Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Management) Limited

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Management) Limited

Events Services

About us

香港會議展覽中心(管理)有限公司(簡稱「會展管理公司」)是一間專業的私營管理營運公司,專責會展中心的日常營運,提供行政管理、市場推廣、會場預訂、租務策劃、項目統籌、維修及保安等服務,並同時負責會展中心的餐飲業務,包括餐廳營運及安排宴會等事宜。會展管理公司為會展中心的客戶及訪客提供世界級服務,不但使會展中心享譽國際,更於多年來不斷讓會展中心屢獲殊榮,多次獲業內人士推選為「亞洲最佳會議展覽中心」,傲視同儕。每年,於會展中心舉行的活動包括展覽、大型會議、企業活動、文娛表演、講座和宴會等,不僅為本地帶來巨大的經濟效益,更有助提升香港的國際形象。 About Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Management) Limited Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Management) Limited (‘HML’) is a professional private management and operating company responsible for providing day to day management for the HKCEC, where it oversees administration, marketing, booking, scheduling, event co-ordination, maintenance and security. It also manages food and beverage operations at the HKCEC, including restaurants and catering services. HML provides world-class services for users, visitors and guests of the HKCEC, a venue which has been consistently awarded the title of ‘Best Convention and Exhibition Centre in Asia’ by leading industry professionals. Events at the HKCEC, including exhibitions, conferences, corporate meetings, entertainment events, seminars and banquets, contribute significant economic benefits to the city, and help raise the international image of Hong Kong.

Events Services
Company size
501-1,000 employees
Wan Chai
Privately Held


Employees at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Management) Limited


  • 【綠在會展 – 公眾教育好時機】 相信大家在會展中心都留意到會展小夥伴「嚟妮」的身影。身兼環保大使的「嚟妮」近日四處走動,把握機會向香港書展的參展商、承建商及訪客推廣廢物分類和回收。我們一齊睇睇「嚟妮」這幾天的工作花絮! 【Green @ HKCEC – Grasp every opportunity to do public education】 Our HKCEC Buddy “ExhiBit” is very hard-working and you may have seen her around in the HKCEC recently. Being our environmental ambassador, "ExhiBit" was promoting waste separation and recycling to exhibitors, contractors and visitors at the Hong Kong Book Fair. Let us share with you some moments of "ExhiBit" at work that we captured in the past few days! #HKCEC #HML

  • 👏 會展管理公司首次於《明報》「環境、社會及企業管治大獎」中奪得兩項殊榮 ─ 「卓越 ESG企業大獎 – 非上市公司(展覽)」及「卓越ESG項目大獎 – 傑出可持續發展領袖大獎 」,肯定團隊近年在ESG範疇的出色表現。 🤝 🌏 作為世界級場館的管理公司,會展管理公司堅持可持續發展管治和承諾,在實現卓越業務的同時,全力保護環境,回饋社會,並早於2021年,已經簽署「淨零碳活動約章」,承諾在 2050 年實現淨零碳排放。會展管理公司未來將會繼續以ISO 20121國際標準,帶領活動策劃向可持續發展管理的方向。 「環境、社會及企業管治大獎2024」由《明報》主辦,旨在表揚於ESG領域取得卓越成就並對香港社會和經濟產生積極影響的傑出企業。 👏 For the first time, HML received the “Excellent ESG Enterprise Award – Non-Listed Company (Exhibition)” and the “Excellence in ESG Project Award – Elite of Sustainability Performance Award” in Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance Awards organised by Ming Pao Newspapers Limited, in recognition of HML's contributions to ESG. 🤝 🌏As the professional venue management company of a world-class venue, HML embraces ESG in daily operation and commits to the betterment of society, along with achieving business excellence. As early as 2021, HML has signed the "Net Zero Carbon Events Pledge" and committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050. In the future, HML will continue to inspire leadership in event sustainability management with reference to the international standard ISO 20121. The Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance Awards, organised by the Ming Pao Newspapers Limited, aim to recognize enterprises that demonstrate outstanding ESG performance and make positive contributions to society.

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  • We are now looking for talents like YOU! Our Recruitment Day will be held on 3 May 2024 (Fri), at our Meeting Room S228. Please scan the QR code or click here https://lnkd.in/gmEYPUHZ to reserve your time or walk-in to meet us. Don't hesitate and see you there! For English version or you would like to know more about the opportunity, please feel free to send DM to us. #hongkong #recruitment #hiring #talent #talentacquisition #wearehiring #recruitmentday #career #careeropportunities #HKCEC #frontline #operations #joinus #excitingopportunity #foodandbeverage #security #facilitiesplanningoperation #eventplanningcoordination #communications #purchasing #welcomeincentive

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  • #連繫地球一小時, 跟我們一起支持世界自然基金會的「地球一小時」!會展管理公司一向積極支持環保,也推動員工能實踐低碳生活,減低污染。我們的同事今天已率先響應「地球一小時」,員工飯堂在食飯時段只會開啟一半的燈光。會展中心亦會在明天晚上8:30關掉非必要的燈光一小時,齊齊 #以生活態度守護生態#地球一小時 #地球一小時2024 #晚上八點半 #一齊熄燈 #GiveAnHourForEarth #EarthHour #EarthHour2024 #BiggestHourForEarth Join us to support the Earth Hour organised by WWF! HML is committed to support eco-friendly initiatives to promote low carbon lifestyle to fight against the climate change. HML staff shows our support today by switching off half of the lights in the staff canteen during meal times. All non-essential lights in the HKCEC will be switched off at 8:30-9:30pm tomorrow.

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  • 會展管理公司今年繼續與惜食堂 Food Angel合作,在農曆新年前為有需要人士送上一份暖意。有賴客戶、業務夥伴及傳媒朋友的支持及大愛,將廚師用心準備,原本送給他們共360盒賀年糕點,交給惜食堂,轉送給有需要的人,一起歡度新春佳節。 Chinese New Year is a season of giving blessing and showing care. HML cares, especially in time of need. Thank you for the support of HML’s business partners, stakeholders and media friends to donate the puddings prepared by our chefs as festive gifts to the needy via Food Angel. A total of 360 boxes of Chinese New Year puddings have been donated to Food Angel and will be distributed to beneficiaries. #HML #HMLcares #chinesenewyear

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  • 會展管理公司與惜食堂 Food Angel於2024年1月13日舉辦「會聚迎新春 惜食展愛心」,由71位會展管理公司義工「愛 ❤️ 會展人」招待約350名惜食堂的受惠長者享用廚師們精心炮製的迎春午宴,提早與老友記迎接新年。今次午宴是會展中心35周年的壓軸慶祝活動,各位老友記欣賞醒獅和歌唱表演,又收到賀年揮春,在攤位遊戲及影相區都玩得、影得好開心,亦與「愛 ❤️ 會展人」和上台玩遊戲贏獎品,與財神合照就更加笑口常開。我們在午宴後向大家送上滿滿祝福和褔袋。 參與今次活動的老友記當中最大年紀的婆婆已超過100歲,平時很少機會出外,另外多位需要使用輪椅的老友記亦表示好難得有機會到訪會展中心,今次「貴賓式」充滿愛的接待令他們好感動。 祝願各位老友記身體健康、 🐲 精虎猛! #惜食堂 #停止浪費 #以愛相連 #解決飢餓 #慈善 #惜食餸愛 Co-organised with our long-term CSR partner Food Angel, HML held the Charity Lunch on 13 Jan 2024 as the finale of the series of celebrations of HKCEC’s 35th anniversary. Welcoming around 350 elderly beneficiaries, 71 HML Volunteers showed their love and care by prepared booth and stage games and gave away handwritten Fai Chun (Chinese calligraphy writing) and goodie bags. HML chefs tailor made a Chinese New Year banquet for the elderly’s early celebration. No one missed the popular photo shooting session with “God of Wealth” (Choy Sun). One of the grannies who joined our Charity Lunch is a centenarian and rarely joins social activities. Other elderly participants on wheelchairs also expressed their excitement of visiting the HKCEC. They felt moved by the love-filled lunch and the "VIP" treatment from start to finish. We wish them all a Healthy and Happy New Year of the Dragon! #FoodAngel #WasteNot #HungerNot #WithLove #Charity

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  • 「會展中心35周年快樂!」 會展中心35周年的主題是「持續 卓越 創未來」,旨在繼續為客戶和訪客提供卓越服務,並積極推動會展業界達到可持續發展的目標,共創未來。很高興昨晚特首李家超先生任主禮嘉賓,以及超過900位客戶、業務夥伴和來賓出席「會展中心35周年慶祝酒會」。多謝大家35年來的支持,與我們一起分享成就。 Happy 35th anniversary! The theme of HKCEC’s 35th anniversary is “Sustain Excellence for Future”, which tells HML’s commitment to achieving sustainability, continuously delivering service excellence, and surging ahead with new improvement initiatives. We are sharing our pride and commitment to advancement last night with over 900 guests, customers, business partners and friends. Special thanks to the Chief Executive Mr John KC Lee for joining our cocktail reception as the guest of honour. #hkcec #hml #35thanniversary

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  • 會展管理公司的員工今年繼續支持香港癌症基金會。各部門同事齊齊捐錢,並於上星期五穿戴粉紅服飾,支持粉紅革命! #粉紅革命 #粉紅服飾日 #pinkrevolution2023 #DressPinkDay 【Dress in PINK! 】 HML staff members continued to support Dress Pink Day this year. We have made a donation and wore it pink last Friday to support Hong Kong Cancer Fund Pink Revolution!

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