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DICOMweb command line tool

DICOMweb command line tool is a command line utility for interacting with DICOMweb servers.


  • python (3.5+)
  • pip


Using GitHub:

pip install

NOTE: Getting errors due to not having Python3? See instructions below.


dcmweb [-m] <host> <store|retrieve|search|delete> [parameters]

  • -m
    Whether to perform batch operations in parallel or sequentially, default is sequentially.

  • host
    The full DICOMweb endpoint URL. E.g.<project_id>/locations/<location_id>/datasets/<dataset_id>/dicomStores/<dicom_store_id>/dicomWeb

  • store
    Stores one or more files by posting multiple StoreInstances requests. Requests will be sent in sequence or in parallel based on the -m flag.

    • --masks *string
      Positional argument, contains list of file paths or masks to upload, mask support wildcard(*) and cross directory boundaries wildcard(**) char,
  • retrieve
    Retrieves one or more studies, series, instances, or frames from the server. Outputs the instances to the directory specified by the --output option.

    • --path string
      Positional argument, can either be empty (indicates downloading of all studies) or specify a resource path (studies/[/series/[/instances/[/frames/<frame_num]]]) to download from the server

    • --type string
      Controls what format to request the files in (defaults to application/dicom; transfer-syntax=*). The tool will use this as the part content type in the multipart accept header being sent to the server.

    • --output string
      Controls where to write the files to (defaults to current directory). The following folder structure will be created: \

       - study_uid
       	- series_uid
       		- instance_uid[_frame_X].<ext>
  • search
    Performs a search over studies, series, or instances and outputs the result to stdout, limited to 5000 items by default. You can specify limit/offset parameters to change this.

    • --path string
      Positional argument, specifies a path (studies/[/series/[/instances/]]) to search on the server, default is "/studies"

    • --parameters string
      QIDO search parameters formatted as URL query parameters.

  • delete
    Deletes the given study, series, or instance from the server. Uses an un-standardized extension to the DICOMweb spec.

    • --path string
      Positional argument, specifies a resource path (studies/[/series/[/instances/[/frames/<frame_num]]]) to delete from the server



# will return json list of instances in dicomstore with date==1994.10.13
dcmweb $host search instances StudyDate=19941013 
# will return list of studies without any filter
dcmweb $host search 

Since search returns JSON data it can be redirected into parse tools like jq.

# will parse StudyUIDs/PatientNames for each study in search results
dcmweb $host search | jq '.[] | .["0020000D"].Value[0],.["00100010"].Value[0]'

Output of jq may be redirected as well:

# will parse StudyUIDs for each study in search results
# and count lines of jq output by wc
dcmweb $host search | jq '.[] | .["0020000D"].Value[0]' | wc -l

The list of DICOM tags can be found in this page.


# will upload list of files generated from current folder by shell
dcmweb $host store ./* 
# will upload list of files generated from current folder by python
dcmweb $host store "./*" 
# will upload list of files generated from current folder recursively by python
dcmweb $host store "./**" 
# will upload list of files in parallel
dcmweb -m $host store "./**" 


# will download all instances from dicomstore into current folder
dcmweb $host retrieve 
# will download all instances from dicomstore into current folder in parallel
dcmweb -m $host retrieve 
# will download all instances from dicomstore into ./data folder
dcmweb $host retrieve --output ./data 
# will download all instances from dicomstore into ./data folder as png images,
# in instance is multiframe, frames will be saved as separate files
dcmweb $host retrieve --output ./data --type "image/png" 
# will download all instances from study 1 into ./data folder
dcmweb $host retrieve studies/1 --output ./data 


# will delete study 1
dcmweb $host delete studies/1


python ./ sdist bdist_wheel 

Run tests

pip install tox



Running on machine with Python2

This tool requires Python3 to be run which may cause issues for environments that have Python2 installed and can't upgrade due to other dependencies. Here are 2 options for getting the tool to work in this enviornment:

Using pip local install

  1. Install python3 & python3-pip (e.g. sudo apt install python3 python3-pip)
  2. Download zip file from latest release from GitHub
  3. Run python3 -m pip install --user
  4. Run export PATH=$PATH:"${HOME}/.local/bin" -- this is where pip --user installs things to
  5. Then you should be able to run dcmweb

Using virtualenv

  1. Install python3 & python3-venv (e.g. sudo apt install python3 python3-venv)
  2. Start a virtualenv python3 -m venv py3-env && cd py3-env && source ./bin/activate
  3. Download zip file from latest release from GitHub
  4. Install within virtualenvpip install
  5. Then you should be able to run dcmweb

Apache License 2.0

Project License can be found here.
