Dotfiles for making your life better looking. Or at least your desktop.
This is a vertical waybar setup with matching styles hyprland, kitty, wofi, cava. Includes:
- some custom scripts -- power on/off/sleep etc -- bluetooth connectivity w/ icons
- wofi,
- kitty and
- cava theme
Requires Font Awesome 6 Pro. Well, really, just test with the free and find your own icons. I'm using the pro version. This firefox theme and nvim catppuccin macchiato color scheme are a good matches.
What is waybar?
Highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and Wlroots based compositors. Available in Arch community or AUR, openSUSE, and Alpine Linux
- Clock
- Tray
- Workspaces (hyprland style)
- Bluetooth icons for connected devices -- See waybar/custom_modules/ for more info
- Temperature
- Sound volume / panel
- Power menu -- Requires wofi
What is hyprland?
Tiling compositor with the looks Hyprland provides the latest Wayland features, dynamic tiling, all the eyecandy, powerful plugins and much more
I've really only included colors and some looks. Integrate it as you see fit.
What is kitty?
kitty is a free and open-source GPU-accelerated terminal emulator for Linux, macOS, and some BSD distributions. focused on performance and features.
My term and config that includes font (Hack) and colors. Included is a ssh.conf that copies selected files and folders when used with kitten ssh some-hostname-to-connect-to
Screenshoot depicts kitty w/ zunder-zsh.
What is wofi?
Wofi is a launcher/menu program for wlroots based wayland compositors such as sway.
Styling and scripts (invoked through hotkey, set up your own).
What is cava?
Cava is a bar spectrum audio visualizer for terminal or desktop (SDL).
Just some nice colors for cava.