you use Redis
for the job queue). For it to effect Elasticsearch you'll have to rebuild
the index.
; $wgCirrusSearchUpdateDelay
$wgCirrusSearchUpdateDelay = [
'prioritized' => 0,
'default' => 0,
Delay between when the job is queued for a change and when the job can be
unqueued. The idea is to let the job queue deduplication logic take care
of preventing multiple updates for frequently changed pages and to combine
many of the secondary changes from template edits into a single update.
Note that this does not work with every job queue implementation. It works
with JobQueueRedis but is ignored with JobQueueDB.
; $wgCirrusSearchBannedPlugins
$wgCirrusSearchBannedPlugins = [];
List of plugins that Cirrus should ignore when it scans for plugins. This
will cause the plugin not to be used by updateSearchIndexConfig.php and
; $wgCirrusSearchUpdateConflictRetryCount
$wgCirrusSearchUpdateConflictRetryCount = 5;
Number of times to instruct Elasticsearch to retry updates that fail on
version conflicts. While we do have a version for each page in mediawiki
(the revision timestamp) using it for versioning is a bit tricky because
Cirrus uses two pass indexing the first time and sometimes needs to force
updates. This is simpler but theoretically will put more load on
Elasticsearch. At this point, though, we believe the load not to be
; $wgCirrusSearchFragmentSize
$wgCirrusSearchFragmentSize = 150;
Number of characters to include in article fragments.
; $wgCirrusSearchIndexAllocation
$wgCirrusSearchIndexAllocation = [
'include' => [],
'exclude' => [],
'require' => [],
Shard allocation settings. The include/exclude/require top level keys are
the type of rule to use, the names should be self explanatory. The values
are an array of keys and values of different rules to apply to an index.
For example: if you wanted to make sure this index was only allocated to
servers matching a specific IP block, you'd do this:
$wgCirrusSearchIndexAllocation['require'] = array( '_ip' => '192.168.1.*' );
Or let's say you want to keep an index off a given host:
$wgCirrusSearchIndexAllocation['exclude'] = array( '_host' => 'badserver01' );
Note that if you use anything other than the magic values of _ip, _name, _id
or _host it requires you to configure the host keys/values on your server(s)
See also:
; $wgCirrusSearchPoolCounterKey
$wgCirrusSearchPoolCounterKey = '_elasticsearch';
Pool Counter key. If you use the PoolCounter extension, this can help segment your wiki's
traffic into separate queues. This has no effect in vanilla MediaWiki and most people can
just leave this as it is.
; $wgCirrusSearchMergeSettings
$wgCirrusSearchMergeSettings = [];
Merge configuration for the indices. See
for the meanings.
; $wgCirrusSearchLogElasticRequests
$wgCirrusSearchLogElasticRequests = true;
Whether elasticsearch queries should be logged on the server side.
; $wgCirrusSearchLogElasticRequestsSecret
$wgCirrusSearchLogElasticRequestsSecret = false;
When truthy and this value is passed as the cirrusLogElasticRequests query
variable $wgCirrusSearchLogElasticRequests will be set to false for that
; $wgCirrusSearchMaxIncategoryOptions
$wgCirrusSearchMaxIncategoryOptions = 100;
The maximum number of incategory:a|b|c items to OR together.
; $wgCirrusSearchFeedbackLink
$wgCirrusSearchFeedbackLink = false;
The URL of a "Give us your feedback" link to append to search results or
something falsy if you don't want to show the link.
; $wgCirrusSearchWriteBackoffExponent
$wgCirrusSearchWriteBackoffExponent = 6;
The initial exponent used when backing off ElasticaWrite jobs. On the first
failure the backoff will be either 2^exp or 2^(exp+1). This exponent will
be increased to a maximum of exp+4 on repeated failures to run the job.
; $wgCirrusSearchUserTesting
$wgCirrusSearchUserTesting = [];
Configuration of individual a/b tests being run. See CirrusSearch\UserTesting
for more information.
; $wgCirrusSearchCompletionSettings
$wgCirrusSearchCompletionSettings = 'fuzzy';
Profile for search as you type suggestion (completion suggestion)
(see profiles/SuggestProfiles.php for more details.)
; $wgCirrusSearchUseIcuFolding
$wgCirrusSearchUseIcuFolding = false;
Enable ICU Folding instead of the default ASCII Folding.
It allows to cover a wider range of characters when squashing diacritics.
Currently this settings is only used by the CompletionSuggester.
Requires the ICU plugin installed.
Set to true to enable, false to use the default ASCII Folding.
NOTE: Experimental.
; $wgCirrusSearchCompletionDefaultScore
$wgCirrusSearchCompletionDefaultScore = 'quality';
Set the default scoring function to be used by maintenance/UpdateSuggesterIndex.php.
See: includes/BuildDocument/SuggestScoring.php for more details about scoring functions.
NOTE: if you change the scoring method you'll have to rebuild the suggester index.
; $wgCirrusSearchUseCompletionSuggester
$wgCirrusSearchUseCompletionSuggester = 'no';
Use the completion suggester as the default implementation for searchSuggestions.
You have to build the completion suggester index with the maintenance script
updateSuggesterIndex.php. The suggester only supports queries to the main
namespace. PrefixSearch will be used in all other cases.
Valid values, all unknown values map to 'no':
* yes - Use completion suggester as the default
* no - Don't use completion suggester
* build - Allow building the index from UpdateSuggesterIndex.php
; $wgCirrusSearchCompletionSuggesterSubphrases
$wgCirrusSearchCompletionSuggesterSubphrases = [
'build' => false,
'use' => false,
'type' => 'anywords',
'limit' => 10,
Tell the completion suggest to build and use an extra field built with subphrases suggestions.
2 types of subphrases are supported:
* subpages: generate subphrase suggestions based on subpages
* anywords: generate subphrase suggestions starting with any words in the title
limit: limits the number of subphrases generated.
; $wgCirrusSearchCompletionSuggesterUseDefaultSort
$wgCirrusSearchCompletionSuggesterUseDefaultSort = false;
Use defaultsort as an additional title suggestion.
Useful in case the title does not start with a representative
name ( e.g. Republic of Ireland ) or for names where defaultsort
often contains the phrase surname, firstname.
NOTE: Experimental.
; $wgCirrusSearchCompletionSuggesterHardLimit
$wgCirrusSearchCompletionSuggesterHardLimit = 50;
Maximum number of results to ask from the elasticsearch completion
api, note that this value will be multiplied by fetch_limit_factor
set in Completion profiles (default to 2).
; $wgCirrusSearchRecycleCompletionSuggesterIndex
$wgCirrusSearchRecycleCompletionSuggesterIndex = true;
Try to recycle the completion suggester, if the wiki is small
it's certainly better to not re-create the index from scratch
since index creation is costly. Recycling the index will prevent
elasticsearch from rebalancing shards.
On large wikis it's maybe better to create a new index because
documents are indexed and optimised with replication disabled
reducing the number of disk operation to primary shards only.
; $wgCirrusSearchEnableAltLanguage
$wgCirrusSearchEnableAltLanguage = false;
Enable alternative language search.
; $wgCirrusSearchLanguageToWikiMap
$wgCirrusSearchLanguageToWikiMap = [];
Map of alternative languages and wikis, for search re-try.
No defaults since we don't know how people call their other language wikis.
$wgCirrusSearchLanguageToWikiMap = array(
'ro' => 'ro',
'de' => 'de',
'ru' => 'ru',
The key is the language name, the value is interwiki link.
You will also need to set:
$wgCirrusSearchWikiToNameMap['ru'] = 'ruwiki';
to link interwiki to the wiki DB name.
; $wgCirrusSearchWikiToNameMap
$wgCirrusSearchWikiToNameMap = [];
Map of interwiki link -> wiki name. Example:
$wgCirrusSearchWikiToNameMap['ru'] = 'ruwiki';
FIXME: we really should already have this information, also we're possibly
duplicating $wgCirrusSearchInterwikiSources. This needs to be fixed.
; $wgCirrusSearchEnableCrossProjectSearch = false;
$wgCirrusSearchEnableCrossProjectSearch = false;
Enable crossproject search.
Crossproject works by seaching on so-called sister wikis: same language, sister
NOTE: Experimental
; $wgCirrusSearchCrossProjectSearchBlockList
$wgCirrusSearchCrossProjectSearchBlockList = [];
List of crossproject interwiki prefix to ignore when running crossproject
(only useful when the list of cross projects is obtained via the SiteMatrix
Example :
$wgCirrusSearchCrossProjectSearchBlockList = [ 'n', 'v' ];
In WMF context this would remove wikinews and wikiversity from the list of
crossproject displayed in the sidebar
; $wgCirrusSearchInterwikiPrefixOverrides
$wgCirrusSearchInterwikiPrefixOverrides = [];
List of interwiki prefixes to override. This is only useful when used with
SiteMatrix. In some cases a specific wiki may want to override the convention used
by SiteMatrix. E.g. on WMF infrastructure this is used to override the
interwiki prefix 's' to 'src' on swedish wikipedia.
NOTE: overrides are applied before reading $wgCirrusSearchCrossProjectSearchBlockList
and $wgCirrusSearchCrossProjectProfiles.
$wgCirrusSearchInterwikiPrefixOverrides = [
's' => 'src',
; $wgCirrusSearchCrossProjectProfiles
$wgCirrusSearchCrossProjectProfiles = [];
Override various profiles to use for interwiki searching.
$wgCirrusSearchCrossProjectProfiles = [
'v' => [
'ftbuilder' => 'perfield_builder_title_match',
'rescore' => 'wsum_inclinks',
will use the perfield_builder_title_match fulltext query builder with the
wsum_inclinks rescore profile. Currently only 'ftbuilder' and 'rescore' are
; wgCirrusSearchNumCrossProjectSearchResults
$wgCirrusSearchNumCrossProjectSearchResults = 1
Controls the number of search results returned for cross project search
; $wgCirrusSearchInterwikiProv
$wgCirrusSearchInterwikiProv = false;
If set to non-empty string, interwiki results will have ?wprov=XYZ parameter added.
; $wgCirrusSearchRescoreProfile
$wgCirrusSearchRescoreProfile = 'classic';
Set the rescore profile to default. See profile/RescoreProfiles.php for more info.
; $wgCirrusSearchInterwikiThreshold
$wgCirrusSearchInterwikiThreshold = 3;
If current wiki has less than this number of results, try to search other language wikis.
; $wgCirrusSearchLanguageDetectors
$wgCirrusSearchLanguageDetectors = [];
List of classes to be used as language detectors, implementing
CirrusSearch\LanguageDetector\Detector interface.
Detectors will be called in the order given until one
returns a non-null result. The array key will, currently, only be logged to the
UserTesting logs.
The options that are built in:
* CirrusSearch\LanguageDetector\HttpAccept - uses the first language in the Accept-Language header that is not the current content language.
* CirrusSearch\LanguageDetector\TextCat - uses TextCat library
; $wgCirrusSearchTextcatModel
$wgCirrusSearchTextcatModel = [];
List of directories where TextCat detector should look for language models
; $wgCirrusSearchTextcatConfig
$wgCirrusSearchTextcatConfig = null;
Configuration for specifying TextCat parameters.
Keys are maxNgrams, maxReturnedLanguages, resultsRatio,
minInputLength, maxProportion, langBoostScore, and numBoostedLangs.
See vendor/wikimedia/textcat/src/TextCat.php
; $wgCirrusSearchTextcatLanguages
$wgCirrusSearchTextcatLanguages = null;
Limit the set of languages detected by Textcat.
Useful when some languages in the model have very bad precision, e.g.:
$wgCirrusSearchTextcatLanguages = [ 'ar', 'it', 'de' ];
; $wgCirrusSearchMasterTimeout
$wgCirrusSearchMasterTimeout = '30s';
Overrides the master timeout on cluster wide actions, such as mapping updates.
It may be necessary to increase this on clusters that support a large number
of wikis.
; $wgCirrusSearchSanityCheck
$wgCirrusSearchSanityCheck = true;
Activate/Deactivate continuous sanity check.
The process will scan and check discrepancies between mysql and
elasticsearch for all possible ids in the database.
Settings will be automatically chosen according to wiki size (see
The script responsible for pushing sanitization jobs is saneitizeJobs.php.
It needs to be scheduled by cron, default settings provided are suited
for a bi-hourly schedule (--refresh-freq=7200).
Setting $wgCirrusSearchSanityCheck to false will prevent the script from
pushing new jobs even if it's still scheduled by cron.
All writable clusters are checked.
; $wgCirrusSearchIndexBaseName
$wgCirrusSearchIndexBaseName = '__wikiid__';
The base name of indexes used on this wiki. This value must be
unique across all wiki's sharing an elasticsearch cluster unless
$wgCirrusSearchMultiWikiIndices is set to true.
The value '__wikiid__' will be resolved at runtime to
; $wgCirrusSearchStripQuestionMarks
$wgCirrusSearchStripQuestionMarks = 'all';
Treat question marks in simple queries as question marks, not
wildcard characters, especially at the end of a query. If the
query doesn't use insource: and there is no escape character,
remove ? from the end of the query, before a word boundary, or
everywhere; also de-escape all escaped question marks.
Valid values, all unknown values map to 'no':
* final - only strip trailing question marks and white space
* break - strip non-final question marks followed by a word boundary
* all - strip all question marks (and replace them with spaces)
* no - don't strip question marks
; $wgCirrusSearchFullTextQueryBuilderProfile
$wgCirrusSearchFullTextQueryBuilderProfile = 'default';
Elasticsearch QueryBuilder to use when when building FullText queries.
; $wgCirrusSearchFullTextQueryBuilderProfiles
$wgCirrusSearchFullTextQueryBuilderProfiles = [];
List of additional fulltext query builder profiles
see profiles/FullTextQueryBuilderProfiles.config.php
; $wgCirrusSearchPrefixIds
$wgCirrusSearchPrefixIds = false;
Transitionary flag for converting between older style
doc ids (page ids) to the newer style ids (wikiid|pageid).
Changing this from false to true requires first turning
this on, then performing an in-place reindex. There may
be some duplicate/outdated results while the inplace
reindex is running.
; $wgCirrusSearchExtraBackendLatency
$wgCirrusSearchExtraBackendLatency = 0;
Adds an artificial backend latency in miroseconds.
Only useful for testing.
; $wgCirrusSearchBoostTemplates
$wgCirrusSearchBoostTemplates = [];
Configure default boost-templates.
Can be overridden on wiki and System messages. Example:
$wgCirrusSearchBoostTemplates = [
'Template:Featured article' => 2.0,
; $wgCirrusSearchIgnoreOnWikiBoostTemplates
$wgCirrusSearchIgnoreOnWikiBoostTemplates = false;
Disable customization of boot templates on wiki.
Set to true to disable onwiki config.
; $wgCirrusSearchDevelOptions
$wgCirrusSearchDevelOptions = [];
CirrusSearch development options:
* morelike_collect_titles_from_elastic: first pass collection from elastic
* ignore_missing_rev: ignore missing revisions
NOTE: never activate any of these on a production site.
; $wgCirrusSearchFiletypeAliases
$wgCirrusSearchFiletypeAliases = [];
Aliases for file types in filtype: search. The array keys must
all be lowercased, or they will not match.
$wgCirrusSearchFiletypeAliases = [
'jpg' => 'bitmap',
'image' => 'bitmap',
'document' => 'office',
; $wgCirrusSearchMaxFileTextLength
$wgCirrusSearchMaxFileTextLength = -1;
Set maximum length allowed to be sent to the index from the content of media files (generally PDF/DejaVu files).
Content whose size exceeds this value will be truncated and the first N bytes of the content will be kept where N
is equal to $wgCirrusSearchMaxFileTextLength.
- strictly negative value to keep the full content and disable this feature (default)
- positive value to truncate the content the expected size (0 will remove everything)
; $wgCirrusSearchDocumentSizeLimiterProfile
$wgCirrusSearchDocumentSizeLimiterProfile = "default"
Set the profile for the document size limiter, see profiles/DocumentSizeLimiterProfiles.config.php
; $wgCirrusSearchDocumentSizeLimiterProfiles
$wgCirrusSearchDocumentSizeLimiterProfiles = []
Add extra limiter profiles.
; $wgCirrusSearchElasticQuirks
$wgCirrusSearchElasticQuirks = [];
- None currently
; $wgCirrusSearchExtraIndexSettings
$wgCirrusSearchExtraIndexSettings = [];
Custom settings to be provided with index creation. Used for setting
slow logs threhsolds and such. Alternatively index templates could
be used within elasticsearch.
$wgCirrusSearchExtraIndexSettings = [
'indexing.slowlog.threshold.index.warn' => '10s',
'' => '5s',
'' => '1s',
'' => '800ms',
; $wgCirrusSearchEnableArchive
$wgCirrusSearchEnableArchive = false;
Enable searching for deleted pages in the ElasticSearch indexed archive.
; $wgCirrusSearchIndexDeletes
$wgCirrusSearchIndexDeletes = false;
Whether deletes are indexed for archive search when page is deleted. Note that searching
for archived pages can be done by manually indexing them too.
; $wgCirrusSearchInterleaveConfig
$wgCirrusSearchInterleaveConfig = [];
Map of configuration variable name to value used to override cirrus config
during interleaved full text search. Generally tis should *not* be set
directly, and instead set via $wgCirrusSearchUserTesting triggers. It is
usefull to perform Team-Draft interleaved search experiments to compare the
performance of two different search configurations.
; $wgCirrusSearchMaxPhraseTokens
$wgCirrusSearchMaxPhraseTokens = null;
Maximum number of tokens in a phrase rescore query. Only activated
when token_count_router is enabled in $wgCirrusSearchWikimediaExtraPlugin.
Queries with more tokens than this skip the phrase rescore portion.
; $wgCirrusSearchCategoryEndpoint
$wgCirrusSearchCategoryEndpoint = '';
SPARQL endpoint URL to use in deep category search feature.
; $wgCirrusSearchCategoryDepth
$wgCirrusSearchCategoryDepth = 5;
Maximum tree depth to descend when using deep category queries.
; $wgCirrusSearchCategoryMax
$wgCirrusSearchCategoryMax = 1000
Maximum overall category count for deep category query. Note that ElasticSearch
has limit of 1024 clauses in a single boolean query by default, this limit
must be under the Elastic limits.
; $wgCirrusSearchNamespaceResolutionMethod
$wgCirrusSearchNamespaceResolutionMethod = 'elastic';
Method to use for namespace name resolution, can be:
- 'elastic': by using the metastore
- 'naive': using ICU naive case/accent folding
- 'utr30': using a more aggressive folding technique
based on the UTR30 specs (specs used but lucene but withdrawn by Unicode)
; $wgCirrusSearchAutomationHeaderRegexes
$wgCirrusSearchAutomationHeaderRegexes = null;
A map from http header to regular expression to be applied against that header
value. When matching the related request will be considered an automated
request and use the appropriate pool counter to limit concurrency.
$wgCirrusSearchAutomationHeaderRegexes = [ 'user-agent' => '/HeadlessChrome/' ];
; $wgCirrusSearchAutomationCIDRs
$wgCirrusSearchAutomationCIDRs = [];
List of CIDRs as strings. If an incoming request has an IP matching one of these CIDRs
it will be consider an automated request and use the appropriate pool counter to limit
$wgCirrusSearchAutomationCIDRs = ['', '1:2::/32'];
; $wgCirrusSearchCustomPageFields
$wgCirrusSearchCustomPageFields = [];
Defines additional fields to be included in page index mappings, which can then
be externally populated and referenced from custom search profiles. Contains a
map from field name to SearchIndexField::INDEX_TYPE_* constant.
$wgCirrusSearchCustomPageFields = [
'related_terms' => 'short_text',
'popularity' => 'number'
; $wgCirrusSearchExtraFieldsInSearchResults
$wgCirrusSearchExtraFieldsInSearchResults = [];
Defines additional fields to be populated in query results by default (e.g. for example in native query=search API query).
This fields would be populated in extensiondata prop, see here, srprop
You need to add those fields to the index, either by $wgCirrusSearchCustomPageFields or by SearchIndexFields hook
$wgCirrusSearchExtraFieldsInSearchResults = [
; $wgCirrusSearchEnableIncomingLinkCounting
$wgCirrusSearchEnableIncomingLinkCounting = true
Setting to false will stop Cirrus from performing link counting queries and
updating the incoming_links value of the search documents. These queries can be
quite frequent, somewhat expensive, and often don't result in actually updating
the document (the value doesn't change frequently).
The incoming_links values will still be used as part of relevance scoring. This
should only be disabled if an external process has been configured to update
the incoming_links field on a scheduled basis separate from the edit pipeline.
; $wgCirrusSearchDeduplicateAnalysis
$wgCirrusSearchDeduplicateAnalysis = false;
Setting to true will enable deduplication of the elasticsearch index analysis
settings. In most cases this is not necessary and makes investigating and
understanding the system more complicated. In special cases where many
languages analysis chains are loaded into a single index this deduplication can
greatly reduce the amount of time the nodes require to process the index
; $wgCirrusSearchUseEventBusBridge
$wgCirrusSearchUseEventBusBridge = false;
Emit page-rerenders events to EventBus. Required if the udpate process is managed
outside of MW.
; $wgCirrusSearchNaturalTitleSort
$wgCirrusSearchNaturalTitleSort = [
'build' => false,
'use' => false,
Enables the usage of the title_natural_asc and title_natural_desc sort orders.
Requires definining both the language and country sort should be specialized
to. This requires the analysis-icu elasticsearch plugin to be installed.
Example english configuration:
$wgCirrusSearchNaturalTitleSort = [
'build' => true,
'use' => true,
'language' => 'en',
'country' => 'US',
Set build to true and reindex before setting use to true.
; $wgCirrusSearchEnableEventBusWeightedTags
$CirrusSearchEnableEventBusWeightedTags = false;
Enables external processing of weighted tag changes.
Changes are offloaded via EventBus and processed by the search update pipeline.