U francuskoj regiji Gard postavljeni su fotonaponski paneli iznad vinograda u sklopu projekta Sun'Agri. Najnoviji je to primjer rastućeg trenda agrosolara u vinogradarstvu. Ovaj sustav donosi dodatnu pametnu tehnologiju koja prilagođava panele vremenskim uvjetima i fazama rasta vinove loze, što smanjuje potrebe za navodnjavanjem i štiti biljke od ekstremnih temperatura. S obzirom na očekivane klimatske promjene, sve više vinograda u Francuskoj, Europi i svijetu razmatra ovu praksu, koja nudi prilagodbu uvjetima i poboljšava otpornost na vremenske izazove. #agrosolari #agrosunčane #vinogradarstvo #sunagri ----------------- In the Gard region of France, photovoltaic panels have been installed above vineyards as part of the Sun'Agri project, a recent example of the growing agrivoltaic trend in viticulture. While agrivoltaics isn’t entirely new, this system introduces smart technology that adjusts panels based on weather and vine growth stages, reducing irrigation needs and protecting plants from extreme temperatures. As climate changes loom, more vineyards in France are considering this innovative practice, which helps them adapt to shifting conditions and enhances vineyard resilience to weather challenges. #agrivoltaics #viticulture #solarpanels #sunagri https://lnkd.in/dYrbFSzs
EnergoVizija Ltd.
Business Consulting and Services
Leading Croatian company for development and implementation of Renewable Energy projects.
About us
Founded in 2009, EnergoVizija Ltd. is providing advisory services and support in development and implementation of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency projects, from the project opportunity identification and feasibility assessment up to building permit, optionally operational permit, on “turnkey” basis. We are gathering experienced technical, legal and financial experts with skills needed to prepare and implement projects through developing optimal technical solutions and financing models. Our team also possesses very specific knowledge and experience of preparing and transaction advisory in other types of infrastructure projects (transport infrastructure, social facilities, etc.), which are based on different public-private partnership (PPP) models and concessions.
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- Business Consulting and Services
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- 11-50 employees
- Headquarters
- Zagreb
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 2009
- Specialties
- Public Private Partnership, Renewable energy projects, Project development , Financial advisory, and Investment support
Vlaška ulica 50a
Zagreb, 10000, HR
Employees at EnergoVizija Ltd.
Biometan je ključan za postizanje klimatskih ciljeva i tranziciju EU prema održivoj energiji. Na #EuropeanBiomethaneWeek, koju je organizirao European Biogas Association, istaknute su prednosti ovog sektora u smanjenju emisija stakleničkih plinova, jačanju cirkularne ekonomije te podršci održivoj poljoprivredi. EU cilja na proizvodnju 35 milijardi kubičnih metara biometana do 2030., što bi smanjilo ovisnost o fosilnim gorivima i ojačalo energetsku sigurnost. Za rast sektora ključno je ulaganje u stabilan regulatorni okvir, certifikate tržišne konkurentnosti i dodatne investicije kako bi biometan postao financijski isplativa alternativa fosilnim gorivima. #Biometan #Bioplin #EuropeanBiomethaneWeek ------------------------------- Biomethane is essential to achieving EU climate goals and advancing the transition to sustainable energy. At #EuropeanBiomethaneWeek, organized by the European Biogas Association, the sector’s role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, supporting the circular economy, and promoting sustainable agriculture was underscored. The EU has set an ambitious target of producing 35 billion cubic meters of biomethane by 2030, which would decrease dependency on fossil fuels and enhance energy security. The sector’s growth depends on a robust regulatory framework, market certificates to maintain competitiveness, and substantial investments, positioning biomethane as a viable alternative to fossil fuels. #Biomethane #Biogas #EuropeanBiomethaneWeek https://lnkd.in/ee6spzsQ
Reverzibilne hidroelektrane zajedno s baterijama predstavljaju optimalno rješenje za budućnost skladištenja energije. Hibridni sustavi omogućuju veliku pohranu energije po niskoj cijeni, dok istovremeno osiguravaju brz odziv i stabilnost energetskih mreža. Ova kombinacija tehnologija ključna je za učinkovito upravljanje varijabilnim izvorima poput sunca i vjetra, te je temelj za održivu i pouzdanu energetsku budućnost. #OIE #SkladištenjeEnergije #ReverzibilneHidroelektrane #Baterije #EnergetskaOdrživost --------------------------------------- Pumped hydroelectric storage, combined with batteries, represents the optimal solution for the future of energy storage. Hybrid systems allow for large-scale energy storage at low cost while providing rapid response and grid stability. This technological combination is vital for managing variable energy sources like solar and wind, forming the foundation of a sustainable and reliable energy future. #RenewableEnergy #EnergyStorage #PumpedHydro #Batteries #SustainableEnergy https://lnkd.in/g5GSd5gw
Energy storage is a solved problem
Ribnjačarstvo Končanica, ujedno i najstariji ribnjaci u Hrvatskoj, kreće u ozbiljan iskorak prema održivoj budućnosti. Implementacijom plutajuće solarne elektrane, tvrtka postavljamo temelje energetske neovisnosti, smanjujenja gubitka vode i povećanja proizvodnog kapaciteta na 1.500 do 2.000 tona ribe godišnje. Ovaj projekt, koji spaja najnovije tehnologije s višestoljetnom tradicijom, osigurat će visoku učinkovitost i stabilnu opskrbu domaćeg i europskog tržišta vrhunskim proizvodom. #OIE #energetskaneovisnost #ribnjačarstvo #Končanica #održivirazvoj __________________________ Ribnjačarstvo Končanica, the oldest fish farm in Croatia, is making a significant move towards a sustainable future. By implementing floating solar power plants, we are establishing energy independence, reducing water loss, and increasing production capacity to 1,500 - 2,000 tons of fish annually. This project, combining cutting-edge technology with centuries of tradition, will ensure high efficiency and a stable supply of premium fish for both domestic and European markets. #floatingsolartechnology #energyindependence #localfish #Koncanica #sustainabledevelopment https://lnkd.in/dTpP_tmx
Ribnjačarstvo Končanica - najstariji ribnjaci u Hrvatskoj vide budućnost u najnovijoj tehnologiji
Talijanska vinarija Svolta Srl uspješno je primijenila agrosolar u svom vinogradu, pokazujući kako ovaj pristup može poboljšati poljoprivredne rezultate. Smanjujući potrošnju vode do 20% i povećavajući proizvodnju za 60%, njihov sustav također je odgodio berbu koja je ove godine uranila, štiteći vinovu lozu od ekstremnih vremenskih uvjeta. Ovaj pristup rezultirao je vinima visoke kvalitete s uravnoteženim razinama šećera i kiselosti, čime agrosolar potvrđuje svoj potencijal u unapređenju održivosti i kvalitete proizvoda u vinogradarstvu. #Agrosolari #Održivost #ObnovljiviIzvoriEnergije #Vinogradarstvo ------------------------------------ Svolta Srl in Italy has successfully integrated agrivoltaics into their vineyard, demonstrating how solar energy can enhance agricultural outcomes. By reducing water consumption by up to 20% and improving land yield by up to 60%, their agrivoltaic system has also delayed harvests, protecting the vines from extreme weather. This innovation has resulted in higher quality wines with balanced sugar and acidity levels, showcasing the potential of agrivoltaics to boost both sustainability and product quality in viticulture. Agrivoltaics is proving to be a game-changer for sustainable farming. #Agrivoltaics #Sustainability #RenewableEnergy #Viticulture https://lnkd.in/dQ3-4gDM
Agrivoltaics postpone harvest, improve wine quality
Prvi talijanski natječaj za agrosolare privukao je 643 prijave s ukupnim kapacitetom od 1,7 GW! Oko 56% prijava dolazi iz sunčanih južnih regija, gdje su najprisutnije poteškoće u proizvodnji zbog nepovoljnih klimatskih uvjeta. Projekti će dobiti do 40% subvencija za troškove instalacije te garantirane otkupne tarife za energiju isporučenu u mrežu. Završni rezultati natječaja bit će objavljeni kasnije, a cilj je instalirati 1,04 GW kapaciteta do 2026. godine, u sklopu talijanskog Nacionalnog plana oporavka i otpornosti. #agrosolari #obnovljiviizvori #energetika --------------------------------------------- Italy's first agriPV tender attracted 643 bids totaling 1.7 GW! Approximately 56% of these bids came from the sunny southern regions, where adverse climate conditions often pose challenges for agricultural production. The projects will receive up to 40% subsidies for installation costs, along with guaranteed feed-in tariffs for energy supplied to the grid. Final results of the tender will be announced later, with the goal of installing 1.04 GW of capacity by 2026, as part of Italy's National Recovery and Resilience Plan. #agriPV #agrivoltaics #renewableenergy #energytransition #Italy #PNRR https://lnkd.in/d-jUycji
Italy’s first agrivoltaic tenders draws bids for 1.7 GW
Kako da Hrvatska uhvati korak s ostatkom Europske unije u razvoju (n)ovih tehnologija OIE? Najvažniji je svakako ojačati regulatorni okvir kako bi potaknula usvajanje tehnologija Power-to-X (PtX), slično inicijativama koje se razvijaju u svim drugim državama. Postavljanje jasnih, dugoročnih ciljeva, u skladu s europskim direktivama poput Direktive o obnovljivoj energiji (RED II) i njezinim nadopunama, ali i otvaranju puteva prema tim ciljevima, ključni je korak prema naprijed. #OIE #powerToX #energetskapolitika #EUdirektive #zelenaenergija #dekarbonizacija -------------------------------------- How can Croatia keep pace with the rest of the European Union in developing these RES technologies? The most important step is certainly to strengthen the regulatory framework to incentivize the adoption of Power-to-X (PtX) technologies, similar to initiatives being developed across Europe. Setting clear, long-term goals in line with European directives such as the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) and its updates, as well as paving the way toward these goals, is a crucial step forward. #renewableenergy #powerToX #energypolicy #EUdirectives #greenenergy #Croatia2030 #decarbonization https://lnkd.in/d6CQASWM
Talijanska obitelj Lanselota koristi agrosolare za zaštitu i uzgoj voća ispod njih, čime smanjuju potrebu za vodom, poboljšavaju kvalitetu plodova i osiguravaju dodatni prihod. Iako je ugradnja skuplja, prednosti u zaštiti usjeva i generiranju obnovljive energije su neusporedivo veće. Izazovi uključuju visoke troškove, otpor promjenama i nejasno zakonodavstvo, ali agrosolari su sve popularniji diljem svijeta kao rješenje za klimatske promjene i održivost. #agrovoltaika #obnovljivaenergija #poljoprivreda #solarniPaneli ------------------------------------------------------ Agrovoltaics in Italy is a combination of agriculture and solar energy. The Lanselota family uses solar panels to protect and grow the historical citron fruit beneath them, reducing water needs, improving fruit quality, and providing additional income. Although installation costs are higher, the benefits of crop protection and renewable energy generation are significant. Challenges include high costs, resistance to change, and unclear legislation, but agrovoltaics is becoming more popular globally as a solution for climate change and sustainability. #agrovoltaics #renewableEnergy #agriculture #solarPanels https://lnkd.in/dFT5yRmA
Italija: Šta je agrovoltaika i da li je to budućnost zemljoradnje i obnovljive energije - BBC News na srpskom
Agrosolari, tehnologija koja spaja solarne panele i poljoprivredu, može osigurati dovoljno energije za poljoprivredne potrebe središnje Europe, navodi think-tank Ember. Iako u Japanu već postoje tisuće takvih instalacija, u Europi je ova praksa još uvijek rijetka, ali u porastu. Dijelom je to zbog nedostatka odgovarajućih zakona u mnogim zemljama srednje i istočne Europe, što otežava njihovu primjenu. #agrosolari #solarnatehnologija #poljoprivreda #klimatskastrategija #SrednjaEuropa #održivenergije ------------------------------------------- Agrosolar technology, which combines solar panels with agriculture, could provide enough energy to meet Central Europe's agricultural needs, according to the Ember think tank. While Japan has thousands of such installations, this practice remains rare in Europe, partly due to a lack of appropriate legislation in many Central and Eastern European countries, making implementation difficult. #agrosolar #solarenergy #agriculture #climatestrategy #CentralEurope #sustainableenergy #Ember https://lnkd.in/dR6J9Cff
Agrivoltaics: helping both farmers and climate
Marija Hanzec iz Renewable Energy Sources of Croatia naglašava važnost diverzifikacije obnovljivih izvora energije u Hrvatskoj. Iako solari i vjetar imaju potencijal, geotermalna energija i #bioplin, koji su dostupni cijele godine, ključni su za održivu budućnost. #OIE #bioplin #održivost ------------------------------- Marija Hanzec from Renewable Energy Sources of Croatia emphasizes the importance of diversifying renewable energy in Croatia. While solar and wind energy have potential, geothermal energy and #biogas, available year-round, are crucial for a sustainable future. #RES #biogas #sustainability https://lnkd.in/dm7Q9mum
Veliki interes za solare: Hrvatska na putu do gigavata solarne energije