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Well, look who blew in. Howdy, farmer! Looking to make some custom weather types for your mod? You've come to the right place!


Getting Started

Cloudy Skies does not currently support content packs of its own. Instead, I expect you to use Content Patcher to load your custom data.

Don't know how to use Content Patcher? Head over to check out their excellent documentation then! They do a much better job than I ever could.

Specifically, you'll be loading textures and using the EditData action with the target:


What is a Weather Type?

A weather type is, if you'll forgive the tautology, a type of weather. The base game has eight weather types:

  • Sun
  • Rain
  • Wind
  • Storm
  • Snow
  • Festival
  • Wedding
  • (and one added in 1.6, not named because it's a spoiler)

Really though, it's more like six. Festival and Wedding are both duplicates of Sun, just with a little flavor for the occasion.

The Stardew 1.6 update added the ability to use custom Ids for the weather, but it didn't make it possible to actually do anything with those custom Ids. That's what this mod is for.

In so far as this mod is concerned, a weather type is any behavior associated with a specific weather flag or weather Id. We make it possible to set up a lot of those behaviors, and set up the necessary data for other mods to contribute their own behaviors. (As an example, you could use FTM to spawn custom foragables in certain weather.)

What is a Weather Flag?

A weather flag is slightly different than a weather type. Internally, the game has flags it checks rather than directly looking at the current weather type's Id. These flags are pretty self explanatory:

  • IsRaining
  • IsSnowing
  • IsLightning
  • IsDebrisWeather (Debris is the internal name for Wind)
  • (and one added in 1.6, not named because it's a spoiler)

The Storm weather, for example, sets both the IsRaining and IsLightning flags to be true.

Custom Weather Type

Alright, awesome! So how do you make a custom weather type? Glad you asked! You just need to add an entry to the Mods/leclair.cloudyskies/WeatherData asset with your new weather type's unique Id, and any other data to go with it.

Specifically, each custom weather type supports the following properties:

Field Description

Required. The unique Id of your weather type. This must be unique, and is used elsewhere to reference this specific weather type.

You should include your mod's Unique Id in this for best results to ensure there aren't any collisions. When using Content Patcher, you can do this easily using the {{ModId}} token. Example: {{ModId}}_Sandstorm


Required. A human readable name to display to the player when this weather type is referenced by name. This is a tokenizable string.


Optional. The name of a texture containing this weather type's icon. The icon is displayed on the in-game HUD next to the clock when this is the active weather type in the current location. This may also be used by other mods, such as UI Info Suite or Almanac.

This should be a texture you've loaded. As an example, you could use the value Mods/{{ModId}}/SandstormIcon and then elsewhere have the content block:

{ "Action": "Load", "Target": "Mods/{{ModId}}/SandstormIcon", "FromFile": "assets/SandstormIcon.png" }


Optional. The top-left corner of your weather's icon in the provided texture. You only supply the X and Y position. An icon is always 12 by 8 pixels.

Default: {"X": 0, "Y": 0}


Optional. The name of a texture containing this weather type's TV animation. The animation may be displayed when a player checks the forecast using their television. This may also be used by other mods.

Like IconTexture, this should be a texture you've loaded. It can even be the same texture, if you use TVSource and IconSource.


Optional. The top-left corner of the first frame of your weather type's TV animation. Each frame is always 13 by 13 pixels, and the frames are always laid out as a horizontal strip.

Default: {"X": 0, "Y": 0}


Optional. The number of frames your weather type's TV animation has.

Default: 4


Optional. How long should each frame of your weather type's TV animation be displayed, in milliseconds?

Default: 150.0


Optional. The message to display to the player when they check the forecast using their TV and this weather type is coming up. This is a tokenizable string.

Example: "Winds across the desert have blown up thick clouds of sand. Best to stay inside if you can."


Optional. A dictionary letting you override the Forecast string for specific location contexts. This is an object where each key is the Id of a location context, and the value is a Forecast for that context.

Example: {"Island": "A cloud of dust is blowing towards the island from a desert on a far off continent."}

Weather Totem Behavior

Optional. A message to display to the player when they use a custom weather totem for this weather type. If this is not set, the default message used by the base game's Rain Totem will appear. This is a tokenizable string.


Optional. An audio cue to play when the player uses a custom weather totem for this weather type. If this is not set, no sound will play. The base game's Rain Totem uses the sound: thunder


Optional. An audio cue to play after the player uses a custom weather totem for this weather type. This plays approximately two seconds after TotemSound. If this is not set, no sound will play. The base game's Rain Totem uses the sound: rainsound


Optional. A color to flash the screen when the player uses a custom weather totem for this weather type. If this is not set, the screen will not flash a color. The base game's Rain Totem uses the color: slateblue


Optional. The texture name of a texture to display as particles when the player uses a custom weather totem for this weather type. If this is not set, no extra particles will be displayed. The base game's Rain Totem uses the texture: LooseSprites\Cursors


Optional. The region of the TotemParticleTexture to use when displaying custom totem particles for this weather type. If this is not set, the entire texture will be used. The base game's Rain Totem uses the region 648, 1045, 52, 33 of the LooseSprites\Cursors texture.

Behavior - Music

Optional. An audio cue that, when set, will play in place of the normal in-game music when this weather condition is active. This mimics the behavior of the base game's raining weather flag, which plays a rain sound.

Example: rain


Optional. The frequency that MusicOverride should play at when the player is standing in an outdoors location. This does not affect all audio cues.

Default: 100


Optional. The frequency that MusicOverride should play at when the player is standing in an indoors location. This does not affect all audio cues. The base game's raining weather flag uses this with a value of 15 to change the pitch of the rain sound when you are indoors.

Default: 100


Optional. A list of music overrides that function like the Music entry in Location data, rather than like the default raining music.

This is in effect a list of audio cues and game state conditions. The first entry with a matching condition will be used. You can use game state conditions to better control when any given condition should be matched.

Note: These will override MusicOverride if set and one matches, but it is possible to fall back to MusicOverride if there are no matching tracks.

Behavior - Weather Flags

Optional. Whether or not this weather type should apply the IsRaining weather flag.

Default: false


Optional. Whether or not this weather type should apply the IsRaining weather flag.

Default: false


Optional. Whether or not this weather type should apply the IsSnowing weather flag.

Default: false


Optional. Whether or not this weather type should apply the IsLightning weather flag.

Default: false


Optional. Whether or not this weather type should apply the IsDebrisWeather weather flag.

Default: false


Optional. Whether or not this weather type should apply the IsGreenRain weather flag.

Note: You should be careful not to change this value mid-day, as doing so may cause the game world to be left in an odd state where temporary changes triggered by a green rain day are not reverted.

Default: false

Behavior - Other

Optional. If this is set to true, this weather type will cause maps to display their night tiles even during the day and to have darkened windows, similar to how the base game's IsRaining weather flag behaves.

For the sake of flexibility, this has been moved into a separate flag for custom weather types.

Default: false


Optional. Whether or not critters should be allowed to spawn during this weather type. Critters are the small animals you'll see around maps, like birds or squirrels, along with moving cloud shadows and frogs.

Default: true


Optional. Whether or not frogs should be allowed to spawn during this weather type. If this is not set, the game will use the default logic and check the IsRaining weather flag.


Optional. Whether or not cloud shadow critters should attempt to spawn. Yes, those occasional shadows you'll see moving around are technically critters. If this is not set, the game will use the default logic which checks for sunny days in summer.

The Good Stuff

Optional. A list of Screen Tint entries that should apply when the current location has this weather type.


Optional. A list of Effects that should apply to the player while they are in a location with this weather type.


Optional. A list of Layers that should render when the current location has this weather type.

Screen Tint

Screen tinting data entries allow you to not just override the ambient light and tinting applied at any given time, but also smoothly fade between different colors and opacity levels.

Note: It is very important that you sort these entries by their TimeOfDay.

Field Description

Required. The Id of this screen tint data point. This only needs to be unique within the custom weather type containing it.


Optional. The time of day that this screen tint should apply at. This should be a three or four digit number where the first one or two digits is the hour and the last two digits are the current minutes. For example:

  • 6:00am => 600
  • 6:30am => 630
  • 12:00pm => 1200
  • 7:10pm => 1910

If this is set to zero, or a negative value, then the value will be set based on the time it gets dark out in the current location. That time has a few possible values in the base game.

  • At Ginger Island, the value is always 2000 (8:00 pm)
  • In Fall, the value is 1900 (7:00pm)
  • In Winter, the value is 1700 (5:00pm)
  • In Spring and Summer, the value is 2000 (8:00pm)

Default: 600


Optional. A game state query to determine whether or not this screen tint data point may be used. If this is not set, this data point may always be used.

These conditions are only reevaluated upon location change, an event starting, or the in-game hour changing.


Optional. How smooth blending should happen between this and other data points. Possible values: None, Before, After, Both

Default: Both


Optional. The ambient color that should be used for lighting when this weather type is active. In the base game, this is only used if the IsRaining weather flag is applied, in which case it gets the value: 255, 200, 80.

Note: You can use hex or color names here, and not just R, G, B values.


Optional. The opacity that should be used when applying the AmbientColor lighting color. In the base game, this is set to 0.3 during the day if the IsRaining weather flag is applied, and once it gets dark out it steadily rises until hitting 0.93.

You can leave this value out, or set it to null, to use the default behavior.


Optional. If set, this color will be drawn to the screen in lighting mode during the Draw Lightmap phase of world rendering. In the base game, this is only used if the IsRaining weather flag is applied, in which case it uses the value orangered.

Note: You can use hex or color names here, and not just R, G, B values.


Optional. An opacity to use with the LightingTint color. Setting this here will pre-multiply the alpha as the game expects. You will likely want to use this rather than messing with the alpha value of LightingTint to have it behave how you expect.

In the base game, this is only used if the IsRaining weather flag is applied, in which case it uses the value 0.45.

You may wish to use Layers rather than these lighting properties for more flexibility.


Optional. If set, this color is drawn to the screen in normal mode after the lighting phase of world rendering. In the base game, this is only used if the IsRaining weather flag is applied, in which case it uses the value blue. If the IsGreenRain flag is applied, it instead uses the value 0, 120, 150


Optional. An opacity to use with the PostLightingTint color. Setting this will pre-multiply the alpha as the game expects. You will likely want to use this rather than messing with the alpha value of PostLightingTint to have it behave how you expect.

In the base game, this is only used if the IsRaining weather flag is applied, in which case it will use the value 0.2. If the IsGreenRain flag is applied, it instead uses the value 0.22


An effect is something that applies to the player while they are in a location with a given weather type. This is specifically for things that affect players, and not for other arbitrary things that could happen.

For making other things happen, you can make suggestions, but you might want to look into other mods and triggers.

Each Effect has the following values:

Field Description

Required. The Id of this effect. This only needs to be unique within the weather type containing it.


Required. The type of effect. Valid options are:

More types may be added in the future, or by C# mods (in the future).


Optional. How often should this effect update, in ticks. Each second is 60 ticks.

Default: 60

Conditional Effects

Optional. A game state query to determine whether or not this effect should be active. If this is not set, the effect will always be active.

These conditions are only reevaluated upon location change, an event starting, or the in-game hour changing.


Optional. An optional group for this effect. Only one effect in a group can be active at a time. Specifically: the first effect in the effect list that passes its Condition will be active and all others in the group will be skipped.


Optional. What type of map should this effect be active for? This can be Outdoors, Indoors, or Indoors,Outdoors.

Default: Outdoors

Note: For compatibility, this will default to Indoors,Outdoors if you have a Condition set including LOCATION_IS_INDOORS or LOCATION_IS_OUTDOORS. You should migrate from using a Condition to this field for slightly improved performance.

All other effect values are specific to their individual Types, as follows:


The Buff effect will add a buff to the player. This buff will persist the entire time the effect is active, and may linger after the effect ends for a time.

Field Description

Required. The Id of the buff to apply to the player. This must be set, but it doesn't necessarily have to be an existing buff in Data/Buffs. The game requires an Id for tracking the buff.

If this Id does exist in Data/Buffs, then most buff data will be loaded from that entry assuming you don't override it here.

If you're making your own buff, a good idea is to include your mod's unique Id as a prefix.


Optional. A display name for this buff. This is a tokenizable string.


Optional. A description for this buff. This is a tokenizable string.


Optional. The asset name for a texture containing this buff's icon.


Optional. The sprite index for this buff's icon within IconTexture.


Optional. The glow color to apply to the player when they have this buff.


Optional. Whether this buff counts as a debuff, so its duration should be halved when wearing a sturdy ring.

Note: The duration is endless while the effect is active. This merely affects the lingering duration.


Optional. The duration, in milliseconds, for which this buff should remain on the player after the effect is no longer active. This can be set to -2 for a buff that should last for the rest of the day.

Default: 0


Optional. The maximum duration the buff should remain on after the effect is no longer active. If this is set to a number larger than LingerDuration, then a random value between LingerDuration and LingerMaxDuration will be selected.


Optional. Extra attributes to apply for this buff. See the 1.6 migration guide for more details on this data model.


Optional. The custom fields for this buff. This can be used to, for example, add SpaceCore skills to a buff (or debuff).

Note: Despite listing it as an example, I haven't actually added support for SpaceCore skills yet. Sorry. :(


The ModifyHealth effect will either damage or heal the player. This can be used to, for example, damage the player if they're caught outside in a particularly nasty bit of weather like acid rain, or a snowstorm, or volcanic heat, etc. Or maybe there's a sacred grove with special weather that heals the player? Anything is possible.

Field Description

Required. The amount to change the player's health by. Setting this to a negative value will damage them, and setting this to a positive value will heal them.

Note that when damaging players, the player will get temporary invulnerability to further damage so you may as to increase the time between damage ticks to avoid effectively making them immune to other dangers on the map because of the weather damage.

There is no such rate limitation when healing the player.


Optional. The minimum value that the player's health can reach.

Please note that, due to the random nature of applying damage, the player's health may dip under this value. If you want to use it to stop the player from dying to your damage, you should set it to a higher value like 10 rather than 1 to prevent an unlucky damage roll from killing them.

Default: 0


Optional. The maximum value that the player's health can reach when they are being healed. Unlike the MinValue, this should be perfectly reliable. Unfortunately, there is no way to set it based on the player's maximum health at this time aside from that, if this value is greater than the player's maximum health, it will be reduced to the player's maximum health.

Default: 2147483647


Optional. The chance that this effect applies on any given update. You can use this to make the effect only occasionally damage/heal the player. This is a number from 0.0 to 1.0, where 1.0 is a 100% chance and 0.0 is a 0% chance.

Default: 1.0


The ModifyStamina effect will either drain or fill the player's stamina. This can be used to, for example, make the player lose stamina while they're caught outside in a hostile bit of weather like extreme winds or a sand storm.

Field Description

Required. The amount to change the player's stamina by. Setting this to a negative value will drain it, and setting this to a positive value will fill it.


Optional. The minimum value that the player's stamina can reach.

Default: 0


Optional. The maximum value that the player's stamina can reach. Unfortunately, there is no way to set it based on the player's maximum stamina at this time aside from that, if this value is greater than the player's maximum stamina, it will be reduced to the player's maximum stamina.

Default: 2147483647


Optional. The chance that this effect applies on any given update. You can use this to make the effect only occasionally drain/fill the player's stamina. This is a number from 0.0 to 1.0, where 1.0 is a 100% chance and 0.0 is a 0% chance.

Default: 1.0


The Trigger effect allows you to run trigger actions. These trigger actions will run for all players, not just the host, and they may run frequently so you'll want to be careful not to go overboard.

Trigger actions can be run whenever the effect becomes active, periodically while the effect is active, and when the effect is removed.

Field Description

Optional. The actions to apply whenever this effect becomes active, as a list of strings.


Optional. The actions to apply whenever this effect updates, as a list of strings. This happens every Rate ticks at most.


Optional. The actions to apply whenever this effect is removed, as a list of strings.


A Layer is something that draws to the screen while in a location with a given weather type. You can compose multiple layers to create complex effects.

Each Layer has the following values:

Field Description

Required. The Id of this layer. This only needs to be unique within the weather type containing it.


Required. The type of layer. Valid options are:

More types may be added in the future, or by C# mods (in the future).


Optional. The blending mode for this layer. There are two choices, and they significantly change how the layer is drawn to the screen:

Note: This is not supported for Shader layers.

  • Normal

    This blending mode just draws things on top of other things as you would expect. Normally, so to speak.

    Say you have a background of solid white (255, 255, 255). If you draw over that in Normal mode with solid red (255, 0, 0) then you'll end up with solid red (255, 0, 0). If you use 50% opacity, then you'll end up with a blend between the solid red and the white (255, 128, 128).

  • Lighting

    This blending mode functions the same way the game handles lightmap drawing. Specifically, the color blending function is called 'ReverseSubtract'. Rather than adding values together, you're subtracting, basically.

    Say you have a background of solid white (255, 255, 255). If you draw over that in Lighting mode with solid red (255, 0, 0) then you'll end up with solid cyan (0, 255, 255). If you use 50% opacity, then you'll end up with (192, 255, 255) which isn't quite half. But, as you can see, it's about subtracting. In this example, we have 255 in the red channel and it's being subtracted from the underlying white.

    You'll probably just want to experiment with this. It can be great for things like moving shadows from clouds in the sky.

Note: You should try to group all your layers with the same modes together for the best performance.

Default: Normal

Conditional Layers

Optional. A game state query to determine whether or not this layer should be visible. If this is not set, the layer will always be visible.

These conditions are only reevaluated upon location change, an event starting, or the in-game hour changing.


Optional. An optional group for this layer. Only one layer in a group can be visible at a time. Specifically: the first layer in the Layers list that passes its Condition will be visible and all others in the group will be skipped.


Optional. What type of map should this layer be displayed with? This can be Outdoors, Indoors, or Indoors,Outdoors.

Default: Outdoors

All other layer properties are specific to their individual Types, as follows:


A Color layer draws a full-screen rectangle of a color. This can be used to apply a tint. Here is an example of using color layers to tint the screen similarly to when it's raining:

	"Id": "first",
	"Type": "Color",
	"Mode": "Lighting",
	"Color": "orangered",
	"Opacity": 0.45
	"Id": "second",
	"Type": "Color",
	"Mode": "Normal",
	"Color": "blue",
	"Opacity": 0.2

Color layers support the following properties:

Field Description

Optional. The color to draw to the screen.

Default: white


Optional. The opacity to draw the color with. This will handle pre-multiplied alpha for you, so it is recommended to use this rather than messing with Color's alpha channel.

Default: 1.0


A Debris layer can be used to draw floating debris particles, similar to the leaves, flower petals, and snow flakes that appear in the base game's Wind weather type. This uses the same logic for animating and moving particles.

Note: Debris layers do not natively obey the IgnoreDebrisWeather flag of locations. As such, you should probably add a Condition to all of your Debris layers with the following query:

Field Description

Optional. As an alternative to Texture and Sources, you can use the game's built-in seasonal debris sprites. If this is set to -1 then it will use the current season.

You can use 0 for Spring, 1 for Summer, 2 for Fall, 3 for Winter. There's also 999 for something special, but I'll leave that for you to discover.


Optional. The asset name of a texture to use for drawing this debris layer. If this isn't set, then we'll fall back to using the native seasonal sprites as described in UseSeasonal.

You can either use static or animated debris. If you use animated, the logic for changing frames will function exactly the same as it does for the native sprites, so you'll want to look at those for an example of how to design your sprites.


Optional. A list of source rectangles to use for debris particles added by this debris layer. Each of these rectangles is specifically for the first animation frame. The subsequent frame positions will be calculated automatically. This assumes that the frames are laid out in a horizontal line.


Optional. When set to true, this debris layer's sprites will be flipped horizontally when drawn.


Optional. When set to true, this debris layer's sprites will be flipped vertically when drawn.


Optional. The color to draw this debris layer's sprites with.

Default: White


Optional. The opacity to draw this debris layer's sprites with. This sets up pre-multiplied alpha with Color.

Default: 1.0


Optional. The scale this debris layer's sprites should be drawn at.

Default: 2.0


Optional. Whether or not the particles for this debris layer can enter a 'blowing' state where they move upwards.

Default: false


Optional. The minimum number of particles to spawn for this debris layer.

Default: 16


Optional. The maximum number of particles to spawn for this debris layer.

Default: 64


Optional. The minimum amount of time a specific frame should be displayed, in milliseconds.

Default: 76


Optional. The maximum amount of time a specific frame should be displayed, in milliseconds.

Default: 126


Optional. Whether or not this debris layer should draw animated sprites. If this is set to false, only the first frame will ever be drawn.

Default: true


A Rain layer can be used to draw falling particles, similar to the rain effect that appears in the base game's Rain, Storm, and GreenRain weather types. At its most basic, the rain layer replicates the game's normal rain particles completely:

	"Id": "first",
	"Type": "Rain",

Note: For the full rain experience, you'll need to do screen tinting as well.

Note: Rain layers do not automatically stop working during events, as the base game's rain effect does. If you want to make sure your rain does not appear during an event, you should add a Condition like:

Field Description

Optional. The asset name of a texture to use for drawing this rain layer. If this is not set, then this rain layer will use the game's native rain sprites for drawing.


Optional. A source rectangle for the first frame of the rain animation within the provided texture. If Texture is not set, this is ignored and the source is automatically determined for the game's native rain texture.


Optional. How many frames of animation your rain texture has. This is ignored if Texture is not set.

Default: 5


Optional. When set to true, this rain layer's sprites will be flipped horizontally when drawn.


Optional. When set to true, this rain layer's sprites will be flipped vertically when drawn.


Optional. The color to draw this rain layer's sprites with.

Default: White


Optional. The opacity to draw this rain layer's sprites with. This sets up pre-multiplied alpha with Color.

Default: 1.0


Optional. How many times to draw this rain layer's sprites. The base game's Green Rain effect uses this with a value of 2.

Default: 1


Optional. The scale to draw the rain particle sprites with.

Default: 4.0


Optional. How many rain particles to draw. This can be used to make the rain lighter or heavier, but you should be careful not to go too overboard, as drawing too many particles can cause performance issues.

Default: 70


Optional. The speed this rain layer's particles should move.

Default: -16, 32


A Shader layer is used to apply a shader effect to the rendered game world. This can be used for more advanced effects, like applying a distortion or using a look-up table to adjust colors. Here's an example using the built-in Palettize shader to limit the game:

	"Id": "first",
	"Type": "Shader",
	"Shader": "Palettize",
	"Palette": "Mods/MyMod/MyPalette",
	"ColorCount": 46

For reference, this is the palette used for that sample image:

You can use one of the built-in shaders, or provide your own shader. See the Shaders section of the documentation for more.

Note: You cannot use Mode for a Shader layer. It just won't have any effect at all.

Field Description>

Required. The name of the shader to use. This should be either the name of one of the built-in shaders, or the absolute file path to one of your own compiled shader files.

Using Content Patcher, you can use the {{AbsoluteFilePath: [path]}} token to provide a valid path.


Optional. A color to use when rendering with the shader. This is passed into the shader, so how it's used (and if it's used at all) may vary depending on which shader you're using.

Default: White


The other properties are entirely dependent on what Shader you're using. See the Shaders section of the documentation for details on the built-in shaders.

Snow / TextureScroll

A Snow or TextureScroll layer can be used to draw an animated texture in a tightly packed grid. This is used by the base game for rendering snow during the Snow weather type. At its most basic, this layer replicates the game's normal snow rendering exactly:

	"Id": "first",
	"Type": "Snow"

But you can override this behavior by giving it your own texture. Using Snow or TextureScroll changes the default behavior slightly, with ViewSpeed having a value for Snow and not TextureScroll. Additionally, when using Snow your layer's opacity will be multiplifed by the user's snow transparency setting.

Field Description>

Required/Optional. The asset name of a texture to use for drawing this layer. This must be set for TextureScroll. If this is not set, and the type is Snow, then this layer will use the game's native snow sprites for drawing.


Optional. A source rectangle for the first frame of the animation within the provided texture. If Texture is not set, this is ignored and the source is automatically determined for the game's native snow texture.


Optional. How many frames of animation your texture has. This is ignored if Texture is not set.

Default: 1


Optional. How long each frame should be displayed, in milliseconds.

Default: 75


Optional. When set to true, this layer's sprites will be flipped horizontally when drawn.


Optional. When set to true, this layer's sprites will be flipped vertically when drawn.


Optional. The color to draw this layer's sprites with.

Default: White


Optional. The opacity to draw this layer's sprites with. This sets up pre-multiplied alpha with Color.

Note: When drawing a Snow layer, we also multiply by the user's snow transparency setting.

Default: 1.0


Optional. The scale to draw this layer's texture with.

Default: 4.0


Optional. The speed this layer's position should change. By default, these layers don't move at all.

Default: 0, 0


Optional. The speed this layer's position should change relative to the movement of the viewport. A value of -1, -1 means the position changes the exact opposite amount as the viewport, effectively locking the texture in place against the world.

Default: -1, -1


This section details how to use Shader layers. You'll find sections for each of the built-in shaders, along with instructions on how to develop custom shaders.


The Blur shader is more accurately a convolution shader that operates on a 5 by 5 sample grid. Using the default settings, it performs a very basic blur, but you can tweak the kernel weights to achieve different effects.


Required> This field multiplies the distance from the target pixel that each sample will be taken. If, for example, you use this with a value of 1.0 then each sample will be 1 pixel away from the target pixel.

Since we're dealing with a 5x5 sample grid, that means a 5x5 area of pixels will be sampled.

Setting this to 2.0, to provide another example, would end up end up sampling pixels within a 9x9 area, though not all pixels would be sampled in that situation.


Optional. Whether or not the Weights array should be used. If this is not set to true, 1.0 will be used for all weights.

Default: false


Optional. A list of kernel weights. This should be a list of 25 floating point numbers, representing the 5 by 5 sample area.

As an example, here is a set of weights for a Gaussian blur:

"Weights": [
    0.003765, 0.015019, 0.023792, 0.015019, 0.003765,
    0.015019, 0.059912, 0.094907, 0.059912, 0.015019,
    0.023792, 0.094907, 0.150342, 0.094907, 0.023792,
    0.015019, 0.059912, 0.094907, 0.059912, 0.015019,
    0.003765, 0.015019, 0.023792, 0.015019, 0.003765


The Colorize shader, reused with permission from the Nightshade project (see for details), uses color math to adjust the saturation, lightness, and contrast of each pixel as well as having color balance inputs.


Optional. Adjust the contrast by this amount.

  • Range: -1.0 to 1.0
  • Default: 0.0

Optional. Adjust the lightness by this amount.

  • Range: -1.0 to 1.0
  • Default: 0.0

Optional. Adjust the saturation by this amount.

  • Range: -1.0 to 1.0
  • Default: 0.0

Optional. Select which graypoint to use. Valid choices:

  • 0 = ITU BT.709
  • 1 = ITU BT.601

Default: 0


Optional. An array representing how to shift colors in the shadow range. The first entry is for red, the second entry is for green, and the third entry is for blue.

Each value should be in the range -1.0 to 1.0.

Default: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]


Optional. An array representing how to shift colors in the midtone range. The first entry is for red, the second entry is for green, and the third entry is for blue.

Each value should be in the range -1.0 to 1.0.

Default: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]


Optional. An array representing how to shift colors in the highlight range. The first entry is for red, the second entry is for green, and the third entry is for blue.

Each value should be in the range -1.0 to 1.0.

Default: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]


The Distortion shader uses a very simple noise algorithm to distort the texture coordinates when drawing.


Required. The strength of the distortion effect. This value should be very small. I recommend starting with something like 0.002 and changing it from there.


Required. The frequency of the distortion effect. This value changes the scale of the distortions, with the distortions getting smaller the larger this is. I recommend starting with something like 100 and changing it from there.


The Palettize shader reduces the visible colors of the resulting image to those found in the supplied Palette. See the Shader layer description for an example screenshot of this in action.


Required. The asset name of a palette texture to reference. A palette should be a 1 or 2 pixel tall horizontal strip of colors, where each color in the palette has a single column. A palette of 256 colors, for example, should be either a 256x1 or 256x2 pixel image.

If you provide a 2 pixel tall image, the top pixel will be used for finding similar colors, while the bottom pixel will be used to actually draw the color to the output.


Required. The number of colors in the palette texture.


Optional. Is the provided palette a monochrome palette? If this is set to true, the input color will be converted to grayscale before being compared to the palette. This may result in a higher quality image, but is not suitable for use if the palette is not monochromatic.


Optional. If this is set to true, the output will use dithering to create the appearance of additional colors. This can be very effective at increasing the apparent color count, but as a result it leaves the image feeling grainy, soft, and can potentially ruin the aesthetic.


The Pixelate shader effectively lowers the resolution of the screen in a very simple way. This is not intended for serious use, and was really just the result of me messing around. Still, it's here.


Required. The horizontal pixel size. Setting this to 4 would make each output pixel 4 pixels wide.


Required. The vertical pixel size. Setting this to 4 would make each output pixel 4 pixels tall.

Custom Shaders

Want to write your own shaders? Awesome! Cloudy Skies is here to help. You'll need to make sure you're using the absolute file path to your shader file, as directed in Shader. Beyond that, how do you compile a shader?

I'm glad you asked!

You're going to need an old version of the dotnet-mgfxc package installed on your computer. Specifically, version Newer versions are not compatible with the version of MonoGame that Stardew Valley uses.

But wait, there's more! That version of dotnet-mgfxc will not work with the latest version of .NET Core, so you'll need to install an older version of that as well.

Specifically, you'll want to install .NET Core 3.1.32.

Note: You should NOT leave this version of .NET installed after you're done, as it has security issues. Install it, get your work done, then remove it again.

Alright. Got all that? Then you'll want to enable Debug: Re-Compile Shaders in Cloudy Skies' settings. Once you've done that, Cloudy Skies will automatically recompile any shaders as long as the .fx file is in the same folder as the .mgfx file.

This recompilation happens:

  1. The first time the shader is used.
  2. Any subsequent times the current weather layers are reloaded, if the .fx file has changed.
  3. When the cs_reload command is used, if the .fx file has changed.

Take a look at one of the built-in shaders to get an idea of what a .fx file should look at, and go for it! You'll also want to be aware of the following properties. If you include them in your shaders, Cloudy Skies will automatically update them with relevant game data:

ElapsedTime float

The amount of time, in milliseconds, that has passed since the previous frame was rendered. This may be zero if the game has been paused for any reason.

TotalTime float

The total amount of time, in milliseconds, that has passed since the game started rendering. This is not guaranteed to change between frames if the game has been paused for any reason.

TimeOfDay float

The in-game time of day, in partial hours. As an example, 7:30 would be represented as 7.5.

ViewportPosition float2

The position of the top-left corner of the current viewport in the current map. This changes as the viewport moves around, and can be used to ensure that effects stay locked in the same place relative to the world.

ScreenSize float2

The size of the current viewport. In single-player, this is the same as the size of the game window. In split-screen multiplayer, this is the size of one of the split areas.

How Do I Make My Weather Happen?

Just adding a custom weather type using Cloudy Skies isn't enough to actually make your weather happen in the game. You need to tell the game when and where it should be applied, and that's done in one of two ways:

  • Use a location context's WeatherConditions list to make the weather type occur naturally in a location context.

    See the 1.6 migration guide for more.

  • Use a custom weather totem to override tomorrow's weather specifically.

Custom Weather Totems

To make a custom weather totem, you'll need to add a custom object to the game. In 1.6, the best way to do this is by editing the Data/Objects list to add your custom item, and then editing a shop, crafting recipe, event, etc. to give the player a way to obtain your item.

The important thing is that your custom weather totem has a CustomField in its Data/Objects entry with the key leclair.cloudyskies/WeatherTotem and a value with the desired weather type's Id.

Location Context Extension Data

Cloudy Skies has a secondary data asset for adding custom data to location contexts with the goal of expanding the in-game forecasting system. To edit this data, you need an EditData action with this target:

Field Description

Required. The Id of the location context that this entry is extending. This needs to match an entry in the Data/LocationContexts asset.


Optional. A display name for this location context, to be used when this context should be presented to the user in some way. So far, that means when the user has a choice of selecting this location context from the TV's Weather channel to view its forecast.

This is a tokenizable string.


Optional. A map of weather type Ids to boolean values setting whether or not a custom weather totem should be allowed to work in this location context.

Example: { "Sun": true, "Wind": false }

TV Forecast

Optional. Whether or not this location context should be included in the TV's Weather channel.

Default: false


Optional. A game state query to determine whether or not the player should currently see this location context in the TV's Weather channel.


Optional. A string that is displayed by the TV's Weather channel before the weather-specific string. As an example, the base game uses this for Ginger Island's forecast.

This is a tokenizable string.

TV Forecast: Sprites

Optional. The asset name of a texture that should be displayed as the background of the TV's Weather channel when viewing the weather for this location context.

This can be used to change the background behind the meteorologist.


Optional. The position of the top-left corner of the first frame of the TV's Weather channel background. Each background frame is 42 by 28 pixels. This is ignored if WeatherChannelBackgroundTexture is not set.

If there are multiple frames, they are assumed to be laid out in a horizontal strip.

Example: {"X": 42, "Y": 0}


Optional. How many frames of animation does the TV's Weather channel background have. This is ignored if WeatherChannelBackgroundTexture is not set.

Default: 1


Optional. How long should each frame of the TV's Weather channel background animation be displayed, in milliseconds? This is ignored if WeatherChannelBackgroundTexture is not set.

Default: 150.0


Optional. The asset name of a texture that should be displayed as the foreground of the TV's Weather channel when viewing the weather for this location context.

This can be used to replace the entire image, or to replace the meteorologist specifically.


Optional. The position of the top-left corner of the first frame of the TV's Weather channel intro foreground. Each frame is 42 by 28 pixels. This is ignored if WeatherChannelOverlayTexture is not set.

If there are multiple frames, they are assumed to be laid out in a horizontal strip.

This is, specifically, for the foreground animation that plays while the user is selecting which region they would like to view the forecast for.


Optional. How many frames of animation does the TV's Weather channel intro foreground have. This is ignored if WeatherChannelOverlayTexture is not set.

Default: 1


Optional. How long should each frame of the TV's Weather channel intro foreground animation be displayed, in milliseconds? This is ignored if WeatherChannelOverlayTexture is not set.

Default: 150.0


Optional. The position of the top-left corner of the first frame of the TV's Weather channel weather foreground. Each frame is 42 by 28 pixels. This is ignored if WeatherChannelOverlayTexture is not set.

If there are multiple frames, they are assumed to be laid out in a horizontal strip.

This is, specifically, for the foreground animation that plays while the player is viewing the forecast in the region. While this plays, the forecasted weather's icon will be displayed over this foreground animation.

If this is not set, it is assumed to be positioned directly to the right of the last intro foreground frame.


Optional. How many frames of animation does the TV's Weather channel weather foreground have. This is ignored if WeatherChannelOverlayTexture is not set.

Default: 1


Optional. How long should each frame of the TV's Weather channel weather foreground animation be displayed, in milliseconds? This is ignored if WeatherChannelOverlayTexture is not set.

Default: 150.0

Example Data

As an example, Cloudy Skies itself includes the following data to support the three location contexts in the base game:

  "Default": {
    "Id": "Default",
    "DisplayName": "[LocalizedText location.stardew-valley]",
    "IncludeInWeatherChannel": true
  "Desert": {
    "Id": "Desert",
    "DisplayName": "[LocalizedText Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:Utility.cs.5861]",
    "IncludeInWeatherChannel": true,
    "WeatherChannelCondition": "PLAYER_HAS_MAIL Host ccVault Any",
    "WeatherChannelBackgroundTexture": "LooseSprites\\map",
    "WeatherChannelBackgroundSource": {"X": 0, "Y": 0},
    "WeatherChannelBackgroundFrames": 1
  "Island": {
    "Id": "Island",
    "DisplayName": "[LocalizedText Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:IslandName]",
    "IncludeInWeatherChannel": true,
    "WeatherChannelCondition": "PLAYER_HAS_MAIL Current Visited_Island Any",
    "WeatherForecastPrefix": "[LocalizedText Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:TV_IslandWeatherIntro]",
    "WeatherChannelOverlayTexture": "LooseSprites\\Cursors2",
    "WeatherChannelOverlayIntroSource": {"X": 148, "Y": 62},
    "WeatherChannelOverlayIntroFrames": 1,
    "WeatherChannelOverlayWeatherSource": {"X": 148, "Y": 62},
    "WeatherChannelOverlayWeatherFrames": 1


Cloudy Skies has the following console commands:


Invalidate the cached effects and layers, causing them to be reinitialized. Useful if working on C# stuff that changes how effects or layers work.


List all the known weather types, including how many effects and layers they have, which locations they are active in, and which locations they will be active in tomorrow.

cs_tomorrow [weatherId]

Change tomorrow's weather in your current location to use the weather type with the provided Id. This acts as though you used a custom weather totem.

Note: This obeys the weather totem permissions, and will not override forced weather likes Festival and Wedding.

Mod Data / Custom Fields



  • modData on individual item instances
  • CustomFields in Data/Objects

This can be used either as modData or by setting a custom field on an object. Either way, the value should be the Id of whatever weather type you want the totem to change tomorrow's weather to. When the player uses the totem, it will act like a Rain Totem, but for whatever weather is specified.



  • CustomFields in Data/LocationContexts

This can be used to control whether or not a custom weather totem for the weather type with the Id [ID] can be used to override tomorrow's weather in the relevant location context.

The value should be true or false

Note: This takes priority over the Location Context Extension Data model, but is only provided as an alternative for ease of use.

Trigger Actions

Cloudy Skies adds the following trigger action actions to the game:

Note: If using the debug action command to test commands, you should be aware of a bug in the game causing quotation marks to not be handled correctly by debug action. You may need to escape your quotation marks.

leclair.cloudyskies_ConvertFruitTrees [options] <fruitTreeId> <target> +

Convert the fruit trees within the provided target area(s) into another type of fruit tree. As an example, here's a command that will instantly convert any fruit trees within 5 tiles of the player into apple trees (which have an Id of 633):

leclair.cloudyskies_ConvertFruitTrees 633 Player Current 5

Note: This command only affects fruit trees, and not wild trees.

-h, --help

View usage information for this action.

--max <number>

The maximum number of fruit trees to change. Must be a positive integer.

Default: 2147483647

-c <number>, --chance <number>

The percent chance that any given fruit tree will be changed, from 0.0 to 1.0.

Default: 1.0


If this flag is set, indoor locations will not be skipped. They are skipped by default.


If this flag is set, any existing fruit will be changed to match the new tree type. This may result in fruit being removed if the new tree is not in season and fruit cannot grow.


If this flag is set, only mature fruit trees will be converted. All other trees will be skipped.

--set-days <days>

Set the 'days until mature' field of any changed fruit trees to this value. Setting this to 0 will result in all changed trees being fully grown.

-q <string>, --query <string>

An optional game state query for filtering which fruit trees are affected. For performance reasons, you should avoid using RANDOM queries here and rely on the --chance option if you want to affect less than 100% of fruit trees.

The Target item is the first fruit on the tree, if the tree currently has any fruit.

The Input item is the seed or sapling item that you plant to get this type of fruit tree, if there is a valid seed/sapling item.

leclair.cloudyskies_ConvertTrees [options] <treeId> <target> +

Convert the trees within the provided target area(s) into another type of tree. As an example, here's a command that will instantly convert any trees within 5 tiles of the player into mushroom trees (which have an Id of 7):

leclair.cloudyskies_ConvertTrees 7 Player Current 5

Note: This command only affects wild trees, and not fruit trees.

-h, --help

View usage information for this action.

--max <number>

The maximum number of trees to change. Must be a positive integer.

Default: 2147483647

-c <number>, --chance <number>

The percent chance that any given tree will be changed, from 0.0 to 1.0.

Default: 1.0


If this flag is set, indoor locations will not be skipped. They are skipped by default.

-q <string>, --query <string>

An optional game state query for filtering which trees are affected. For performance reasons, you should avoid using RANDOM queries here and rely on the --chance option if you want to affect less than 100% of trees.

The Input item is the seed item that you plant to get this type of tree, if there is a valid seed item.

leclair.cloudyskies_FertilizeDirt [options] <fertilizerId> <target> +

Apply fertilizer to dirt tiles and Garden Pots within the provided target area(s). As an example, here's a command that applies Speed-Gro to all tilled dirt and pots in the current location:

leclair.cloudyskies_FertilizeDirt (O)465 Location Here
-h, --help

View usage information for this action.

--max <number>

The maximum number of tiles to change. Must be a positive integer.

Default: 2147483647

-c <number>, --chance <number>

The percent chance that any given tile will be changed, from 0.0 to 1.0.

Default: 1.0


If this flag is set, indoor locations will not be skipped. They are skipped by default.

-q <string>, --query <string>

An optional game state query for filtering which tiles are affected. For performance reasons, you should avoid using RANDOM queries here and rely on the --chance option if you want to affect less than 100% of tiles.

If the tile has a crop planted, the Input item will be set to the seed item for the crop, and the Target item will be set to the harvest item.

leclair.cloudyskies_GrowCrops [options] <target> +

Advance crop growth within the provided target area(s). As an example, here's a command that will instantly grow any pumpkins within 5 tiles of the player to maximum growth:

leclair.cloudyskies_GrowCrops -q "ITEM_ID Input (O)490" --days 13 Player Current 5
-h, --help

View usage information for this action.

--max <number>

The maximum number of tiles to change. Must be a positive integer.

Default: 2147483647

-c <number>, --chance <number>

The percent chance that any given tile will be changed, from 0.0 to 1.0.

Default: 1.0


If this flag is set, indoor locations will not be skipped. They are skipped by default.

-d <number>, --days <number>

The number of days of growth each crop should experience. Must be a positive integer.

Default: 1

--max-days <number>

The maximum number of days of growth each crop should experience. If this is set, each crop will grow a random number of days between --days and this value.

-q <string>, --query <string>

An optional game state query for filtering which tiles are affected. For performance reasons, you should avoid using RANDOM queries here and rely on the --chance option if you want to affect less than 100% of tiles.

If the tile has a crop planted, the Input item will be set to the seed item for the crop, and the Target item will be set to the harvest item.

--fertilizer-query <string>

An optional game state query for filtering which tiles are affected. For performance reasons, you should avoid using RANDOM queries here and rely on the --chance option if you want to affect less than 100% of tiles.

If the tile has been fertilized, the Input item will be the fertilizer item.

leclair.cloudyskies_GrowFruitTrees [options] <target> +

Advance the growth of fruit trees within the provided target area(s). As an example, here's a command that will instantly grow any fruit trees within 5 tiles of the player into their fully grown state, but does not cause fruit to grow:

leclair.cloudyskies_GrowFruitTrees --days 112 --max-fruit 0 5 Player Current 5
-h, --help

View usage information for this action.

--max <number>

The maximum number of trees to change. Must be a positive integer.

Default: 2147483647

-c <number>, --chance <number>

The percent chance that any given tree will be changed, from 0.0 to 1.0.

Default: 1.0


If this flag is set, indoor locations will not be skipped. They are skipped by default.

--days <number>

The number of days of growth each fruit tree should experience.

Default: 1

--max-fruit <number>

The maximum number of fruit we should attempt to grow on any given fruit tree. If the tree already has at least this many fruit, we won't try to grow any additional fruit. This also respects the individual tree's fruit limit, and won't cause a tree to spawn more fruit than it should.

Note: This does not override the in-season checks, so if a tree is not in season, it will not gain fruit from this no matter what.

Default: 2147483647

-q <string>, --query <string>

An optional game state query for filtering which fruit trees are affected. For performance reasons, you should avoid using RANDOM queries here and rely on the --chance option if you want to affect less than 100% of fruit trees.

The Target item is the first fruit on the tree, if the tree currently has any fruit.

The Input item is the seed or sapling item that you plant to get this type of fruit tree, if there is a valid seed/sapling item.

leclair.cloudyskies_GrowGiantCrops [options] <target> +

Make giant crops grow within the provided target area(s) if it's possible. As an example, here's a command that will instantly grow any pumpkins within 5 tiles of the player into giant crops:

leclair.cloudyskies_GrowGiantCrops -q "ITEM_ID Input (O)490" --allow-immature Player Current 5
-h, --help

View usage information for this action.

--max <number>

The maximum number of tiles to change. Must be a positive integer.

Default: 2147483647

-c <number>, --chance <number>

The percent chance that any given tile will be changed, from 0.0 to 1.0.

Default: 1.0


If this flag is set, indoor locations will not be skipped. They are skipped by default.


If this flag is set, we will allows crops that aren't yet mature to grow into giant crops.


If this flag is set, we will ignore size requirements for giant crops and allow any crop to grow into a giant crop, even if it doesn't have the necessary other crops next to it, as long as there is open space to grow.


If this flag is set, we will ignore locations that are not flagged with AllowGiantCrops and always let them grow.

-q <string>, --query <string>

An optional game state query for filtering which tiles are affected. For performance reasons, you should avoid using RANDOM queries here and rely on the --chance option if you want to affect less than 100% of tiles.

If the tile has a crop planted, the Input item will be set to the seed item for the crop, and the Target item will be set to the harvest item.

--fertilizer-query <string>

An optional game state query for filtering which tiles are affected. For performance reasons, you should avoid using RANDOM queries here and rely on the --chance option if you want to affect less than 100% of tiles.

If the tile has been fertilized, the Input item will be the fertilizer item.

leclair.cloudyskies_GrowMoss [options] <target> +

Grow moss on the trees within the provided target area(s). As an example, here's a command that will has a 50% chance to grow moss on each tree within 5 tiles of the player:

leclair.cloudyskies_GrowMoss -c 0.5 Player Current 5

Note: This command only affects wild trees, and not fruit trees.

-h, --help

View usage information for this action.

--max <number>

The maximum number of trees to change. Must be a positive integer.

Default: 2147483647

-c <number>, --chance <number>

The percent chance that any given tree will be changed, from 0.0 to 1.0.

Default: 1.0


If this flag is set, indoor locations will not be skipped. They are skipped by default.

-q <string>, --query <string>

An optional game state query for filtering which trees are affected. For performance reasons, you should avoid using RANDOM queries here and rely on the --chance option if you want to affect less than 100% of trees.

The Input item is the seed item that you plant to get this type of tree, if there is a valid seed item.

leclair.cloudyskies_GrowTrees [options] <target> +

Advance the growth stage of trees within the provided target area(s). As an example, here's a command that will instantly grow any trees within 5 tiles of the player into their fully grown state:

leclair.cloudyskies_GrowTrees --stages 5 Player Current 5
-h, --help

View usage information for this action.

--max <number>

The maximum number of trees to change. Must be a positive integer.

Default: 2147483647

-c <number>, --chance <number>

The percent chance that any given tree will be changed, from 0.0 to 1.0.

Default: 1.0


If this flag is set, indoor locations will not be skipped. They are skipped by default.

-s <number>, --stages <number>

The number of stages of growth each tree should experience. Trees generally have 6 total stages, where 0 is a seed and 5 is fully grown.

--max-stage <number>

The maximum growth stage any given tree should be allowed to reach as a result of this action.

Default: 5 (fully grown)

-q <string>, --query <string>

An optional game state query for filtering which trees are affected. For performance reasons, you should avoid using RANDOM queries here and rely on the --chance option if you want to affect less than 100% of trees.

The Input item is the seed item that you plant to get this type of tree, if there is a valid seed item.

leclair.cloudyskies_KillCrops [options] <target> +

Kill the crops growing within the provided target area(s). As an example, here's a command that kills any pumpkins growing on Ginger Island:

leclair.cloudyskies_KillCrops -q "ITEM_ID Input (O)490" Context Island
-h, --help

View usage information for this action.

--max <number>

The maximum number of tiles to change. Must be a positive integer.

Default: 2147483647

-c <number>, --chance <number>

The percent chance that any given tile will be changed, from 0.0 to 1.0.

Default: 1.0


If this flag is set, indoor locations will not be skipped. They are skipped by default.

-q <string>, --query <string>

An optional game state query for filtering which tiles are affected. For performance reasons, you should avoid using RANDOM queries here and rely on the --chance option if you want to affect less than 100% of tiles.

If the tile has a crop planted, the Input item will be set to the seed item for the crop, and the Target item will be set to the harvest item.

--fertilizer-query <string>

An optional game state query for filtering which tiles are affected. For performance reasons, you should avoid using RANDOM queries here and rely on the --chance option if you want to affect less than 100% of tiles.

If the tile has been fertilized, the Input item will be the fertilizer item.

leclair.cloudyskies_KillMoss [options] <target> +

Remove moss from the trees within the provided target area(s). As an example, here's a command that will remove all moss on trees in either the Farm or Town maps:

leclair.cloudyskies_KillMoss Location Farm Location Town

Note: This command only affects wild trees, and not fruit trees.

-h, --help

View usage information for this action.

--max <number>

The maximum number of trees to change. Must be a positive integer.

Default: 2147483647

-c <number>, --chance <number>

The percent chance that any given tree will be changed, from 0.0 to 1.0.

Default: 1.0


If this flag is set, indoor locations will not be skipped. They are skipped by default.

-q <string>, --query <string>

An optional game state query for filtering which trees are affected. For performance reasons, you should avoid using RANDOM queries here and rely on the --chance option if you want to affect less than 100% of trees.

The Input item is the seed item that you plant to get this type of tree, if there is a valid seed item.

leclair.cloudyskies_SpawnForage [options] <target> +

Spawns forage within the provided target area(s). As an example, here's a command that will spawn random fish in all valid forage locations within 5 tiles of the player:

leclair.cloudyskies_SpawnForage -i ALL_ITEMS -iq "ITEM_CATEGORY Target -4" Player Current 5
-h, --help

View usage information for this action.

--max <number>

The maximum number of forage to spawn. Must be a positive integer.

Default: 2147483647

-c <number>, --chance <number>

The percent chance that any given tile will spawn a forage, from 0.0 to 1.0.

Default: 1.0


If this flag is set, indoor locations will not be skipped. They are skipped by default.


If this flag is set, the location's default forage items will be added to the list of possible forage to spawn. By default, we only spawn the items you provide to the action as arguments.


If this flag is set, we will not skip tiles without a Spawnable flag like the base game does. We will still skip tiles based on all other criteria, including having a Spawnable field that is set to F.

-i <string>, --item <string>

Add an item to the list of potential forage to spawn. This supports item queries.

-iq <string>, --item-query <string>

An optional game state query to apply to the last added --item as a per-item condition. See the documentation on item spawn fields for more information.

-q <number>, --item-quality <number>

An optional quality to apply to the last added --item. See the documentation on item spawn fields for more information.

leclair.cloudyskies_UnFertilizeDirt [options] <target> +

Remove fertilizer from dirt tiles and Garden Pots within the provided target area(s). As an example, here's a command that removes fertilizer from any dirt and pots that have Speed-Gro in the current location:

leclair.cloudyskies_UnFertilizeDirt --fertilizer-query "ITEM_ID Input (O)465" Location Here
-h, --help

View usage information for this action.

--max <number>

The maximum number of tiles to change. Must be a positive integer.

Default: 2147483647

-c <number>, --chance <number>

The percent chance that any given tile will be changed, from 0.0 to 1.0.

Default: 1.0


If this flag is set, indoor locations will not be skipped. They are skipped by default.

-q <string>, --query <string>

An optional game state query for filtering which tiles are affected. For performance reasons, you should avoid using RANDOM queries here and rely on the --chance option if you want to affect less than 100% of tiles.

If the tile has a crop planted, the Input item will be set to the seed item for the crop, and the Target item will be set to the harvest item.

--fertilizer-query <string>

An optional game state query for filtering which tiles are affected. For performance reasons, you should avoid using RANDOM queries here and rely on the --chance option if you want to affect less than 100% of tiles.

If the tile has been fertilized, the Input item will be the fertilizer item.

leclair.cloudyskies_UnGrowTrees [options] <target> +

Rewind the growth stage of trees within the provided target area(s). As an example, here's a command that will instantly revert any trees within 5 tiles of the player into saplings:

leclair.cloudyskies_UnGrowTrees --min-stage 2 --stages 100 Player Current 5

Note the use of an arbitrarily large number for --stages in this example, in case any mods have added trees with more growth stages.

-h, --help

View usage information for this action.

--max <number>

The maximum number of trees to change. Must be a positive integer.

Default: 2147483647

-c <number>, --chance <number>

The percent chance that any given tree will be changed, from 0.0 to 1.0.

Default: 1.0


If this flag is set, indoor locations will not be skipped. They are skipped by default.

-s <number>, --stages <number>

The number of stages of growth each tree should experience. Trees generally have 6 total stages, where 0 is a seed and 5 is fully grown.

--min-stage <number>

The minimum growth stage any given tree should be allowed to reach as a result of this action.

Default: 0 (seed)

-q <string>, --query <string>

An optional game state query for filtering which trees are affected. For performance reasons, you should avoid using RANDOM queries here and rely on the --chance option if you want to affect less than 100% of trees.

The Input item is the seed item that you plant to get this type of tree, if there is a valid seed item.

leclair.cloudyskies_UnWaterDirt [options] <target> +

Un-water watered dirt tiles and Garden Pots within the provided target area(s). As an example, here's a command that will un-water any pumpkins within 5 tiles of the player:

leclair.cloudyskies_UnWaterDirt -q "ITEM_ID Input (O)490" Player Current 5
-h, --help

View usage information for this action.

--max <number>

The maximum number of tiles to change. Must be a positive integer.

Default: 2147483647

-c <number>, --chance <number>

The percent chance that any given tile will be changed, from 0.0 to 1.0.

Default: 1.0


If this flag is set, indoor locations will not be skipped. They are skipped by default.

-q <string>, --query <string>

An optional game state query for filtering which tiles are affected. For performance reasons, you should avoid using RANDOM queries here and rely on the --chance option if you want to affect less than 100% of tiles.

If the tile has a crop planted, the Input item will be set to the seed item for the crop, and the Target item will be set to the harvest item.

--fertilizer-query <string>

An optional game state query for filtering which tiles are affected. For performance reasons, you should avoid using RANDOM queries here and rely on the --chance option if you want to affect less than 100% of tiles.

If the tile has been fertilized, the Input item will be the fertilizer item.

leclair.cloudyskies_UnWaterPets [options] <target> +

Un-water watered pet bowls within the provided target area(s). As an example, here's a command that will un-water any pet bowls within 5 tiles of the player:

leclair.cloudyskies_UnWaterPets Player Current 5
-h, --help

View usage information for this action.

--max <number>

The maximum number of pet bowls to change. Must be a positive integer.

Default: 2147483647

-c <number>, --chance <number>

The percent chance that any given pet bowl will be changed, from 0.0 to 1.0.

Default: 1.0


If this flag is set, indoor locations will not be skipped. They are skipped by default.

leclair.cloudyskies_WaterCrops <Location OR Context> <location> <chance=1>

Deprecated. Please use leclair.cloudyskies_WaterDirt instead.

leclair.cloudyskies_WaterDirt [options] <target> +

Water un-watered dirt tiles and Garden Pots within the provided target area(s). As an example, here's a command that will water any pumpkins within 5 tiles of the player:

leclair.cloudyskies_WaterDirt -q "ITEM_ID Input (O)490" Player Current 5
-h, --help

View usage information for this action.

--max <number>

The maximum number of tiles to change. Must be a positive integer.

Default: 2147483647

-c <number>, --chance <number>

The percent chance that any given tile will be changed, from 0.0 to 1.0.

Default: 1.0


If this flag is set, indoor locations will not be skipped. They are skipped by default.

-q <string>, --query <string>

An optional game state query for filtering which tiles are affected. For performance reasons, you should avoid using RANDOM queries here and rely on the --chance option if you want to affect less than 100% of tiles.

If the tile has a crop planted, the Input item will be set to the seed item for the crop, and the Target item will be set to the harvest item.

--fertilizer-query <string>

An optional game state query for filtering which tiles are affected. For performance reasons, you should avoid using RANDOM queries here and rely on the --chance option if you want to affect less than 100% of tiles.

If the tile has been fertilized, the Input item will be the fertilizer item.

leclair.cloudyskies_WaterPets [options] <target> +

Water un-watered pet bowls within the provided target area(s). As an example, here's a command that will water any pet bowls within 5 tiles of the player:

leclair.cloudyskies_WaterPets Player Current 5
-h, --help

View usage information for this action.

--max <number>

The maximum number of pet bowls to change. Must be a positive integer.

Default: 2147483647

-c <number>, --chance <number>

The percent chance that any given pet bowl will be changed, from 0.0 to 1.0.

Default: 1.0


If this flag is set, indoor locations will not be skipped. They are skipped by default.

Action Targets

Most of Cloudy Skies' custom trigger actions use a flexible <target> argument that accepts several different forms, making it easy to target entire regions or specific tiles. The following forms are permitted:

Context <All/Here/ID>

Target the full map of each location within the provided location context(s). You can use All to match all contexts, Here to match the context of the current location, or provide the Id of a specific context to target.

Location <All/Here/Indoors/Outdoors/ID>

Target the full map of the provided location(s). You can use All to match all locations, Here to match the current location, Indoors or Outdoors to match all thus described locations, or provide the name of a specific location to target.

Tile <All/Here/ID> <x> <y> <radius>

Target a specific tile of the provided location(s). You can use All to match all locations, Here to match the current location, or provide the name of a specific location to target.

x and y are the X and Y tile coordinates to target, and radius is the radius to extend from the targeted tile. Use 1 to only target one specific tile.

RandomTile <All/Here/ID> <minCount> <maxCount> <minX> <maxX> <minY> <maxY> <minRadius> <maxRadius>

Target a number of random tiles of the provided location(s). You can use All to match all locations, Here to match the current location, Indoors or Outdoors to match all thus described locations, or provide the name of a specific location to target.

minCount and maxCount are used to determine how many random tiles should be selected. The system will pick at least minCount and at most maxCount tiles. Please note that these tiles are not checked for uniqueness.

minX and maxX define the bounds of the X coordinate to target. Please note that if you provide a minX less than zero, it will be set to zero. If you provide a maxX greater than the target map's width, it will be reduced to the target map's width.

minY and maxY define the bounds of the Y coordinate to target. Please note that if you provide a minY less than zero, it will be set to zero. If you provide a maxY greater than the target map's height, it will be reduced to the target map's height.

minRadius and maxRadius define the bounds of the radius to target around the target tile.

As an example, here's a target that will pick 5 to 10 random locations on the Farm map with a small radius:

RandomTile Farm 5 10 0 1000 0 1000 2 4

Here, we've used 1000 as an arbitrarily large value for maxX and maxY. It doesn't matter that they're that big, because they'll be reduced to fit the actual map's size.

Player <All/Current/Host/Inside/Outside/ID> <radius>

Target the current position of the specified player. You can use All to match all online players, Current to match the current player, Host to match the hosting player, or provide the unique multiplayer ID of a player to target them specifically.

radius is the radius to extend from the targeted player. Use 1 to only target the one specific tile they're standing on.

NPC <All/NAME> <radius>

Target the current position of the specified NPC. You can use All to match all NPCs, or provide the internal name of an NPC to target them specifically.

radius is the radius to extend from the targeted NPC. Use 1 to only target the one specific tile they're standing on.

Game State Queries

Cloudy Skies adds the following game state queries to the game:


Whether the given location is flagged to ignore debris weather. You can use this query to hide your Debris layers in such locations.

CS_WEATHER <location> <offset> <weatherId>+

The weather Id in the given location. This allows you to check the weather up to one week in the past by setting offset to a non-zero value. You can also provide more than one weatherId to match multiple possible weather types. For example, using CS_WEATHER Here -1 Rain Storm will check if the weather yesterday was either Rain or Storm.

CS_WEATHER_IS_RAINING <location> [offset=0]

Whether the weather at the given location has the IsRaining weather flag.

If you set offset to a non-zero value, it will check the weather on that day instead. For example, you can check if it was raining yesterday by using CS_WEATHER_IS_RAINING Here -1.

Cloudy Skies records a full week of historical weather data.

CS_WEATHER_IS_SNOWING <location> [offset=0]

Whether the weather at the given location has the IsSnowing weather flag.

If you set offset to a non-zero value, it will check the weather on that day instead. For example, you can check if it was snowing two days ago by using CS_WEATHER_IS_SNOWING Here -2.

Cloudy Skies records a full week of historical weather data.

CS_WEATHER_IS_LIGHTNING <location> [offset=0]

Whether the weather at the given location has the IsLightning weather flag.

If you set offset to a non-zero value, it will check the weather on that day instead. For example, you can check if it was lightning yesterday by using CS_WEATHER_IS_LIGHTNING Here -1.

Cloudy Skies records a full week of historical weather data.

CS_WEATHER_IS_DEBRIS <location> [offset=0]

Whether the weather at the given location has the IsDebrisWeather weather flag.

If you set offset to a non-zero value, it will check the weather on that day instead. For example, you can check if it was debris weather yesterday by using CS_WEATHER_IS_DEBRIS Here -1.

Cloudy Skies records a full week of historical weather data.

CS_WEATHER_IS_GREEN_RAIN <location> [offset=0]

Whether the weather at the given location has the IsGreenRain weather flag.

If you set offset to a non-zero value, it will check the weather on that day instead. For example, you can check if it was green raining yesterday by using CS_WEATHER_IS_GREEN_RAINING Here -1.

Cloudy Skies records a full week of historical weather data.

Content Patcher Tokens


This token represents the weather flags of the current location. Possible values:

  • Raining
  • Snowing
  • Lightning
  • Debris
  • GreenRain
  • Sunny (present if none of the previous value are present)
  • Music (present if MusicOverride is set)
  • NightTiles (present if UseNightTiles is set)
  • WaterCrops (present if WaterCropsAndPets is true (or not set and Raining is true))