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Amadria Park

Amadria Park


Šibenik, Sibensko-Kninska Zupanija 4,474 followers

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About us

Welcome to Amadria Park hotels. WHO IS AMADRIA PARK? Amadria Park is a leading Croatian family owned hotel brand created by the merger of two successful hotel brands Milenij hoteli from Opatija and Solaris Beach Resort from Šibenik. OUR VENUES Amadria Park represents a new style of hotels with a high service standard, designed for modern, informed travellers. A distinct guest experience complements our hotel offer. You can find our high category hotels in three outstanding locations – Opatija, Šibenik, and Zagreb. Opatija provides five hotels and two guest attractions, while Šibenik has four hotels and four guest attractions. A prestigious, heritage hotel represents our Zagreb offer. OUR CROATIAN HERITAGE We have a long-standing hospitality heritage in the Adriatic region. Since 1904 in fact. At the heart of our philosophy is a high standard of hospitality combined with continuous innovation. Our forward-thinking service approach lets us manage your needs individually. Your stay matters to us - business or leisure. We look forward to hosting You! Enjoy our clear sea, pristine nature, vibrant culture, local food, and wine traditions, and explore our towns and cities. We have unique 4 and 5-star properties in our two beautiful locations, so You can immerse yourself in a different world and draw inspiration from the unique surrounds. CONTACT AND INFO Booking: Contact telephone numbers: Zagreb Tel: +385 51 278 007 Opatija Tel: +385 51 278 007 Šibenik Tel: +385 22 361 001 MICE contact: E-mail: Telephone: +385 22 361 054

Company size
501-1,000 employees
Šibenik, Sibensko-Kninska Zupanija
Privately Held
Business Meetings & Events / MICE, Upscale & Luxury Hotels, Bars, Cafes & Restaurants, Spa, Wellness & Leisure, Beach Clubs & Pools, Gastronomy, Unique Attractions, and Experiences


Employees at Amadria Park


  • Hvala ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Croatia! 🤝🎉

    View organization page for ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Croatia


    🎉 Na našem Austrian Business Circle 13. ožujka svečano smo obilježili International Women's Day u elegantnom hotelu Amadria Park Hotel Capital u samom centru Zagreba. Veliki broj predstavnika austrijskih podružnica i hrvatskih tvrtki okupio se kako bi obilježio ovu posebnu prigodu. 🤝 Zahvalu upućujemo našim glavnim sponzorima: - Wiener osiguranje Vienna Insurance Group d.d.Božo Šaravanja Šaravanja - i Prangl Hrvatska d.o.o. – Helena Skrbič Sambolec 🚀 Apsolutni vrhunac večeri bila je impresivna modna revija renomirane dizajnerice Ana Maria Ricov, koja je oduševila svojim kreacijama. Uz to, ekskluzivni nakit zlatarne Lapidarium Author Jewelry, dizajniran od strane Mario Nokaj, dao je blistave naglaske i privukao divljenje prisutnih. Cjelokupni dojam upotpunila je elegantna obuća našeg sponzora HÖGL shoe fashion GmbH , koja je stilski zaokružila izgled modela. Za besprijekoran make-up modela pobrinuo se naš sponzor BIPA Hrvatska d.o.o., čiji su visokokvalitetni proizvodi osigurali savršen izgled. U sofisticiranom ambijentu, gosti su proveli nezaboravnu večer ispunjenu elegancijom, inspiracijom i poštovanjem prema ženama u našem društvu. Fotografije: #advantageaustria #surprisinglyingenious 🎉 Am 13. März haben wir unseren Austrian Business Circle: International Women's Day im eleganten Amadria Park Hotel Capital im Zentrum von Zagreb gebührend gefeiert. Eine Vielzahl Vertreterinnen und Vertreter österreichischer Niederlassungen und kroatischer Firmen waren anwesend, um diesen besonderen Anlass gemeinsam zu würdigen. 🤝 Ein besonderes Dankeschön geht an unsere zwei Hauptsponsoren Wiener osiguranje Vienna Insurance Group d.d. – Božo Šaravanja und Prangl Hrvatska d.o.o. – Helena Helena Skrbič Sambolec 🚀 Ein absolutes Highlight des Abends war die beeindruckende Modenschau der renommierten Designerin Ana Maria Ricov, die mit ihren Kreationen begeisterte. Zudem sorgte der exklusive Schmuck von Lapidarim, entworfen von Mario Nokaj, für glanzvolle Akzente und bewundernde Blicke. Abgerundet wurde das schöne Bild durch die eleganten Schuhe unseres Sponsors Högl shoe fashion d.o.o., die den Look stilvoll komplettierten. Geschminkt wurden die Models von unserem Sponsor BIPA d.o.o., der mit seinen hochwertigen Produkten für ein perfektes Make-up sorgte. In stilvollem Ambiente erlebten die Gäste einen unvergesslichen Abend voller Eleganz, Inspiration und Wertschätzung für die Frauen in unserer Gesellschaft. Fotogalerie:

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    ❗️ Aquapark Dalmatia ❗️   More and more European leisure facilities are focusing on year-round tourism: a recent example that underlines this trend comes from southern Europe. The Amadria Park in Šibenik, Croatia, recently expanded its outdoor water park with Aquapark Dalmatia Indoor, a large indoor water world. 🌊   Find out more from p. 13 in your #EAP March/April issue and read our interview with Rainer Maelzer, President of WhiteWater ERA, about the special features of successful indoor water parks. 🏊🏻♂️💦   ➡️ Head over to our latest magazine issue and browse through it in our eReader: 🖥 ➡️ Or order your hard copy: 📰   #leisure #leisureindustry #attractions #attractionsindustry #waterparks #waterslides #waterattractions #indoorpark #tourism #Croatia #eaptrademagazine #euroamusementprofessional #eapnews

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    🌟 Poezija i parfemi: Otkrivanje potencijala kroz umjetnost i mirise 🌟 Prošle subote smo u Amadria Park hotelu Capital u Jurišićevoj u suradnji sa Hrvoje Vukov i Belodore čitali poeziju Rupi Kaur. Stihove iz najnovijeg, kolekcionarskog izdanja mlijeko i med nadopunjenog novim ilustracijama, pjesmama, komentarima autorice i fotografijama čitala je Alis Maric. Razmatrali smo kako kombinacija poezije i mirisa može potaknuti naše unutarnje vrline, otključati skrivene sile i pomoći nam da živimo naš puni potencijal. Ovo iskustvo nas podsjeća na snagu umjetnosti i njen utjecaj na naše emocije i duh. Zahvalni smo svim prisutnima koji su podijelili ovo subotnje prijepodne s nama.

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    𝗔𝗺𝗮𝗱𝗿𝗶𝗮 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗹 𝗜𝘃𝗮𝗻 𝗼𝘀𝘁𝘃𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗼 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗶𝘃𝗮𝗻 𝗶𝘀𝗸𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗸 𝘂 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗻𝗼𝗺 𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗶𝘇𝗺𝘂 Amadria Park hotel Ivan u Šibeniku osvojio je nagradu za najbolji poslovni hotel u Hrvatskoj. Amadria Park svojim primjerom pokazuje kako se promišljenim razvojem može ostvariti impresivan iskorak u poslovnom turizmu, a s obzirom na njegov rastući ugled i sve veći interes međunarodnih organizatora događanja, jasno je da će njegov značaj u ovom segmentu u budućnosti samo rasti. 𝗣𝗿𝗼č𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗷𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗽š𝗶𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗷𝗲

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    View organization page for Poslovni dnevnik


    Sinoć je u zagrebačkom Amadria Park Hotel Capitalu, smještenom u samom srcu grada, održana je svečana promocija novog izdanja premium lifestyle i luxury magazina 𝗣𝗼𝘀𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗻𝗼𝗴 𝗱𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗻𝗶𝗸𝗮 pod nazivom 𝗣𝗗 𝗖𝗼𝗱𝗲. Fotografije često govore više od riječi, pa će tako nasmijana lica naših dragih uzvanika najbolje dočarati atmosferu koja je vladala sinoć. Opet smo uspjeli ujediniti poslovnu zajednicu, hvala vam svima koji ste došli! Pročitajte opširnije Marko Nozica Izabela Vrtar Marko Badurina Dražen Klarić Mladen Miletić Liana Keserić Andrea Doko Jelušić Domagoj Puljizović ...

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  • Amadria Park reposted this

    Opatija - Amadria Park hotels 🌟 Discover the Luxury of Opatija’s Iconic Hotels 🌟 As part of our Croatian journey, we couldn’t miss visiting further hotels in Opatija – a true gem of a destination, perfect for high-end events and meetings. 🏛 Jasna Goodwin, CMP enjoyed exploring three stunning Amadria Park hotels, guided by their levely Sales Team. Check out which one boasts the richest history, the grandest venue, and the most exquisite gastronomic experiences! 🍽 🏨✨🏰 Hotel Milenij – Where History Meets Elegance Winner of the Historic Hotels of Europe 2024 Award, this Habsburg-era villa is set right by the seaside, surrounded by lush Opatija parks. 🌳🌊 • 🛌 96 rooms plus luxurious signature suites, "Isadora Duncan & Sergei Jesenin" and "Sissi & Franz Joseph” • 🏛 Iconic event spaces for 50 to 300 attendees – perfect for conferences and gatherings. • 🍷 Argonati Restaurant delights with Greek mythology-inspired art from 1924 by Karl Ludwig Hassman and an exceptional dining experience. 🌟 Beach Hotel Royal – Classic Charm with a Modern Twist Inspired by historic villas but with a fresh, contemporary style, this hotel is perfect for relaxation and grand events alike. 🌴☀ • 🛌 Stay in 54 modern rooms and apartments or unwind in the library. 📚 •☕ Socialize at the Royal Café Mahler or savour local cuisine at Symphonie Restaurant. •🏢 Royal Hall – a versatile venue accommodating up to 1,000 guests, ideal for large-scale meetings and conferences. 👔💼 🍫 Grand Hotel 4 Opatijska Cvijeta – Where Business Meets Gastronomy For those seeking the perfect mix of productivity and indulgence, this hotel is must-see. 🌺✨ • 🏨 Four interconnected villas with 200 uniquely decorated rooms. • 🍽 Gastro World offers unforgettable culinary delights, including Milenij Choco World, a mini chocolate factory – heaven for chocolate lovers! 🍫❤ • 🏛 Over 1,500 square meters of conference space, accommodating 20 to 1000 guests – from intimate meetings to larger events. 📩 Want to learn more about hosting your next event in Opatija? Send us a message on LinkedIn – we’d love to help! 💬✨ #Croatia #VisitCroatia #LuxuryTravel #Opatija #Events #MeetingsAndEvents #AmadriaParkHotels

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  • Amadria Park reposted this

    View profile for Valentina Pankasz

    Brand Manager for Amadria Park

    We are proud to announce the Symphonie Gourmet Experience by Mateo Frlan, a unique gastronomic journey that will debut in 2025 at the elegant Amadria Park Hotel Royal in Opatija! As part of our multi-market promotional campaign, we collaborated with talented influencers from Serbia, and Slovenia Jovana Krvžić, Tina Grabež, Milica Vuković, Tina and Tomaž Martinešek, and Vesna Ponorac joined us for a special Advent experience in Opatija to be the first ones to experience this new event that will follow new year. This initiative would not have been possible without the invaluable partnership of the New Moment New Ideas Company agency in Serbia and Slovenia, whose expertise and support helped us bring this campaign to life across multiple markets. The announcement of the Symphonie Gourmet Experience by Mateo Frlan was featured in Croatia: Srbia: Slovenia: We look forward to welcoming you to the Symphonie Gourmet Experience by Mateo Frlan in 2025 and sharing this incredible journey with you.

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    View organization page for Adverbilla


    Amadria Park je vodeći hrvatski obiteljski hotelski brend. Amadria Park predstavlja novi stil hotela s visokim standardom usluge, dizajniran za moderne i informirane putnike. Našu hotelsku ponudu upotpunjuje jedinstveno gostinsko iskustvo. Naše hotele visoke kategorije možete pronaći na tri izvanredne lokacije – u Opatiji, Šibeniku i Zagrebu. Opatija nudi šest hotela i dvije atrakcije za posjetitelje, dok Šibenik ima četiri hotela i četiri atrakcije. Naša ponuda u Zagrebu uključuje prestižni heritage hotel. Raditi s nama znači raditi skladno, s poštovanjem, strašću i usmjereno prema osobnom rastu. Raditi s nama znači da ćete biti osobno cijenjeni. Zbog povećanja obujma posla, tražimo kolegice i kolege za radno mjesto 👉🏻 Voditelj odjela marketinga (m/ž)! Zvuči li ti zanimljivo? KRENI NA PITANJA 👉

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