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Opera VPN behind the curtains is just a proxy, here's how it works

2023 update

ℹ️ Please note this research is from 2016 when Opera has first added their browser "VPN", even before the "Chinese deal" was closed. They have since introduced some real VPN apps but this below is not about them.

🕵️ Some folks also like to use this article to show a proof that the Opera browser is a spyware or that Opera sells all your data to 3rd parties or something like that. This article here doesn't say anything like that.

When setting up (that's immediately when user enables it in settings) Opera VPN sends few API requests to to obtain credentials and proxy IPs, see below, also see The Oprah Proxy.

The browser then talks to a proxy (when VPN location is set to Germany), it's IP address can only be resolved from within Opera when VPN is on, it's (or similar, see below). It's an HTTP/S proxy which requires auth.

When loading a page with Opera VPN enabled, the browser sends a lot of requests to with Proxy-Authorization request header.

The Proxy-Authorization header decoded: CC68FE24C34B5B2414FB1DC116342EADA7D5C46B:9B9BE3FAE674A33D1820315F4CC94372926C8210B6AEC0B662EC7CAD611D86A3 (that's sha1(device_id):device_password, where device_id and device_password come from the POST /v2/register_device API call, please note that this decoded header is from another Opera installation and thus contains different device_id and device_password than what is shown below)

These creds can be used with the even when connecting from a different machine, it's just an HTTP proxy anyway.

When you use the proxy on a different machine (with no Opera installed), you'll get the same IP as when using Opera's VPN, of course.

This Opera "VPN" is just a preconfigured HTTP/S proxy protecting just the traffic between Opera and the proxy, nothing else. It's not a VPN.

They even call it Secure proxy (besides calling it VPN, sure) in Opera settings.

The API calls are:


"Everybody gets a proxy" logo

I have automated the API calls and have built The Oprah Proxy, a simple Python script which will fetch the credentials for you. It will also list available locations and proxies.

POST /v2/register_subscriber HTTP/1.1
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"expiry_time" : 1462669327,
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"expiry_time" : 1462669327,
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yuwentw commented Apr 24, 2016

@spaze Using your example command but change the URI to "" . It will be asked for authentication from proxy. Any idea?

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spaze commented Apr 25, 2016

@yuwentw Oh, sorry, I forgot to put Basicin the Proxy-Authorization header. Should work now, sorry for that and thanks! Let me know if it's ok.

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ghost commented Apr 26, 2016

@spaze This is bullshit. Opera cannot call this a VPN. They need to get their terms right. Thanks for the research.

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@spaze what encryption type Opera using for tunneling traffic to it's proxy? And is it possible to use encryption with your method?

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spaze commented May 3, 2016

@Merlineus It uses TLS 1.2 with TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA cipher suite. You can see all supported cipher suites at this Qualys SSL Labs Server Test report

Opera's proxy servers are not even accessible using plain HTTP, other browsers use encrypted HTTPS as well when talking to these proxies.

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Thanks for all the work on oprah proxy 👍
Also, just a head up, this seems "inspired":

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dessant commented May 18, 2016

@spaze, which tool did you use to inspect the opera requests?

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spaze commented Jun 11, 2016

@dessant I've used browser's own chrome://net-internals/#events.

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aeroxy commented Oct 4, 2016

So I tried this with iPhone with no luck so far, while Android works just fine. I tried the following methods:

  1. Use iphone's default HTTP proxy setting, obviously not working.
  2. Create a custom pac file and use auto config. Not working. No credential prompt and no network response.
  3. Use third party SSL VPN like Draytek's SmartVPN and Cisco's AnyConnect. Not working. Doesn't seem to support Opera's encryption method (Draytek seems to support it but it requires a server certificate that opera proxy doesn't have).

Why don't I just use Opera VPN on an iPhone? Because all IPsec connections seem to be blocked by my ISP.

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How can I change the device id or any other id that is send on each start or, even better, every ten minutes? Is there a plugin for this?
Thanks for your research work!

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hi there,

i hope you don't mind i made .net implementation based on your (only up to the part where the app register and retrieve credentials).

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what about the free opera vpn application on Android and iOS. The iOS app also adds a vpn profile. Is that also a proxy? No. btw I was looking to get those vpn profile credentials to add a profile on laptop. Any one can guide?

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spaze commented Feb 10, 2017

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Adding following exceptions to AVG works (Settings-Exceptions-URLs)*

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@spaze how you get post data in chrome://net-internals/#events ? i recived only data lenght

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muwlgr commented May 25, 2017

I appreciate your work. It is invaluable in our current Ukraine situation. Now looking for a way to integrate it as a sub-proxy/peer with Squid

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This has stopped working. The following is the output from the script. Could it be fixed?

<> :::==~=~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~
DEBUG: Call register_subscriber
DEBUG: Your SurfEasy email: 1f01e185-17e5-42fc-89b6-901539ee95e8@se0310.surfeasy.vpn
DEBUG: Your SurfEasy password: ca8e39ff-e447-4c47-b23d-28e8ed2b2b5d
DEBUG: Your SurfEasy password hash: BC2C5FC1861DB42A6CA00AD2C72594EEF91A239A
DEBUG: These are not the credentials you are looking for (you won't probably need these, ever)
ERROR: Invalid client.

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tjleon1 commented Aug 3, 2017

@spaze "Hostnames are resolved remotely, when using Opera's "VPN", DNS requests do not leak. Checked with and also looking at the packets."

DNS leak test provides the following information:

What do the results of this test mean?

The servers identified above receive a request to resolve a domain name (e.g. to an IP address everytime you enter a website address in your browser.
The owners of the servers above have the ability to associate your personal IP address with the names of all the sites you connect to and store this data indefinitely. This does not mean that they do log or store it indefinitely but they may and you need to trust whatever their policy says.
If you are connected to a VPN service and ANY of the servers listed above are not provided by the VPN service then you have a DNS leak and are choosing to trust the owners of the above servers with your private data.

When I ran the extended test through Opera VPN, it returned 26 servers - all belonging to Google and not to Opera. Considering the last line above, I have a concern that my private data may still be in the hands of Google which may or may not keep logs. When I ran the same test through Google Chrome, it returned only 6 servers, none of which belonged to Google.

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kekukui commented Aug 16, 2017

  1. @AgapovAlexsey: "how you get post data in chrome://net-internals/#events"? i recived only data lengh
    —Enlarge the window and look to the right

  2. @sponnusa: "This has stopped working."
    —Forked & fixed -
    (spaze should patch this - or update the main article to say its broken)

  3. @tjleon1: "I have a concern that my private data may still be in the hands of Google"
    Google does not see your IP address. spaze commented Apr 24, 2016:
    —Hostnames are resolved remotely, when using Opera's "VPN", DNS requests do not leak.

Interesting: appears to show a DNS leak but does not
This is probably good enough for use with open WiFi hotspots, etc. If you have a greater concern you should use a real VPN.

  1. @spaze: Under "usage with other browsers" at /spaze/oprah-proxy, it should be noted that you can use a LOCAL proxy configuration file if you want to change the server, for example:

Local file path syntax for various browsers

  1. I think Opera generates a new user username/password for every server change or reconnection. To emulate the full GUI you need to create a browser extension. Example:

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kekukui commented Aug 21, 2017

spaze commented on Feb 10
> As mentioned on Opera VPN for iOS and Opera VPN for Android are both real VPN.

Opera just pushed an iOS update called "Opera VPN gold" and the free servers immediately quit working after installing.
Android & iOS users with root might want to backup the old VPN client before updating.

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Great article @spaze, thanks!

Any idea why would be on the blacklist of our Uni's firewall/proxy (I think we use What are the risks, if there are any?

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spaze commented Jan 5, 2018

Hey @NeoGenet1c! Sorry, missed your comment. My wild guess is that might be blocked so that people can't bypass corporate/uni content filters by using Opera's browser "VPN". Blocking will prevent setting up the connection the proxy server, so the "VPN" is unusable.

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does anyone know if it is possible to set up a specific country instead of a generic different one? I mean, a friend of mine with very limited knowledge is trying to use his Eurosport subscription in Costarica, but he needs to present itself as "Italian". I've noticed Opera got some Italian proxy, and it uses it by default if you flag the first option (it sounds like "best location" translated from Italian) and you really are in Italy. So I wonder if it possible to force the server choice. By choosing EU as location it seems there is a random forward mostly to France and Germany.

Thank you

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Is this still accurate? I thought Opera parted ways with SurfEasy, hence their mobile "VPN" service was shut down earlier this year. Also, does this mean that SurfEasy's service is not a VPN in the truest sense? Or do they offer both true VPN and proxy services?

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xaosnox commented Oct 5, 2018

I have been using Opera's secure proxy server since they introduced it. It is a bit flaky. Sometimes I have to restart Opera to get it to connect, but have been very pleased with it overall. I never expected it to be anything more than what it is—a secure proxy server connection for the browser. But now, I'm experiencing a different issue that is very disturbing. I can connect to Opera's server fine, and running diagnostics shows that the connection to the internet and the ISP is fine. However, any time I have the proxy service enabled, I get a "No Internet" page. Pages that I have open, such as webmail, say they aren't connecting. I'm hoping this is just a temporary glitch with Opera's server, but I suspect it's something much more troubling. I think the ISP is blocking secure proxy servers. I'm going to do some experimenting, but Im wondering if anyone else has started seeing this same issue. It was working fine as of this morning. My carrier is Xfinity/Comcast.

If what I suspect is true, the battle for a secure and private internet has just escalated to a whole new level! Can anyone help me find out if this is just me, Opera, or an ISP issue?

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xaosnox commented Oct 5, 2018

Seems to be working now. Guess it was just a problem with the Opera servers. The way things are going, you can't blame me for being a little paranoid! Things are getting pretty draconian.

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spaze commented Jun 5, 2019

@johncrisostomo None of the "VPN" browser extensions are real VPNs, they all use a proxy, mostly secure proxies but some extensions, like SaferVPN, don't even encrypt the traffic.

Opera was continuously updating their client since this was published, so this was not accurate even before SurfEasy was acquired by Symantec. Opera has made it harder to get the API key (good!), changed API versions, and then probably changed the endpoint and provider too. I tried following the changes in The Oprah Proxy project but eventually archived the project because some people have abused it and wanted me to support their shady businesses, for free.

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I used this fork for getting proxies but now work anymore, anyone have idea how to use new opera api?

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Argimko commented Oct 4, 2023

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spaze commented Aug 10, 2024

⚠️⚠️⚠️ The links below this comment are most probably malware or phishing or something like that. You have been warned.

(I'll always delete them as soon as I can)

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