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Government Administration

Zagreb, Grad Zagreb 12,227 followers

Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency

About us

The Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency (HANFA) is a supervisory body whose scope of activities and competence cover the supervision of financial markets, financial services and supervised entities providing those services. Hanfa exercises supervision of business operations of stock exchanges and regulated public markets, companies authorised to provide investment services and perform investment activities, investment firms and securities issuers, brokers and investment advisors, tied agents, central clearing and depository company, insurance and reinsurance companies, insurance and reinsurance intermediaries, investment and pension fund management companies, pension insurance companies, investment and pension funds, Central Register of Insured Persons, Fund for Croatian Homeland War Veterans and Members of their Families, Retired Persons’ Fund and legal persons carrying out leasing and factoring operations unless they are provided by banks as part of their registered activities. Hanfa is an independent legal person with public authority within the scope of its activities and competence laid down in the Act on the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency and other laws. It is accountable to the Croatian Parliament. The principal objectives of Hanfa are fostering and safeguarding the stability of the financial system and supervising the legitimacy of supervised entities'​ operations. In achieving its objectives, Hanfa is governed by the principles of transparency, building confidence among financial market participants and reporting to consumers. ************************************************************************************* Hrvatska agencija za nadzor financijskih usluga (Hanfa) je nadzorno tijelo u čiji djelokrug i nadležnost spada nadzor financijskih tržišta, financijskih usluga te pravnih i fizičkih osoba koje te usluge pružaju. Hanfa provodi nadzor nad poslovanjem burzi i uređenih javnih tržišta, investicijskih društava i izdavatelja vrijednosnih papira, brokera i investicijskih savjetnika, vezanih zastupnika, središnjeg klirinškog depozitarnog društva, društava za osiguranje i reosiguranje, zastupnika i posrednika u osiguranju i reosiguranju, društava za upravljanje investicijskim i mirovinskim fondovima, mirovinskih osiguravajućih društava, investicijskih i mirovinskih fondova, Središnjeg registra osiguranika, Fonda hrvatskih branitelja iz Domovinskog rata i članova njihovih obitelji, Umirovljeničkog fonda i pravnih osoba koje se bave poslovima leasinga i faktoringa, osim ako ih banke obavljaju unutar svoje registrirane djelatnosti. Hanfa je samostalna pravna osoba s javnim ovlastima u okviru svog djelokruga i nadležnosti propisanih Zakonom o Hrvatskoj agenciji za nadzor financijskih usluga i drugim zakonima. Odgovorna je Hrvatskom saboru. Temeljni su ciljevi Hanfe promicanje i očuvanje stabilnosti financijskog sustava i nadzor zakonitosti poslovanja subjekata nadzora, a u ostvarivanju svojih ciljeva Hanfa se rukovodi načelima transparentnosti, izgradnje povjerenja među sudionicima financijskih tržišta i izvješćivanja potrošača.

Government Administration
Company size
201-500 employees
Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Government Agency


Employees at HANFA


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