
Less is more: Hager Group is researching alternative materials to reduce the use of new plastic.
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Less is more: Hager Group is researching alternative materials to reduce the use of new plastic.

Many of our initiatives move us in the direction of becoming a low-carbon operation. We look at the entire lifecycle of our products as well as using recycled materials wherever we can. As a producing business, we’re using considerable amounts of plastic every year. Replacing the use of virgin plastic with recycled material or with other, more sustainable materials altogether, is one of our main aims in working towards being a low-carbon business.

This is a global trend: already today, recyclables make up 40% of the world’s raw materials used in production. This is estimated to save over 700 million tons of CO2 emissions per year. There is absolutely no doubt that recycling is one of our best chances to preserve the future of our planet and humanity. 

“Many of our products are made of plastic. However, we continuously explore many non-fossil alternatives while limiting the use of substances of environmental concern.”
Patricia Lamouche
Head of Materials Expertise Centre

Plastics play a vitally important role in the manufacture and design of our products and there can be no compromise on quality and safety. Any change here must be painstakingly researched. Plastic above all must protect the user from direct contact with electrical components. And it also must be fire resistant. There are instances where recycled plastic just won’t do (yet) but where possible, we push for substituting virgin for recycled material.

Recycled plastic for electronic goods exists and there are many pioneering initiatives to further develop the whole industry of recycled plastic. Close cooperation and exchange with all our partners therefore sits at the heart of our efforts to go for eco-design wherever possible. But not only with them: we deem it important to take our customers on this journey as well. Because actions start at home.

Our E3 approach:  Ethics, Employees, Environment



Because ethical principles determine our every action
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Because we want to contribute to a safer and cleaner world
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Because we want to contribute to a safer and cleaner world

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