Here you can find the latest information on the Peter und Luise Hager Foundation and our projects.

Peter und Luise Hager Award 2024

The winners of the Peter und Luise Hager Award have been chosen.

Ideas competition of the KIT Gründerschmiede

The KIT Gründerschmeide and the Peter und Luise Hager Foundation want to get students interested in the topic of founding a company

Germany scholarship holders visit us in Blieskastel

Since 2017, the Peter and Luise Hager Foundation has been sponsoring the "Deutschlandstipendium" scholarship programme of the StudienStiftungSaar.


The Peter und Luise Hager Foundation concentrates on developing, supporting and implementing its own projects. 
The overall framework for all projects is formed by our desire to support competence and education in all areas.

More than a mere will to help is required. Professionalism and responsible handling of Foundation resources guarantee that assistance is provided exactly where it is required. We do not wish to scatter resources thinly but rather provide support where we can evaluate the results ourselves.

The Peter und Luise Hager Foundation concentrates on the following five areas, which also reflect the philosophy of Hager Group:

Art and Culture

Art and culture represent quality of life. The way we approach literature, theatre, music and art reflects our society as a whole.

Environmental Protection

Environmental protection coupled with sustainable attitudes and activities need to be learned and taken to heart.

Charitable and Benevolent Projects

Social projects are funded by the Foundation in the form of various activities. 

Science and Research

Science and research are key to accelerating progress. 

Education and Learning

Education and learning are the pillars of social development. 

The joy of starting something meaningful.

It all started with an idea. What if Hager Group was to do something charitable? What if we were to bundle our forces for the society with and from which we live.

Thus was born the idea of the Peter und Luise Hager Foundation. Once some Hager companies had made the decision and paid in the corresponding capital in December 2010, our Foundation was able to commence its work.
Having a good idea is one thing. Forming it into a successful initiative however is another.
Based on the values - solidarity, public spirit, sustainability, authenticity and humanity - we started off taking appropriately small steps, only to approach increasingly larger and more international projects as time went by. Our Foundation is currently supporting around 50 projects, including many which we initiated ourselves, and have filled with life. It has shown us how much our own lives are enriched by doing something for others. And we are tremendously proud of its success.

Image: Peter and Luise Hager, the parents of the company’s founders Hermann and Dr. Oswald Hager, lent their names to the Foundation.

As boundaries often merge between the individual areas, we don't think in stereotypes but rather consider the people we can help.


Peter und Luise Hager-Stiftung
Kamila Banasiak
Zum Gunterstal 
66440 Blieskastel 


We would be delighted to receive donations towards our current or future projects
If you wish to find out more about how you can lend some financial support, please mail to

Thank you very much for your support!

IBAN: DE61 2012 0100 1000 4855 00    BIC: WBWCDEHHXXX
