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Joshua Paul Woods edited this page Sep 11, 2023 · 3 revisions


AxeOfCommand (Server Synced)

Setting Description Type Default Value
CraftingStation Crafting station where it's available Setting type: CraftingTable Default value: Forge
CraftingStationLevel Crafting station level required to craft Setting type: Int32 Default value: 1
CraftingCosts Materials needed to craft it. None or Blank will use Default settings. Setting type: String Default value: FineWood:2,BlackMetal:20

General (Client)

Setting Description Type Default Value
RadeonFriendly ONLY set this to true if you have graphical issues with the mod. It will disable all particle effects for the mod's prefabs which seem to give users with Radeon cards trouble for unknown reasons. If you have problems with lag it might also help to switchthis setting on. Setting type: Boolean Default value: false
HeavyLogging Turn this on for debugging. Lots of things will get logged. Setting type: Boolean Default value: false

HumanMiner (Server Synced)

Setting Description Type Default Value
UpdateDelay The delay, in seconds, between rock/ore searching attempts. Attention: small values may impact performance. Setting type: Single Default value: 6
LookRadius How far it can see rock/ore. High values may damage performance. Setting type: Single Default value: 50
RoamRange How far it will randomly run to in search of rock/ore. Setting type: Single Default value: 50
RockInternalIDsList The types of rock the miner will attempt to mine. Internal IDs only. Setting type: String Default value: rock1_mistlands,rock1_mountain,rock1_mountain_frac,rock2_heath,rock2_heath_frac,rock2_mountain,rock2_mountain_frac,Rock_3,Rock_3_frac,rock3_mountain,rock3_mountain_frac,rock3_silver,rock3_silver_frac,Rock_4,Rock_4_plains,rock4_coast,rock4_coast_frac,rock4_copper,rock4_copper_frac,rock4_forest,rock4_forest_frac,rock4_heath,rock4_heath_frac,Rock_7,Rock_destructible,rock_mistlands1,rock_mistlands1_frac,rock_mistlands2,RockDolmen_1,RockDolmen_2,RockDolmen_3,silvervein,silvervein_frac,MineRock_Tin,MineRock_Obsidian
ItemsCost The items that are consumed when creating a minion. Please use a comma-delimited list of prefab names with a : and integer for amount. Alternative items can be specified with a eg. Wood Coal:5 to mean wood and/or coal. [Synced with Server]
Health How much health the mercenary has. Setting type: Single Default value: 50
ToolDamage Damage dealt by the worker's tool to stuff it's harvesting. Setting type: Single Default value: 6
ToolTier Worker's tool tier (determines what stuff it can mine/harvest). Setting type: Int16 Default value: 2
ChatInterval The delay, in seconds, between worker updates. Set to 0 for no chatting. Setting type: Single Default value: 6
ChatDistance How close a player must be for the worker to speak. Setting type: Single Default value: 6

HumanMinion (Client)

Setting Description Type Default Value
Commandable If true, minions can be commanded individually with E (or equivalent) keybind. Setting type: Boolean Default value: true
FollowDistance How closely a minion will follow you (0 = standing on top of you, 3 = default). Setting type: Single Default value: 3
RunDistance How close a following minion needs to be to you before it stops running and starts walking (0 = always running, 10 = default). Setting type: Single Default value: 3
RoamRange How far a unit is allowed to roam from its current position. Setting type: Single Default value: 10

HumanMinion (Server Synced)

Setting Description Type Default Value
DropOnDeath Whether a minion refunds anything when it dies. Setting type: DropType Default value: JustResources
PackDroppedItemsIntoCargoCrate If set to true, dropped items will be packed into a cargo crate. This means they won't sink in water, which is useful for more valuable drops like Surtling Cores and metal ingots. Setting type: Boolean Default value: true
ChanceOfFemale Chance of a mercenary spawning being female. 0 = 0%, 1 = 100% (Default = 0.5 = 50%) [Synced with Server] Setting type: Single Default value: 0.5
HairColors Comma delimited list of HTML color codes. [Synced with Server] Setting type: String Default value: #F7DC6F,#935116,#AFABAB,#FF5733,#1C2833
SkinColors Comma delimited list of HTML color codes. [Synced with Server] Setting type: String Default value: #FEF5E7,#F5CBA7,#784212,#F5B041
Health How much health the mercenary has (default fallback value). Setting type: Single Default value: 50

HumanWoodcutter (Server Synced)

Setting Description Type Default Value
UpdateDelay The delay, in seconds, between wood searching attempts. Attention: small values may impact performance. Setting type: Single Default value: 6
LookRadius How far it can see wood. High values may damage performance. Setting type: Single Default value: 50
RoamRange How far it will randomly run to in search of wood. Setting type: Single Default value: 50
ItemsCost The items that are consumed when creating a minion. Please use a comma-delimited list of prefab names with a : and integer for amount. Alternative items can be specified with a eg. Wood Coal:5 to mean wood and/or coal. [Synced with Server]
Health How much health the mercenary has. Setting type: Single Default value: 50
ToolDamage Damage dealt by the worker's tool to stuff it's harvesting. Setting type: Single Default value: 6
ToolTier Worker's tool tier (determines what stuff it can mine/harvest). Setting type: Int16 Default value: 2
ChatInterval The delay, in seconds, between worker updates. Set to 0 for no chatting. Setting type: Single Default value: 6
ChatDistance How close a player must be for the worker to speak. Setting type: Single Default value: 6

MaceOfCommand (Server Synced)

Setting Description Type Default Value
CraftingStation Crafting station where it's available Setting type: CraftingTable Default value: Forge
CraftingStationLevel Crafting station level required to craft Setting type: Int32 Default value: 1
CraftingCosts Materials needed to craft it. None or Blank will use Default settings. Setting type: String Default value: FineWood:2,BlackMetal:20

MercenaryArcherTier1Minion (Server Synced)

Setting Description Type Default Value
ItemsCost The items that are consumed when creating a minion. Please use a comma-delimited list of prefab names with a : and integer for amount. Alternative items can be specified with a eg. Wood Coal:5 to mean wood and/or coal. [Synced with Server]
Health How much health the mercenary has. Setting type: Single Default value: 50

MercenaryArcherTier2Minion (Server Synced)

Setting Description Type Default Value
ItemsCost The items that are consumed when creating a minion. Please use a comma-delimited list of prefab names with a : and integer for amount. Alternative items can be specified with a eg. Wood Coal:5 to mean wood and/or coal. [Synced with Server]
Health How much health the mercenary has. Setting type: Single Default value: 100

MercenaryArcherTier3Minion (Server Synced)

Setting Description Type Default Value
ItemsCost The items that are consumed when creating a minion. Please use a comma-delimited list of prefab names with a : and integer for amount. Alternative items can be specified with a eg. Wood Coal:5 to mean wood and/or coal. [Synced with Server]
Health How much health the mercenary has. Setting type: Single Default value: 200


Setting Description Type Default Value
Allowed Whether making this is allowed or not. [Synced with Server] Setting type: Boolean Default value: true
BuildCosts Materials needed to build. None or Blank will use Default settings. Format: :[[,:], ...] [Synced with Server] Setting type: String Default value: Wood:25,Coins:100
RecruitmentInterval Every X seconds, attempt to recruit a mercenary [Synced with Server] Setting type: Single Default value: 30
ArmorLeatherScrapsRequired The amount of LeatherScraps required to craft a minion in leather armor. [Synced with Server] Setting type: Int32 Default value: 2
ArmorBronzeRequired The amount of Bronze required to craft a minion in bronze armor. [Synced with Server] Setting type: Int32 Default value: 1
ArmoredIronRequired The amount of Iron required to craft a minion in iron armor. [Synced with Server] Setting type: Int32 Default value: 1
ArmorBlackIronRequired The amount of Black Metal required to craft a minion in black iron armor. [Synced with Server] Setting type: Int32 Default value: 1

MercenaryWarriorTier1Minion (Server Synced)

Setting Description Type Default Value
ItemsCost The items that are consumed when creating a minion. Please use a comma-delimited list of prefab names with a : and integer for amount. Alternative items can be specified with a eg. Wood Coal:5 to mean wood and/or coal. [Synced with Server]
Health How much health the mercenary has. Setting type: Single Default value: 50

MercenaryWarriorTier2Minion (Server Synced)

Setting Description Type Default Value
ItemsCost The items that are consumed when creating a minion. Please use a comma-delimited list of prefab names with a : and integer for amount. Alternative items can be specified with a eg. Wood Coal:5 to mean wood and/or coal. [Synced with Server]
Health How much health the mercenary has. Setting type: Single Default value: 100

MercenaryWarriorTier3Minion (Server Synced)

Setting Description Type Default Value
ItemsCost The items that are consumed when creating a minion. Please use a comma-delimited list of prefab names with a : and integer for amount. Alternative items can be specified with a eg. Wood Coal:5 to mean wood and/or coal. [Synced with Server]
Health How much health the mercenary has. Setting type: Single Default value: 200

MercenaryWarriorTier4Minion (Server Synced)

Setting Description Type Default Value
ItemsCost The items that are consumed when creating a minion. Please use a comma-delimited list of prefab names with a : and integer for amount. Alternative items can be specified with a eg. Wood Coal:5 to mean wood and/or coal. [Synced with Server]
Health How much health the mercenary has. Setting type: Single Default value: 400

SwordOfCommand (Server Synced)

Setting Description Type Default Value
CraftingStation Crafting station where it's available Setting type: CraftingTable Default value: Forge
CraftingStationLevel Crafting station level required to craft Setting type: Int32 Default value: 1
CraftingCosts Materials needed to craft it. None or Blank will use Default settings. Setting type: String Default value: FineWood:2,BlackMetal:20

WeaponOfCommand (Client)

Setting Description Type Default Value
ChebGonaz_AxeOfCommandFollow The key to tell minions to follow. Setting type: KeyCode Default value: F
ChebGonaz_AxeOfCommandFollowGamepad The gamepad button to tell minions to follow. Setting type: GamepadButton Default value: ButtonWest
ChebGonaz_AxeOfCommandWait The key to tell minions to wait. Setting type: KeyCode Default value: T
ChebGonaz_AxeOfCommandWaitGamepad The gamepad button to tell minions to wait. Setting type: GamepadButton Default value: ButtonEast
ChebGonaz_AxeOfCommandTeleport The key to teleport following minions to you. Setting type: KeyCode Default value: G
ChebGonaz_AxeOfCommandTeleportGamepad The gamepad button to teleport following minions to you. Setting type: GamepadButton Default value: SelectButton
ChebGonaz_AxeOfCommandShift The key to permit alternate actions such as Shift+T for Roam. Setting type: KeyCode Default value: LeftShift
ChebGonaz_MaceOfCommandFollow The key to tell minions to follow. Setting type: KeyCode Default value: F
ChebGonaz_MaceOfCommandFollowGamepad The gamepad button to tell minions to follow. Setting type: GamepadButton Default value: ButtonWest
ChebGonaz_MaceOfCommandWait The key to tell minions to wait. Setting type: KeyCode Default value: T
ChebGonaz_MaceOfCommandWaitGamepad The gamepad button to tell minions to wait. Setting type: GamepadButton Default value: ButtonEast
ChebGonaz_MaceOfCommandTeleport The key to teleport following minions to you. Setting type: KeyCode Default value: G
ChebGonaz_MaceOfCommandTeleportGamepad The gamepad button to teleport following minions to you. Setting type: GamepadButton Default value: SelectButton
ChebGonaz_MaceOfCommandShift The key to permit alternate actions such as Shift+T for Roam. Setting type: KeyCode Default value: LeftShift
ChebGonaz_SwordOfCommandFollow The key to tell minions to follow. Setting type: KeyCode Default value: F
ChebGonaz_SwordOfCommandFollowGamepad The gamepad button to tell minions to follow. Setting type: GamepadButton Default value: ButtonWest
ChebGonaz_SwordOfCommandWait The key to tell minions to wait. Setting type: KeyCode Default value: T
ChebGonaz_SwordOfCommandWaitGamepad The gamepad button to tell minions to wait. Setting type: GamepadButton Default value: ButtonEast
ChebGonaz_SwordOfCommandTeleport The key to teleport following minions to you. Setting type: KeyCode Default value: G
ChebGonaz_SwordOfCommandTeleportGamepad The gamepad button to teleport following minions to you. Setting type: GamepadButton Default value: SelectButton
ChebGonaz_SwordOfCommandShift The key to permit alternate actions such as Shift+T for Roam. Setting type: KeyCode Default value: LeftShift

WeaponOfCommand (Server Sync)

Setting Description Type Default Value
ChebGonaz_AxeOfCommandTeleportCooldown How long a player must wait before being able to teleport minions again (0 for no cooldown). Setting type: Single Default value: 5
ChebGonaz_AxeOfCommandTeleportDurabilityCost How much damage a wand receives from being used to teleport minions with (0 for no damage). Setting type: Single Default value: 0
ChebGonaz_AxeOfCommandCommandRange How far minions will hear the commands. Setting type: Single Default value: 10
ChebGonaz_MaceOfCommandTeleportCooldown How long a player must wait before being able to teleport minions again (0 for no cooldown). Setting type: Single Default value: 5
ChebGonaz_MaceOfCommandTeleportDurabilityCost How much damage a wand receives from being used to teleport minions with (0 for no damage). Setting type: Single Default value: 0
ChebGonaz_MaceOfCommandCommandRange How far minions will hear the commands. Setting type: Single Default value: 10
ChebGonaz_SwordOfCommandTeleportCooldown How long a player must wait before being able to teleport minions again (0 for no cooldown). Setting type: Single Default value: 5
ChebGonaz_SwordOfCommandTeleportDurabilityCost How much damage a wand receives from being used to teleport minions with (0 for no damage). Setting type: Single Default value: 0
ChebGonaz_SwordOfCommandCommandRange How far minions will hear the commands. Setting type: Single Default value: 10