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Merlord edited this page Jun 17, 2024 · 10 revisions

Morrowind Must be Installed Outside of /Program Files

Windows locks down permissions on software installed in that folder and this causes issues with a number of mods and mod organisers, so it's good practice to avoid installing Morrowind there anyway, but for Joy of Painting this is an absolute must. Joy of Painting reads, edits and writes image files in your Data Files/Textures folder and can not do so if Morrowind is installed in /Program Files.

Don't Use Vortex

Any mod installer that actually supports Morrowind can be used to install Joy of Painting. This does not include Vortex. Vortex causes issues with many mods, not just Joy of Painting. But it will definitely break Joy of Painting. Use Mod Organiser 2 or Wrye Mash instead.

MGE XE Settings

MGE XE Shaders Enabled

Do not disable MGE XE shaders or the painting mechanic will not work.

MGE XE v0.15.0 or later

Requires MGE XE v0.15 or later in order to capture the screenshots used for paintings.

Morrowind Script Extender

Ensure the latest MWSE is installed by running the MWSE-Update.exe file which comes with MGE XE, found in your Morrowind directory.

Skills Module

Skills module is required for the painting/artistry skill.

The Crafting Framework

The Crafting Framework is required in order to craft art supplies.
