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File metadata and controls

543 lines (408 loc) · 12.9 KB


Sadly, I haven't even started on this yet. Please check out the sample content pack for now to see what event data looks like. There are comments and sample events you can trigger using the mne_test command.


Getting Started

Create a Content Pack

  1. Install SMAPI and More Nightly Events if you haven't yet. (If you haven't, how did you even find this?)
  2. Create an empty folder in your Stardew Valley\Mods folder and name it [MNE] Your Mod's Name. Replace Your Mod's Name with your mod's unique name, of course.
  3. Create a manifest.json file inside the folder with this content:
        "Name": "Your Mod's Name",
        "Author": "Your Name",
        "Version": "1.0.0",
        "Description": "Something short about your mod.",
        "UniqueId": "YourName.YourModName",
        "ContentPackFor": {
     	   // Do not change this when changing UniqueID
     	   "UniqueID": "leclair.morenightlyevents"
        "UpdateKeys": [
     	   // When you get ready to release your mod, you will populate
     	   // this section as according to the instructions at:
  4. Change the Name, Author, Description, and UniqueID values to describe your mod. Later, don't forget to set your UpdateKeys before uploading your mod.
  5. Create an events.json file inside the folder, with a list of your custom events:
        // your events go here

Using Content Patcher

If you want to use Content Patcher rather than a content pack, you can! Just use the EditData action with the target: Mods/leclair.morenightlyevents/Events

Note: It is currently untested what happens when players get different events from this mod in Multiplayer, so be careful with dynamic tokens and the like. Or don't, and let me know how it goes!

Nightly Events

A nightly event is something that can happen... at night! The base game makes use of several different ones, including but not limited to:

  • The Junimos repairing things around the valley
  • Noises in the night, like an earthquake
  • An owl statue appearing on your farm

This mod lets you add your own! They have game state queries to control when they happen, and many different ways to control their behaviors.

Each event has the following properties:

Field Description

Required. The event's unique Id. This must be unique, and is used to identify your specific event.


Required> The event type of this event.


Optional. What priority should this event have, compared to other events? This is used to sort the event list, where events with a higher priority come first.

Default: 0


Optional. A list of Conditions that will cause this event to happen. If your event is going to be manually triggered, then you can leave this empty, otherwise you should have at least one.

Shared Properties

Optional. A list of side effects that will happen after this event takes place.


Optional. The map where this event should take place.

Default: "Farm"


Optional. If this is set, the weather at the target location will be overridden while the event plays using this weather condition. This can be any weather condition in the game: "Sun", "Rain", "Storm", etc.


Optional. The time of day that should be set during the event. This should be a four digit string, where the first two digits are the hour (in 24-hours) and the second two digits are the minutes. Example: 2200 for 22:00 / 10:00 pm.

Default: "2400"


Optional. A specific ambient light color to use during the event.


Each of an event's conditions has a game state query that needs to pass for the condition to match, as well as a numeric Chance that gets re-used by each of a specific event's conditions in a given night.

Field Description

Required. A game state query that must evaluate to true for this condition to pass, and for this event to happen.


Optional. The chance that this event will happen. This is checked after Condition, and it is checked against the same number for each of an event's conditions in a given night. Set this to 0 for a 0% chance to happen and 1.0 for a 100% chance to happen.

Default: 1.0


Optional. If this is set to true, this condition passing will mark the event as exclusive and cause it to be chosen immediately, disregarding any other possible nightly events.


Optional. If more than one event can happen in a night, and none of them are flagged as exclusive, then one of them is picked at random to happen. Increase this value to increase the chance that this event is picked, or decrease it to decrease the chance.

Default: 1.0

Side Effects

Each event can have one or more side effects, which cause trigger actions to run.

Field Description

Optional. A game state query that, if set and not true, will cause this side effect to be skipped.


Optional. Whether this side effect can only run for the main player. If set to true, the side effect will be ignored for farmhands in multiplayer.


Required. The actions to perform, as a list of strings matching the action format.

Event Types

The following event types can be used:


Performs an event that places an object, building, crop, etc. into the world alongside playing a sound effect or showing a message to the player.

Field Description

Optional. A string to show to the player. This supports tokenizable strings including localization with the [LocalizedText <key>] token.


Optional. How long to wait before displaying Message to the player, in milliseconds.

Default: 7000


Optional. The name of an audio cue to play while this event is happening. If not set, no sound will play.


Required. A list of placement output one or more entries. Only the first output to have its condition match will be placed.


Each Placement event must have one or more output entry. These entries determine exactly what is placed by the placement event.

Field Description

Optional. A game state query that, if set and not true, will cause this output to be skipped.


Required. What type of placeable thing should we spawn?

  • Building: Construct a building. The target map must support placing buildings.
  • Crop: Plant a crop. The target map must have diggable areas.
  • FruitTree Place a fruit tree.
  • GiantCrop: Place a giant crop.
  • Item: An item. Either leave it on the ground to be picked up, or place it if it can be placed.
  • ResourceClump Place a resource clump, like a stump or a meteorite.
  • WildTree: Place a non-fruit tree.

Optional. A list of rectangles that constitute valid spawning spaces for this event. Each entry in the list should have an X, Y, Width, and Height. Example:

{"X": 10, "Y": 15, "Width": 20, "Height": 5}

If this is set, things will only be placed within these areas.


Optional. When set to true, if we cannot find at least MinStack valid locations, then the event will not run.


Required. The Id of the thing to place. This behaves differently depending on what Type of thing we're placing. For items, it should be a qualified item Id. For buildings, crops, fruit trees, giant crops, and wild trees, it should be an Id from the relevant data file.


Optional. A list of strings. If this is set, ItemId will be ignored. Each thing to be placed will pick a random Id from this list.


Optional. The minimum number of things to place. Defaults to 1. This event may actually place fewer than this many things, if there are issues finding enough valid places to spawn them.

Default: 1


Optional. The maximum number of things to place. Defaults to being the same as MinStack. If this is set, and higher than MinStack, a variable number of things may be placed.

Item Fields

Optional. A list of item spawn fields that will be used to generate items to fill the inventory of the placed thing, if the placed thing has an inventory that can contain items. (So... chests, basically.)

Building Fields

TODO: Sorry! I'm not done writing this yet. Still need to cover buildings, trees, crops, and resource clumps. Please look at the sample content pack for more!


Run an event script as a nightly event.

Field Description

Required. The event script to run. This should support all standard event script features. Please contact me if you discover something that doesn't run or that breaks things.



Immediately stop the current event from processing, which may save you if you get stuck in a bad event.


Invalidate the event cache, so it will be reloaded the next time an event is called for. Use this to reload your event data files when editing events for testing.


List all the available events with their IDs.

mne_pick [day]

Check to see which event would run on the given day, or today if no day is specified. The day should be a number, where Spring 1, Year 1 is 1 and Summer 1, Year 1 is 29, etc.

mne_test [event]

This allows you to force the next nightly event to be the event with the given ID. This bypasses the conditions on the event, but the event may fail to happen if other conditions aren't met (like a spawn event not being able to spawn something).

You can use mne_test clear to clear the forced event.

Mod Data


This modData is supported on crop and fruit tree instances. Setting it to true will cause the crop or tree to always be considered in season no matter the location and season.

This is set by the Placement action when IgnoreSeasons is set to Always.


leclair.morenightlyevents_ForceEvent [event]

Works like the mne_test command, but as a trigger action. Lets you either clear or set an event override for the coming night.
