My content or property has been stolen or used inappropriately. What can I do?

If you are a Nexus Mods user and feel that modded content has been misused, according to the permissions posted or provided with your content, we encourage you to notify staff immediately using our reporting tools. Please see our Reporting Guidelines in the related articles section below for more information.

If you are the owner or legal representative of a copyrighted property or trademark that has been used illicitly, you are encouraged to notify us immediately by completing the form found by clicking the "DMCA" link at the bottom of each Nexus Mods file page, or by accessing it directly here:

If you are not the content owner, representative or creator, please direct the appropriate parties to this FAQ.

If you suspect that content has been used inappropriately, refrain from any public accusations in the forums comments section of the file. Questions or concerns can be directed to
