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tobey edited this page Jul 6, 2024 · 37 revisions


All file paths mentioned in this FAQ are relative to your game folder, i.e. BepInEx/LogOutput.log = [game folder]/BepInEx/LogOutput.log, where [game folder] is the path to the folder containing the game's executable (e.g. Subnautica.exe).

Steam users can find this folder by right-clicking the game in their Steam library and selecting Manage -> Browse local files.

What is this?

BepInEx is a general purpose framework for Unity modding. This is a BepInEx pack for Subnautica, preconfigured and ready to use.

Is it compatible with QModManager?

Yes! Just keep in mind the following:

  • QModManager only works on the legacy branch of Subnautica
  • most BepInEx plugins are not intended for use on the legacy branch

Please see the Compatibility with QModManager page for more information.

Can BepInEx load QMods without QModManager?


Where can I find mods made for BepInEx?

You can find some under the Requirements section of the Description tab on the Nexus Mods mod page, under the heading Mods requiring this file.

Nothing has changed in-game after I installed this!

This pack doesn't make any noticeable changes in-game by itself. This pack simply loads BepInEx plugins and patchers, and it is up to them to make changes to your game!

So, if you haven't yet actually installed any mods, BepInEx is probably working fine. You can verify this by checking the LogOutput.log file which should have been generated in your BepInEx folder. If you don't have this file, you probably didn't install it correctly, so try again, reading the installation instructions carefully.

If you're still having problems, see the below sections as appropriate:

I've installed this with Vortex and it doesn't work!

  1. Ensure that Vortex is up-to-date.

  2. Ensure that you have the Subnautica Support Vortex extension installed and that it is fully up-to-date.

  3. Restart Vortex.

  4. Reinstall the BepInEx pack and all enabled Subnautica mods with Vortex:

    1. Go to the Vortex Mods tab for Subnautica.
    2. At the top left select Enabled under Status to only display mods which are enabled in the list.
    3. Press Ctrl+A to select all mods in the list.
    4. Click the button labelled Reinstall in the bar which appears at the bottom of the list.
    5. Click Deploy Mods at the top to ensure the mods have been deployed.

Make sure to also check any notifications in the 🔔 icon at the top right of Vortex. If any of them are telling you to do something, you should probably do what they say.

BepInEx loads, but none of my mods are working!

First things first, make sure you actually installed the mods to the right place. Refer to the Installing mods section of the README for details.

If you are sure you have everything installed correctly:

  1. Windows users: Make sure you launch the game from Steam, Epic or whatever platform you own it with. Launching via the .exe directly or from a desktop shortcut will not work, unless the shortcut was created by Steam/Epic etc.

  2. Steam users: check the log file found at BepInEx/LogOutput.log for the following lines:

    [Warning: Unity Log] Missing Steam DRM
    [Warning: Unity Log] Couldn't initialize Steamworks

    If you see these lines, the TL;DR fix is to restart Steam and/or your computer until the problem goes away. This issue is caused by a glitch between Steam and the game, and is out of our control.

  3. Otherwise, refer to the below section: Some of my BepInEx plugins aren't working!

Some of my BepInEx plugins aren't working!

Issues with BepInEx plugins are usually going to be either an installation issue caused by a mod manager, some manner of PEBCAK issue, or a bug with the plugin itself.

At the moment, the best you can do is reach out to the wider modding community for help. I recommend the Subnautica Modding Community discord server. Head to the #help-and-support channel, describe the problem you need help with, and upload your full log file (found at BepInEx/LogOutput.log) for the people there to have a look over. Make sure to be patient and polite, as these people are volunteering their free time to help you!

What's with the weird console window that opens whenever I start the game with BepInEx installed?

Old versions of the pack shipped with the console enabled by default, as an easy way for Windows users to determine whether BepInEx has been installed correctly.

However, the console can cause stuttering and freezing issues in-game when messages are printed frequently, whether by mods or by the game itself.

As such, new versions of the pack will ship with the console disabled by default, and it is recommended that users upgrade to the latest version at their earliest convenience.

Can I close the console window?

If you close the console window it will also close the game, so we advise against it.

If you would like to disable the console window entirely, you should update to the latest version of the pack, which has the console disabled by default.

If for whatever reason you can't update the pack, you can disable the console with Configuration Manager. In-game, press F5. then enable Advanced settings. Click the heading BepInEx, and then under the heading Logging.Console simply uncheck the Enabled setting. You will need to restart Subnautica for this change to take effect.

Alternatively, you can edit the BepInEx configuration file directly if you prefer. To do so, open the file BepInEx/config/BepInEx.cfg in a text editor, find the heading [Logging.Console] and change the setting Enabled to false, then save the file. You will need to restart Subnautica for this change to take effect.

With the console window disabled, you can still access the log output from the file BepInEx/LogOutput.log.

I can't access the Steam overlay with BepInEx installed!

Some users have reported inconsistent ability to access the in-game Steam overlay while the BepInEx console window is enabled. If you are having this issue, try disabling the console window following the instructions above.

I installed QModManager and now some of my BepInEx plugins stopped working!

QModManager ships with an old version of BepInEx, so installing QModManager after BepInEx will downgrade your BepInEx version, but some BepInEx plugins require the latest BepInEx version to function. Simply reinstall BepInEx to fix this issue.

I'm running a pirated copy of the game and it doesn't work with BepInEx installed!

Tough luck. We won't be helping you with that. If you have problems running mods on a pirated copy of a game... the pirated copy is the problem, not the mods.

Mods operate under the assumption that the game is in a specific state, has specific code which does specific things that they can rely on. If these assumptions are proven false, then their mod is not going to be able to function correctly. Pirated copies of games frequently break these assumptions, and therefore frequently break mods. If you're getting bugs when running a pirated copy of a game, the most likely solution is to run a legitimate copy of the game. No developer is going to help you until you try that first, because otherwise you're just wasting their time.

I have a problem that isn't described above!

You can try reaching out to the wider modding community. I recommend the Subnautica Modding Community discord server. Head to the #help-and-support channel, describe the problem you need help with, and upload your full log file (found at BepInEx/LogOutput.log) for the people there to have a look over. Make sure to be patient and polite, as these people are volunteering their free time to help you!

Alternatively, feel free to post a comment on the posts tab of this pack on Nexus Mods describing your issue, and I'll try to help you out. But be forewarned: if you're just going to ask a question that could have been answered by reading the instructions or this FAQ, there's a good chance you'll get a snarky response.
