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Frequently Asked Questions

Karlitos edited this page Dec 23, 2021 · 24 revisions

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I got this error :

Failed to parse databases/me1_plot_db.ron
The system cannot find the path specified. (os error 3)

You did not properly installed TSE and the databases folder is missing. The databases folder have to be in the same directory of the executable.

I see a list of changelogs but I don't know what to do

There is a red Open button on the top left of the window, you can't miss it.

How can I edit my appearance ? / When I edit my Identity Code my appearance doesn't change in-game

This is because the game use this text only to show your Identity Code in game menus and when you import your save.

If you want to change your appearance, you have to:

  1. Create a new character
  2. Export his/her Head Morph
  3. Import this very Head Morph into your save

I've edited my Head Morph but now my camera is stuck under the map

If you mess up with your head morph, the game can't load it properly and your camera is stuck under the map. This happens most often when you enter a texture that does not exist in the game.

When I add some Paragon / Renegade points in ME1, my Charm / Intimidate skill is not increased

Because you don't add Paragon / Renegade points legitimately, you have to increase manually your Charm / Intimidate current rank and max rank in Raw > Player > Complex Talents. (Charm is id 108, Intimidate is id 109)

When I add a power from another class in ME2/3 for myself or my squadmate, it does not work

You can't add a power from an other class without modding your game. The game will remove it instantly. You can only add a power with the bonus power property.

My powers keep resetting in ME3

If you have more talent points than you should for your level, the game will reset your powers and recalculate your talent points. If you want to change that you have to edit your coalesced and this is beyond the scope of TSE.

How can I change my Total Military Strength in ME3 ?

You do not have a Total Military Strength in your save because the game simply calculate the sum of all your War Assets. If you want to edit your Total Military Strength you can chose a random War Asset in Raw > Player > War Assets and change its value to whatever you want. (The Normandy is id 187)

What should I do to have a same gender romance ?

ME1 (Not tested):

  1. Set Romance progress to 5
  2. Tick Romancing Character


  1. Just set Romance progress to 5


  1. I'm not really sure, but it seems to be more or less like ME2.

My PS4 save has no .ps4sav file / When I try to open a PS4 save I got Unsupported file error

You have to decrypt your save with 3rd party tools first and this is beyond the scope of TSE.
