# First-Time Setup Instructions ## Do this BEFORE you launch the game ### Required Reading - [FAQ](/FAQ.md) - [Keybinds](/KEYBINDS.md) ### Framerate limit - Set the framerate limit to your monitor's refresh rate (if using Lossless Scaling Frame Generation, set it to 1/2 or 1/3 of your monitor's refresh rate) in `SSEDisplayTweaks.ini`. The default limit is `55`, set up for use with Lossless Scaling 3x. ### Optional mods - There are several optional mods under the `Optional - ...` separators. If you'd like to use them: 1. In the right pane of ModOrganizer, click on the `Plugins` tab and scroll all the way to the bottom. You should see `Occlusion.esp` at the end of this list. 2. In the left pane of ModOrganizer, enable the optional mods you'd like to use. 3. You'll see several new plugins pop up below `Occlusion.esp` in the right pane. Move these plugins **above** `DynDOLOD.esp`. ## Do this AFTER you launch the game ### MCM Configuration - Go through the MCM settings and modify as you see fit, although everything has been preconfigured. You may want to look at the modpages for each mod before changing any settings.