The Croatian Science Foundation was established through a special act by the Croatian Parliament (Official Gazette No. 117/2001) on 21 December 2001 as the National Foundation for Science, Higher Education and Technological Development of the Republic of Croatia. The Foundation was established for the purpose of promoting science, higher education and technological development in the Republic of Croatia and supporting scientific, higher education and technological programmes and projects. Since 2009, the Foundation has been operating under the name Croatian Science Foundation.
In order to ensure that the best projects are selected and funded, the Foundation developed a two-stage project proposal evaluation procedure. The evaluation procedure is based on the internationally acclaimed practice of peer review, conducted by international scientists, and the practice of panel evaluation, conducted by Croatian scientists.
By providing support to high-quality projects and researchers, the Foundation enables Croatian scientific institutions to conduct state-of-the-art research, thus facilitating them to compete for internationally competitive projects. With regard to the development of young researchers’ careers, the Foundation emphasises the inclusion of doctoral students in research activities, the primary goal being the writing of their doctoral thesis and obtaining a doctoral degree within 4 years as well as continuous monitoring and evaluation of achieved results both in their doctoral studies and research activities.
It's often said that if you can explain your research to someone with no prior knowledge of the topic, you've truly mastered it. I hope my presentation yesterday was a step in that direction.
I had the great opportunity to present part of my research on EU energy law and sustainable development at the University of Maribor Faculty of Law , thanks to the invitation from Assist. Prof. Dr. Sc. Denis Baghrizabehi.
It was an incredible experience, and I thoroughly enjoyed the discussion with the students. Engaging with them on such important topics only reinforced my passion for this field. I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my work and learn from their perspectives.
Looking forward to more opportunities for collaboration and dialogue!
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Hrvatska zaklada za znanost (Croatian Science Foundation), whose support made this research stay possible.
Pozivaju se zdravi muškarci u dobi od 18-50 godina na sudjelovanje u istraživanju o utjecaju plastifikatora i mikroplastike na reprodukcijsko zdravlje 👨🔬 💉
📢 Join our research! Help us investigate the impact of plasticizers on men's reproductive health ❗
Are you interested in contributing to scientific research? The PlastRepRisk project funded by the Hrvatska zaklada za znanost (Croatian Science Foundation) is looking for male participants to help us explore how exposure to phthalates (PAEs), organophosphate esters (OPEs), and microplastics (MPs) affects reproductive health.
💡 Why is this research important?
✅ Collecting data on human exposure to plasticizers and microplastics from the environment
✅ Investigating the link between environmental exposure to these substances and reproductive disorders
✅ Raising awareness about the potential health risks of plasticizers and microplastics
📩 For more details contact us at
Your participation is important for understanding the effects of plasticizers and microplastics on human health.
Istraživački tim #hrzz projekta "Dobrobit i mentalno zdravlje znanstvenika na početku karijere u Hrvatskoj: Longitudinalna studija (ECR-WELL)“ na čelu s dr. sc. Maja Tadić Vujčić provodi veliko istraživanje o dobrobiti i mentalnom zdravlju znanstvenika u Hrvatskoj 👨🎓
Projekt je usmjeren na razumijevanje povezanosti radnih uvjeta, osobnih karakteristika, i dobrobiti i mentalnog zdravlja znanstvenika na početku karijere. Radi se o longitudinalnom istraživanju koje će se provoditi kroz 3 godine (2025.-2027.), s anketama koje ispunjavaju isti sudionici svakih 6 mjeseci. Dijeljenjem vaših iskustava i perspektiva o vašim radnim uvjetima i dobrobiti pridonosite razumijevanju resursa, prilika i izazova s kojima se suočavate, osiguravate da su vaši doživljaji i specifičnosti vašeg radnog konteksta primjereno zastupljeni te pomažete u oblikovanju konkretnih preporuka za unaprjeđenje radnih uvjeta u akademskoj zajednici prilagođenih vašem kontekstu i okolnostima. Pozivamo sve znanstvenike na početku karijere da ispune ovu anketu. Vaš glas je bitan!
Više informacija o samom projektu te poveznicu na anketu možete pronaći na
Cells are expert problem-solvers, especially when it comes to dividing. At the heart of this process is the mitotic spindle, a tiny machine that separates chromosomes. But genomes come in vastly different sizes — some species have 10,000 times more DNA than others. So how does the spindle adjust?
We found a simple and universal scaling law: the width of the metaphase plate (where chromosomes align before being separated) increases with genome size, following a mathematical pattern called a power law, with an exponent of about 1/3. This means that only small spindle adjustments are needed, no matter how big the genome.
Why does this happen? When chromosomes are packed together, they generate pushing forces that shape the spindle. To test this, we changed chromosome numbers and forces in healthy and cancer cells. The results? Strong evidence that chromosome crowding is a key player!
And here is the mind-blowing part: our theoretical model predicts a scaling law that works from yeast to plants and animals. It even explains why cells round up during division and why species with big genomes evolved open mitosis - to give the spindle more space.
But it gets even more exciting: our finding that the spindle can adapt to larger genomes explains how polyploid cells (those with multiple genome copies) persist during evolution, making new species, which is common in plants, fish, amphibians, and reptiles. And since many cancer cells are also polyploid, this mechanism could be a hidden advantage that tumors use to grow and spread.
This was a true team effort, with Nenad Pavin and our whole European Research Council (ERC) Synergy team — Geert Kops and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Huge congrats to Lovro Gudlin, Kruno Vukušić, and Maja Novak for their incredible work, and special thanks to Zuzana Storchova and our mathematicians, Josip Tambaca and Matko Ljulj. This epic interdisciplinary study, which took 5 years, was supported not only by the ERC but also by 4 exciting projects in biology, physics, and math, all funded by the Hrvatska zaklada za znanost (Croatian Science Foundation). What a journey!
Check out our preprint here:
Associate Professor at University of Rijeka, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Head of Laboratory for Hybrid Computational Methods at University of Rijeka, Center for Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity
🌊 How do tides, storm surge, and river flow reshape the flow in the Neretva River in Croatia?
We’ve just published a new study in Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science that unravels how these processes - and their interactions - each contribute to total water levels along this microtidal estuary. By refining the NS_Tide model, we were able to isolate and quantify each individual factor. We found a dominant impact of river flow and a strong effect of storm surge that extends far inland, even into the upstream tidal river zone. One intriguing discovery is how hydropower peaking ⚡- the sudden release of water from dams - creates a surprising effect on water levels downstream.
Why does this matter? It lets us predict floods more accurately, improve water management and irrigation strategies, and protect sensitive estuarine ecosystems. This study was conducted as part of the #4SeaFlood project, funded by the Hrvatska zaklada za znanost (Croatian Science Foundation), and it was made possible through collaboration between Environment and Climate Change Canada and the University of Rijeka (Građevinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci).
If you’d like to learn more - or explore how this approach could be adapted elsewhere - check out the full paper 📖.
Godišnja konferencija Dani e-infrastrukture koju organizira SRCE okuplja zajednicu korisnika usluga Srca i sve zainteresirane za unaprjeđenje i razvoj sustava znanosti i visokog obrazovanja. Konferencija će se održati 26. i 27. ožujka u prostorima University of Zagreb / Sveučilište u Zagrebu (Radoslava Cimermana 88), a prijave su otvorene do 19. ožujka.
Otvorene su prijave za konferenciju Dani e-infrastrukture Srce DEI 2025 koju organizira Srce u suradnji sa University of Zagreb / Sveučilište u Zagrebu. ‼️
Konferencija će se održati 26. i 27. ožujka 2025. godine u prostorima Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (Radoslava Cimermana 88), a pokrovitelji su Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i mladih, Rektorski zbor Republike Hrvatske i Grad Zagreb. 🎓
🎯 Konferencija Srce DEI 2025 jedinstvena je konferencija s fokusom na primjenu digitalnih tehnologija u znanstvenoj i akademskoj zajednici, a program konferencije obuhvaća osam tematskih blokova, pozvana predavanja, brojne radionice i druge zanimljive aktivnosti. 💡
‼️ Za sudjelovanje je potrebno ispuniti 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗷𝗮𝘃𝗻𝗶 𝗼𝗯𝗿𝗮𝘇𝗮𝗰 (🔗 ➡️ i uplatiti kotizaciju koja uključuje pravo sudjelovanja na svim događanjima, ručak i osvježenja tijekom pauza, društveno događanje te konferencijski paket.
📢 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗷𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝘀𝘂 𝗼𝘁𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗱𝗼 𝟭𝟵. 𝗼ž𝘂𝗷𝗸𝗮 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟱. 𝗴𝗼𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗲.
Na Fakultetu organizacije i informatike Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (Faculty of Organization and Informatics) završio je projekt HELA – Podizanje zrelosti visokih učilišta za implementaciju analitika učenja. Srce je sudjelovalo u provedbi projekta. 🔚 🧑💻
Projekt je financirala Hrvatska zaklada za znanost (Croatian Science Foundation), a okupio je vodeće domaće i međunarodne stručnjake s ciljem unapređenja obrazovnog procesa korištenjem analitika učenja. 📚
Pomoćnice ravnatelja Srca Dr Sandra Kučina Softić i Sabina Rako sudjelovale su u provedbi projekta koji je trajao četiri godine na kojem su sudjelovali, uz stručnjake s Fakulteta organizacije i informatike Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Srca, i renomirani stručnjaci iz Europe. 🌍
Više informacija o projektu
U okviru #hrzz projekta "MODENAR – Modeli naručiteljstva. Naručitelji, umjetnici i publika u Zagrebu u 17. i dugom 18. stoljeću" voditeljice prof. dr. sc. Dubravka Botica s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb tijekom proljeća i jeseni održat će se ciklus predavanja pod nazivom "O umjetničkoj baštini i naručiteljima u 17. i. 18. stoljeću u Zagrebu". Predavanja će se održavati u Muzeju grada Zagreba (Opatička 20), a prvo je na rasporedu 27. ožujka. Raspored svih predavanja dostupan je na: