Arhitektonski studio Križnjak

Arhitektonski studio Križnjak

Architecture and Planning

Team of architects and designers with 20 years of experience and international acknowledgement of its work.

About us

Arhitektonski studio Križnjak čini tim arhitekata i dizajnera sa 20-godišnjim iskustvom i međunarodnim priznanjima za svoj rad. Iza sebe imaju velik broj realizacija u uređenju interijera te projektima stambene, poslovne, turističke i javne namjene. Savjestan, odgovoran i individualan pristup karakterizira rad ureda koji klijentima nudi široku paletu usluga: pripremu kompletne dokumentacije, ishođenje dozvola, idejne, glavne i izvedbene projekte te nadzor u izvođenju radova. Projekti poput stambenih zgrada, obiteljskih kuća, sakralnih i industrijskih objekata te zanimljivih interijera stambenih i poslovnih prostora samo su dio opusa Arhitektonskog studija Križnjak. //Architectural Studio Križnjak is a team made up of architects and designers with 17 years of experience and international acknowledgement of its work. They got a multitude of completed projects in interior design, housing, commercial, tourist, and public facilities. Distinguished by careful, responsible and individual approach, the office provides its clients an extensive range of services: preparing the complete documentation, license obtaining, concept design, master projects, and detailed execution design, as well as building works supervision. Projects such as residential blocks, family homes, religious and industrial buildings or interesting interior design of living space and business premises are just a part of the opus of the Architectural Studio Križnjak.//

Architecture and Planning
Company size
2-10 employees
Privately Held
planning, interior design, construction support, urban design, supervision, residential building design, cultural building design, corporate building design, academic building design, architecture, and industrial building design


Employees at Arhitektonski studio Križnjak


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