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Atlantic Grupa

Atlantic Grupa


Production&distribution of leading FMCG brands

About us

Atlantic Grupa is a company that creates! It creates added value for its shareholders and for the economy, career opportunities for employees and business opportunities for its partners. With special care for every stakeholder, always open towards new ideas, growth oriented and passionate – Atlantic Grupa creates brands that people love. Our vision is to inspire people to add flavour to their everyday moments. Our thrust for fresh and different, followed by exquisite taste in opportunities and collaboration made us (and keeps making us) fast growing multinational food and beverage corporation with companies in 8 countries that run 16 production facilities. As a leading FMCG producer in SEE region, in addition to food and beverages, we own a successful chain of pharmacies. Atlantic's product menu includes more than 20 unique brands with a domestic pedigree. Argeta, Barcaffe, Grand kafa, Donat, Cedevita, Cockta, Smoki and Štark are available in over 40 markets! We cover the region with strong distribution network that has over a 500 vehicles delivering products from 16 distribution centers to over 60 thousand sales points enabling us a smooth shipping of principals’ brands like Ferrero, Wrigley, Unilever, Johnson&Johnson, MARS, Duracell, HIPP, SAB Miller and many more. Our values - CARE, OPENNESS, GROWTH and PASSION – with a little pinch of crazy, guide all of our creations. Join us and flavour your career!

Company size
5,001-10,000 employees
Public Company


Employees at Atlantic Grupa


  • [ATLANTIC BRANDS AUSTRIA] Established in 2015, Atlantic Brands, our Austrian distribution company, is a fast-growing, dynamic, and ambitious company with a team of people that achieve record results year after year. Having placed Argeta as the No. 1 in the savoury spread category in Austria, they’ve spread their success vibe on our other brands, Donat, Štark Smoki flips & Prima salty sticks to get them closer to consumers in Austrian market. . If you think that Vienna and a start-up vibe are your thing, why not consider a career with Atlantic Brands Austria. Follow our open vacancies here or send an open application to People&Culture Expert in charge, Elena Caneva. #atlanticgrupa #atlanticbrands #distribution #creatingflavoursyoulove

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  • [ATLANTIC GRUPA – A TRUSTED EMPLOYER IN SLOVENIA] We are happy to be recognized as a finalist for the "Zlata nit" Best Employer 2025 award in Slovenia! This recognition is especially meaningful as it reflects the satisfaction and engagement of our employees. At Atlantic Grupa, we take pride in being the company where people simply feel good. This has been acknowledged not only by "Zlata nit" but also through other independent employer rankings, such as the "Ugledni delodajalec" research, where we have been recognized as the best FMCG employer in Slovenia. Being consistently ranked among the top employers is a testament to the trust our people place in us – and we remain dedicated to raising the bar for employee experience. A huge thank you to our team in Slovenia for making Atlantic Grupa a great place to work! 🙌 #atlanticgrupa #flavouryourcareer #BestEmployer #ZlataNit2025 

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    𝐍𝐚𝐣𝐛𝐨𝐥𝐣š𝐢 𝐳𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐜𝐢 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐚 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 – 𝐫𝐞𝐤𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐧𝐨 š𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐯! 🏆 V izboru Zlata nit smo letos priča izjemnemu dosežku – kar 22 finalistov se poteguje za priznanje najboljšega zaposlovalca leta 2024! 🎉 Med njimi je prvič v zgodovini izbora kar osem (namesto sedem) srednje velikih podjetij, kar potrjuje, da so odnosi in kultura v podjetjih ključni za dolgoročni uspeh. »Razlike med dvema podjetjema so vsebinsko zanemarljive in zato presoja, da vsebina prevlada nad formo,« tako mag. Edita Krajnovic, vodja metodologije Zlata niti. Finalisti med malimi podjetji so Intera, I-Vent d.o.o. POINT OUT, Skaza IP, Smart Money Solutions, d.o.o., TU-VAL d.o.o. in Zeus Davki in računovodstvo. Med srednje velikimi Agilcon, Salesforce Partner Since 2010, ČETRTA POT, LOTRIČ Metrology Ltd., Lumentum, Outbrain, PLASTIKA SKAZA d.o.o., RCM, d.o.o., in Špica International. Med velikimi pa A1 Slovenija d.d., Atlantic Grupa, Automatic servis d.o.o., GEN-I, d.o.o., LPP FASHION Slovenia, RLS Merilna tehnika d. o. o., Zavarovalnica Sava. Iskrene čestitke vsem! 👏 🔎 𝐊𝐚𝐣 𝐤𝐚ž𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐬𝐤𝐚𝐯𝐚 𝐙𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐢? V 18 letih je sodelovalo že 456 podjetij in več kot 119.000 zaposlenih. Rezultati jasno kažejo: podjetja, ki vlagajo v kakovostne odnose in zavzetost zaposlenih, dosegajo višjo donosnost in večjo dodano vrednost. 💡📈 💡 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐳𝐧𝐚𝐣𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞! Vsak petek do 27. marca bodo v rubriki Zaposlitve in kariera v časniku Dnevnik predstavljene navdihujoče zgodbe organizacij, ki spreminjajo pravila igre. #zlatanit #dobriodnosi #zdravarast

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  • [MODERNISED PRODUCTION, NEW CAREER OPPORTUNITIES] At our bottling plant in Rogaška Slatina we are continuing with renovation and modernisation. Reconstruction began on the oldest part of the bottling plant, marking an important step toward the modernization and development of production. If you want to flavour your career and be a part of further development, here are also a few opportunities to join Donat marketing team At the moment we are actively searching for these profiles: · 🟢 Brand Building Manager – Prijavi se na povezavi: · 🟢 CMI Specialist – Prijavi se na povezavi: · 🟢 Asistent v marketingu – Prijavi se na povezavi: #atlanticgrupa #donat #flavouryourcareer #careeropportunity

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    The complete renovation and modernization of the bottling plant in Rogaška Slatina is underway! 💚 Reconstruction has begun on the oldest part of the bottling plant in Rogaška Slatina, marking an important step toward the modernization and development of our production. 👷♂️ Following the successful construction of the largest solar power plant within the Atlantic Grupa, we are continuing with a project that will: ✅ improve working conditions for our employees, ✅ ensure compliance with modern standards, ✅ increase production efficiency. The project is being carried out in collaboration with the local company GIC GRADNJE, and completion is expected by May 2025. In the second phase, we will modernize the technology and introduce a new production line, further strengthening the development of the Rogaška Slatina site. #Donat #AtlanticGrupa #development #sustainability 📸Fotografija: Matic Javornik

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  • [ANNUAL MANAGEMENT MEETING] This year's edition brought us together last week in Split to celebrate our growth, with inspiring discussions on digital transformation, strategic planning, market expansion and people development. Our CEO, Emil Tedeschi, concluded the conference with powerful words: “What sets us apart from others is our togetherness.” Indeed, we are now ready to achieve new heights together! #atlanticgrupa #creatingflavoursyoulove #growth

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    [HANFA'S RECOGNITION] Atlantic Grupa has been honoured with this prestigious award for the fourth consecutive year, reaffirming the company’s consistent excellence in corporate governance. The HANFA award recognizes listed companies that excel in adhering to the Corporate Governance Code. Atlantic Grupa received the award in the most prestigious category, among issuers from the Stock Exchange’s Prime Market. The award was accepted by Emil Tedeschi, the President and CEO of Atlantic Grupa, who later participated in a panel discussion titled “High Standards of Corporate Governance as a Prerequisite for Successful Business Today.” Jutarnji list and the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency (HANFA) organize this economic meeting every year to highlight the critical importance of quality corporate governance for both individual business success and overall economic growth. #atlanticgrupa #creatingflavoursyoulove #hanfaaward

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  • [ATLANTIC DIGITAL MEET] On October 17th and 18th, our teams from Croatia, Serbia, and Slovenia gathered in Opatija, Croatia, for Atlantic Grupa’s Digital Meet 2024. This event wasn’t just about strategy—it was about building connections, sharing insights, and sparking innovation to drive our digital marketing forward.   We were thrilled to host Maja Voje, a leading Go-To-Market Strategist, and Matej Butala, an expert in UX/UI design, who shared their knowledge and inspired new ideas. Their insights fueled our commitment to enhancing User Experience and refining our Go-To-Market strategies, making a real impact in how we shape the future of digital at Atlantic Grupa. #atlanticgrupa #creatingflavoursyoulove #digitalmeet

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  • [B2RUN] Atlantic Running Team (ART) is a sports team that brings together Atlantic colleagues who share a passion for running. The team has thrived for over a decade and continues to excel. And to prove it, last month they joined the famous B2Run race which attracted a record-breaking 6,000 participants! Despite the all-day rain, ART swept the podium! Just like the years before, the female members of the team stood out, taking first place, with some even achieving best personal performances. Silvia Šimunović came second in the female category, while our Sinisa Resanovic finished the race in an impressive 18:22 minutes. We would like to congratulate our team on their fantastic results and wish them good luck in all future endeavors! #atlanticgrupa #creatingflavoursyoulove #b2brunrace

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    [FINANCIAL RESULTS Q3] In the first nine months of 2024, Atlantic Grupa recorded sales of EUR 798.5 million, which is a 10.6 percent increase compared to the same period of the previous year. The most significant sales growth was recorded by the Strategic Business Units (SBU) Coffee (20.3 percent), and Beverages and Savoury Spreads, both with the 10.4 percent growth. Read the full financial report here: #atlanticgrupa #financialresults #growth

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    [SALES REP 2024] Last week, Atlantic Grupa brought the energy to Fruška Gora with a phenomenal Sales REP Conference! 🌟   Over 450 colleagues came together to celebrate our incredible business success and the unstoppable power of Atlantic’s distribution. Hosted by the amazing distribution team from North Macedonia, with strong support from SDU Serbia, the event was filled with inspiring presentations and game-changing insights from across the region.  In a heartfelt closing, srecko nakic reminded us that business is not just about numbers—it's about the people and relationships we build, which is our greatest value.   Here’s to reaching even greater milestones ahead! #SalesREP #AtlanticGrupa #SalesConference #Success #Growth

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  • [VALUE DAY 2024] This year’s Value Day brought together over 800 dedicated Atlantic employees who devoted part of their workday to socially responsible activities. Colleagues from six markets - Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, North Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia, all engaged in impactful activities, including supporting SOS Children’s Village, planting trees, and renovating playgrounds. We also improved our office environment by implementing recycling initiatives and educating ourselves on waste management.   Big thanks to all Atlantic employees for their dedication to a greener, more sustainable future, and special thanks to our brand Cedevita for sponsoring this year’s Value Day! 🌍💚   Check out the photos below to see our efforts in action! 📸 #atlanticgrupa #creatingflavoursyoulove #valueday2024  

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